Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Kyle Rittenhouse: 'killer off our campus'

These ones.
According to cellphone footage, a group of people followed Rittenhouse, yelling “Beat him up!” and “Hey, he shot him!” The teenager continued running, tripped, and then fell to the ground — from where he fired four shots.

Apart from the rounds which killed or injured his victims.
The military is being turned into wierdo acres. And judging how Kyle handled Himself, He is disciplined and His Judgement was accurate as His aim.
The retards at that Arizona school are lacking both good judgement and accurate thinking, having replaced it with deluded emotionalism.

The Marine Corps turned Rittenhouse down. He's an immature HS drop out who took a weapon to a protest and broke curfew.
All of those students need their asses kicked. But more so than that, their parents need their asses kicked for raising such soft, weak, pussified little hateful and racist cowardly fucks.
All of those students need their asses kicked. But more so than that, their parents need their asses kicked for raising such soft, weak, pussified little hateful and racist cowardly fucks.

Rittenhouse lied. He is not a student at Arizona State. He's taking preregistration online courses.
Rittenhouse is a killer – that he wasn’t convicted of murder doesn’t change that fact.
That you can’t deal with the fact that Rittenhouse killed Leftist looters and arsonists with long rap sheets of pedophilia and assault while defending himself, doesn’t change the fact that he was found innocent of murder because he was defending himself of the Biden voting animals.

interesting that you’re defending the right for violent pedophiles and rapists to loot, commit arson and attack residents of Kenosha…this is what the Left stands for. Mayhem.
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Well, here you go:

"The Arizona State University Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and MECHA de ASU are all calling on the Arizona State University administration to take action against Rittenhouse by withdrawing him from the university and releasing a statement against him."

Bunch of commies.
I don't know about any of you, but when I was in college, anybody belonging to an organization called the Texas A&M University Students for Socialism would have been justifiably beat to death.

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