arguing with a JW about eternal Hell


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
This is the way my arguments with JWs usually go

jw: there is no Hell, just the common grave

me That's not what the Bible says

jw: y'all have a fake Bible

me No we don't, except that some versions aren't the best. But I have one that is non-interpretative, the Douay Rheims

jw Doesn't matter, there is not hell, just the common grave.

me It says clearly in Mt 25:31 that all those who do not treat Christians as they would Jesus (paraphrase) "will go off into eternal punishment." You can't change the words of Scripture..

jw Doesn't matter, there is no hell, just the common grave. Jesus didn't mean Eternal punishment.. No one is punished forever..

me But is says right here in Mt 25:31 and other places..

jw Doesn't matter There is no hell, just the common grave..

me Um... Otay.. i have to go fix dinner now..
Ask em if Jehovah died.
Then keep em on chapter 1 on the Book of Revelations
ok, you may need to explain. I hav read Revelation (and the whole Bible), but cannot recall just now how Ch 1 goes..

I always like to mention Mt 25:31 since they claim to go by the Bible so much and others like Catholics of course do not... yet there it is in black and white in every Bible I've ever read (which number is not inconsiderable)

"These will go off into eternal punishment"

seems pretty clear to me... i dunno... maybe I am an idiot... I did support Trump, ya know... still do.. been called an idiot for that..

Make American More Idiotic

This is the way my arguments with JWs usually go

jw: there is no Hell, just the common grave

me That's not what the Bible says

jw: y'all have a fake Bible

me No we don't, except that some versions aren't the best. But I have one that is non-interpretative, the Douay Rheims

jw Doesn't matter, there is not hell, just the common grave.

me It says clearly in Mt 25:31 that all those who do not treat Christians as they would Jesus (paraphrase) "will go off into eternal punishment." You can't change the words of Scripture..

jw Doesn't matter, there is no hell, just the common grave. Jesus didn't mean Eternal punishment.. No one is punished forever..

me But is says right here in Mt 25:31 and other places..

jw Doesn't matter There is no hell, just the common grave..

me Um... Otay.. i have to go fix dinner now..
A JW is a brain washed member of the Jehovah Witnesses cult.
I don't even move on to another topic w/ these folks

I jusst tell them I have to go cut my toenails or something
This is the way my arguments with JWs usually go

jw: there is no Hell, just the common grave

me That's not what the Bible says

jw: y'all have a fake Bible

me No we don't, except that some versions aren't the best. But I have one that is non-interpretative, the Douay Rheims

jw Doesn't matter, there is not hell, just the common grave.

me It says clearly in Mt 25:31 that all those who do not treat Christians as they would Jesus (paraphrase) "will go off into eternal punishment." You can't change the words of Scripture..

jw Doesn't matter, there is no hell, just the common grave. Jesus didn't mean Eternal punishment.. No one is punished forever..

me But is says right here in Mt 25:31 and other places..

jw Doesn't matter There is no hell, just the common grave..

me Um... Otay.. i have to go fix dinner now..
Did you mean Mt 25:41?

'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'​

If the fire is eternal, how could it have been prepared? Did it have a beginning or didn't it?
Did you mean Mt 25:41?

'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'​

If the fire is eternal, how could it have been prepared? Did it have a beginning or didn't it?
Eternal can simply mean no end.
Some questions about Hell. When did God create it? Was it before He created Humans, or after? Before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, or after? These speak to God's motivations about this project.
Did you mean Mt 25:41?

'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.'​

If the fire is eternal, how could it have been prepared? Did it have a beginning or didn't it?
sounds like nitpicking... why don't u go to a RCIA held at most Catholic Churches Sept through Easter... you don't seem to listen to Catholics here @ the forums... well, I don't know about you but just protestants generally
Some questions about Hell. When did God create it? Was it before He created Humans, or after? Before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, or after? These speak to God's motivations about this project.
I would assume it was created when Lucifer revolted and ws cast out of Heaven
So why wasn't God honest with Adam? "And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” ( Gen 2 16,17 ) Shouldn't God have said '...for when you eat from it you will certainly burn in Hell forever'?
So why wasn't God honest with Adam? "And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” ( Gen 2 16,17 ) Shouldn't God have said '...for when you eat from it you will certainly burn in Hell forever'?
To Israel, death was condemnation, not always the arrest of biological functions. Death was to worship idols, or to borrow from the verbiage of the text, to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which was knowledge of things adversarial to God, rather than to eat of the tree of life, which was from God, which was all that man needed for his physical, emotional, and spiritual happiness. Knowledge of sin is what killed man (Adam), or alienated him from God.
sounds like nitpicking... why don't u go to a RCIA held at most Catholic Churches Sept through Easter... you don't seem to listen to Catholics here @ the forums... well, I don't know about you but just protestants generally
I don't really listen to Protestants, either. Occasionally I'll watch a televangelist if I'm in the mood for comedy.
I don't really listen to Protestants, either. Occasionally I'll watch a televangelist if I'm in the mood for comedy.

I have so little spare time that I don't even watch for comedy

but in the past.. I have watched.. Benny Hinn and others.. From what i have seen/heard about Olsteen... couldn't watch him for ANY reason... but I can't say I know a ton about him... just what I've heard..

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