Aren't Blacks Tired Of Being Manipulated? The Last Several Elections Prove More And More Are Coming Around


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015


Racial Prejudice Manipulation....


“Some people thought just because we had a Black president, he was going to make things better for Black people — he was going to free Black prisoners, wipe out Black debt. That was just ignorance. But the disappointment some of us felt with Obama — more so with the Democratic Party —that was real. And it hasn’t gone away."

"If Democrats want people to vote, party leaders need to listen to why people are angry."
- Part of the reason the Democrats lost was because they did not listen, had not listened in decades...Trump did....and he delivered:

Lowest Black unemployment in US history
Lowest Latino unemployment in US history
Lowest Asian unemployment in US history
Lowest Women's unemployment in US history
Lowest Young Adult unemployment in US history
Most Americans working at 1 time
More Jobs, Higher Pay, Bonuses, Raises, and More opportunities
Joe Biden began dismantling,, destroying, all of that in his 1st HOURS as President

Democrats wiped out more than 50% of black-owned small businesses through their oppressive, hypocritical virus mandates

Democrats destroyed communities, causing BILLIONS of dollars in damage, by bussing in violent, activist liberal extremists from outside of these communities who then initiated looting and violence, who attacked police, destroyed property, and burned businesses to the ground before getting back on their buses and going back to where they live. Minorities in these cities lost their businesses, watched corporations and big stores leave due to the violence, never to return, leaving these communities without local stores where they could shop.

Democrats have supported and funded domestic terrorists who have burned businesses and churches alike.

None of that violence, death, and destruction has caused any meaningful change....that's because violence and hate divides, which is why Liberal extremists are fighting so hard to teach our children to hate each other and to hate our nation through CRT.

OBTW, a reminder....


Bill, Hilary, Biden, Pelosi, and the other Democrats who received campaign contributions from Trump never believed he was / accused him of being a racist at the time.

They love being manipulated and reliant on the left and Democrats.

It removes all accountability for their behaviours and their ills.

It's like one big protective life-jacket for them to go through life with.

Not able to get a job on your own merits? no problems - he's some affirmative action schemes to use.
Not intelligent enough to get into college or can't afford it? - he's a scholarship.
Don't like a statue, name of a building or street because your Grandparent 200-years ago might have been a slave? - allow us to knock it down/tear it up/remove it or rename it.

and for everything else there's so-called systemic racism.

One big get out of jail free card to make them devoid of any form of personal responsibility because of self-loathing, self-flagellation white guilt.
You almost have to laugh at the democrat party policies when they actually claim that Black people are mostly impacted by making a photo I.D. mandatory for voting. What does it mean? It means that democrats still behave as if Blacks exist on a benevolent plantation where they have to be cared for in order to produce a valuable commodity which isn't cotton anymore but something more valuable, guaranteed votes for democrats. It's embarrassing and degrading and Black folks need to rise above the plantation mentality.
Blacks have been manipulated by conservative whites since the end of the civil war. Now that the conservative whites belong to the republican party they think we are stupid enough to allow it to continue.
Most of the conservatives are actually so dumb that they buy it themselves. lol Imagine thinking that slave owning, tax hating, immigrant hating rural southerners are the spiritual ancestors of modern liberals. hahaha
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You must really hate yourself to lie to yourself and believe yourself. Conservatives don’t just hate others they apparently hate themselves. What a sick bunch of morons.
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Racial Prejudice Manipulation....

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“Some people thought just because we had a Black president, he was going to make things better for Black people — he was going to free Black prisoners, wipe out Black debt. That was just ignorance. But the disappointment some of us felt with Obama — more so with the Democratic Party —that was real. And it hasn’t gone away."

"If Democrats want people to vote, party leaders need to listen to why people are angry."
- Part of the reason the Democrats lost was because they did not listen, had not listened in decades...Trump did....and he delivered:

Lowest Black unemployment in US history
Lowest Latino unemployment in US history
Lowest Asian unemployment in US history
Lowest Women's unemployment in US history
Lowest Young Adult unemployment in US history
Most Americans working at 1 time
More Jobs, Higher Pay, Bonuses, Raises, and More opportunities
Joe Biden began dismantling,, destroying, all of that in his 1st HOURS as President

Democrats wiped out more than 50% of black-owned small businesses through their oppressive, hypocritical virus mandates

Democrats destroyed communities, causing BILLIONS of dollars in damage, by bussing in violent, activist liberal extremists from outside of these communities who then initiated looting and violence, who attacked police, destroyed property, and burned businesses to the ground before getting back on their buses and going back to where they live. Minorities in these cities lost their businesses, watched corporations and big stores leave due to the violence, never to return, leaving these communities without local stores where they could shop.

Democrats have supported and funded domestic terrorists who have burned businesses and churches alike.

None of that violence, death, and destruction has caused any meaningful change....that's because violence and hate divides, which is why Liberal extremists are fighting so hard to teach our children to hate each other and to hate our nation through CRT.

OBTW, a reminder....

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Bill, Hilary, Biden, Pelosi, and the other Democrats who received campaign contributions from Trump never believed he was / accused him of being a racist at the time.

Wow, maybe they are too dumb to get an ID.
Blacks have been manipulated by conservative whites since the end of the civil war. Now that the conservative whites belong to the republican party they think we are stupid enough to allow it to continue.
How have blacks been manipulated by conservatives / Republicans?

Democrats running for state or national office aspire to win black votes without appearing to be beholden to black voters. This is especially true of the three Democratic presidents since Kennedy and Johnson. Black support was crucial to the elections of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton (each received more than 80 percent of black votes), but both distanced themselves from policies that might seem to disproportionately help black people. Urban League Director Vernon Jordan outlined his concerns a year into Carter’s presidency: “We have no full employment policy. We have no welfare reform policy. We have no national health policy. We have no urban revitalization policy. We have no aggressive affirmative action policy. We have no solutions to the grinding problems of poverty and discrimination.”

When Bill Clinton and the “New Democrats” emerged victorious in the 1990s, thanks in large part to 83 percent support from black voters in 1992 and 84 percent in 1996, they adopted policies, such as welfare reform (the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996) and a crime bill (the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994) that proved ruinous for many black Americans. “It is difficult to overstate the damage that’s been done,” the legal scholar Michelle Alexander noted recently of Clinton’s presidency. “Generations have been lost to the prison system; countless families have been torn apart or rendered homeless; and a school-to-prison pipeline has been born that shuttles young people from their decrepit, underfunded schools to brand-new high-tech prisons.” Clinton acknowledged last year that the crime bill “cast too wide a net” and made the problem of mass incarceration worse.

More recently, as more groups—evangelicals, gays and lesbians, and gun owners, among them—lobby for specific policies, black voters have seen their interests deemed too “special” for consideration by a democratic administration. President Obama has felt the pressure to connect with black voters while distancing himself from black interests. Although his signature accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act, will surely benefit black Americans, he has been reluctant to endorse policies that cannot be pitched as universal. In a 2012 interview with Black Enterprise Magazine he said, “I want all Americans to have opportunity. I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”

Even the 1st black President of the United states did not champion causes for blacks, basically doing NOTHING for them...and if the 1st Black Democrat President refuses to help black Americans who in the old, rich, white, self-serving, racist Democrat Party would / will do so?

Again, under President Donald Trump, the black unemployment rate was the lowest in US history - that's not only better than Barry and any other Democrat president, it was better than every US President in history.

Under Trump more blacks had jobs, had better paying jobs - higher salaries, raises, bonuses, and more opportunity to achieve higher positions in the companies they worked for.

MILLIONS of blacks finally were able to come off of welfare, unemployment, and food stamps - were able to escape the Democrat 'plantation' and their policies of 'economic slavery'. More blacks opened up their own businesses than they had in years...and saw prosperity....

Once they had taken back power Democrats wielded their newly-acquired power to reverse all of the successes experienced / enjoyed under President Trump - as mentioned, Democrat Party tyrants used the pandemic to impose crushing, financially-devastating edicts, many of which the USSC later deemed Un-Constitutional, to wipe out over 50% of those new black / minority-owned small businesses, to force companies to lay off all of those workers who had been part of the record-setting low unemployment rate.

Through policies and edicts that violated both Constitutional and civil rights Democrats drove the millions of Americans who had escaped the Democrat plantations and policies of economic slavery right back onto Welfare, unemployment, and food stamps.

Blacks are far worse off now than they were under President Trump, and all of the economic statistics prove so.

Due to the massive division they have engaged in the nation has never been more divided.

While adding record-setting deficit, in the midst of inflation, the throes of the still on-going pandemic, and oppressive failed policies of Biden and the Democrats (open Borders letting in thousands of virus-infected illegals daily, threats of more lockdowns for Average Americans while Democrat 'royalty' like Obama parties unmasked with hundreds of rich liberals, etc...Democrats continue to ignore the needs of the people they are supposed to represent and continue to work towards achieving goals that will help them and their party.

All Americans, not just minorities / blacks are worse off today under Biden.
The man snowflakes - especially black ones - defend and support is the same white, wealthy elitist Democrats responsible for the disastrous law enforcement bill, is the same guy who called black men 'predators', who declared Obama was "the first mainstream African-American" and that finding a black man who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy' is so unheard of that 'that's a storybook', the same guy who said blacks aren't as diverse as Latinos, and that, 'If you ain't voting for me you ain't black'...

After decades of supporting Democrats and nothing improving...until President Trump helped blacks succeed more than any other President in history, and then Democrats have wiped all of that away after taking over...well, as the saying goes, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'.
I also want to say I've never seen a liberal troll on this forum sink to calling black people negros and monkeys. Can't say the same for conservatives. Must be a coincidence.
I also want to say I've never seen a liberal troll on this forum sink to calling black people negros and monkeys. Can't say the same for conservatives. Must be a coincidence.
Unfortunately I have seen far to many conservatives 'racist' based on the actions of several anonymous posters who claim to be conservatives. It takes a special kind of stupid to do that.
You almost have to laugh at the democrat party policies when they actually claim that Black people are mostly impacted by making a photo I.D. mandatory for voting. What does it mean? It means that democrats still behave as if Blacks exist on a benevolent plantation where they have to be cared for in order to produce a valuable commodity which isn't cotton anymore but something more valuable, guaranteed votes for democrats. It's embarrassing and degrading and Black folks need to rise above the plantation mentality.
And yet Dems demand photo ID and other additional forms of ID for basic things like getting a state fishing license. Win some state lotto money, bam photo ID required so the state can get their income tax cut. Dems talk out of both sides of their mouths.
The last 4 Republican presidential and VP nominees are all hated by today's so-called "conservatives" --- its almost as if they were manipulated into voting for them...or today's Conservatives are just full of shit......hmmmm....

But we can all agree that if any darkies voted for any of these Republicans -- they were just being smart and not on the Democrat plantation and stuff...
And yet Dems demand photo ID and other additional forms of ID for basic things like getting a state fishing license. Win some state lotto money, bam photo ID required so the state can get their income tax cut. Dems talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Case In Point: They support and want to mandate carrying around a COVID-19 Vaccine Passport, but voter ID is 'racist'.

You can't make this shit up...and you can't fix stupid.
Case In Point: They support and want to mandate carrying around a COVID-19 Vaccine Passport, but voter ID is 'racist'.

You can't make this shit up...and you can't fix stupid.
But when we point out this BS Dems just laugh and go right on spewing the narrative. The ONLY justification for opposing voter ID is it would keep Dems from cheating and ballot box stuffing.
Blacks have been manipulated by conservative whites since the end of the civil war. Now that the conservative whites belong to the republican party they think we are stupid enough to allow it to continue.
Which candidate told blacks if you don’t vote for him you aren’t black?
I also want to say I've never seen a liberal troll on this forum sink to calling black people negros and monkeys. Can't say the same for conservatives. Must be a coincidence.
I’ve seen Dimwingers elect a President who said he opposed bussing because he didn’t want his kids growing up in “a racial jungle”.
Minorities are seeing that the Party of the Klan has done nothing but hold them back, destroyed their neighborhoods, and locked up their children

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