Are you part of the Climate cult?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I am adding to the 5 existing topics where I join others in calling BS to the Climate alarmists.
My would't it be cool to join the cult that claims man controls climate? What you ask? Who claims man controls climate? The alarmists claim man controls climate. And they keep making statements blaming man for climate.
Note from me. Folks, honestly, if I believed you control climate, or can do that, and due to acts by you, climate will be our ruin, I would happily join the alarmists. I do not think for even a fraction of a second that humans can control climate.
So let's check the other side.

I am adding to the 5 existing topics where I join others in calling BS to the Climate alarmists.
Whatever the 5 topics are to you, they will be your issues that make up your political divide.

And the political divide in America is the basis on which Americans will murder other Americans in the event of the hate escalating to the critical point.

What are yours?
Here's some popular suggestions:
1. Racism
2. abortion
3. gun control
4. ..............................
5. .............................

( issues vary but the first three seem to be decided.

So what are yours?
Time for some truth about the Earth Climate Change, especially that Co2 has NOTHING to do with it...

and the truth of the DATA, we have 2 and only 2 measures of ATMOSPHERIC temp data, and both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

The only "warming" caused by increased atmospheric Co2 is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD
Time for some truth about the Earth Climate Change, especially that Co2 has NOTHING to do with it...

and the truth of the DATA, we have 2 and only 2 measures of ATMOSPHERIC temp data, and both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

The only "warming" caused by increased atmospheric Co2 is 100% pure FUDGED FRAUD
4. Climate change.

Your track record seems to show that to be one of your 'political divide' issues that will motivate you to murdering fellow Americans that disagree with your politics.

You identify mostly with the climate change issue.
4. Climate change.

Your track record seems to show that to be one of your 'political divide' issues that will motivate you to murdering fellow Americans that disagree with your politics.

You identify mostly with the climate change issue.

Translation - Donald H cannot refute one word of that post, and it is he who is murderously mad about it....
I am adding to the 5 existing topics where I join others in calling BS to the Climate alarmists.
My would't it be cool to join the cult that claims man controls climate? What you ask? Who claims man controls climate? The alarmists claim man controls climate. And they keep making statements blaming man for climate.
Note from me. Folks, honestly, if I believed you control climate, or can do that, and due to acts by you, climate will be our ruin, I would happily join the alarmists. I do not think for even a fraction of a second that humans can control climate.
So let's check the other side.

We influence (not control) everything else, why not the climate? Also, climate is a lagging indicator, ocean temps tell the story.
We influence (not control) everything else, why not the climate?

Yes, we could alter the climate if the US, Russia, and China all detonated all nukes at the same time....

But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that Co2 has anything to do with Earth climate change, ZERO.
Yes, we could alter the climate if the US, Russia, and China all detonated all nukes at the same time....

But there is ZERO EVIDENCE that Co2 has anything to do with Earth climate change, ZERO.
I think rising ocean temps are the culprit. If we could just lower ocean temps I think we would be ok.
I think rising ocean temps are the culprit. If we could just lower ocean temps I think we would be ok.

If ocean temps were actually rising, which they are not, there would be a breakout in cane activity, and there has not been.

"warmest ever ocean temps" = DUD of cane season.



Canes are directly correlated with ocean temps. The strongest decade on record is still the 1940s...

If ocean temps were actually rising, which they are not, there would be a breakout in cane activity, and there has not been.

"warmest ever ocean temps" = DUD of cane season.



Canes are directly correlated with ocean temps. The strongest decade on record is still the 1940s...

Not sure that is a valid indicator. I'd trust the thermometer.
Not sure that is a valid indicator. I'd trust the thermometer.


So oceans are "warming" and canes are not increasing....


from Google..

The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form or will weaken rapidly once they move over water below this threshold.


Ocean temps are "rising" I tell you, never mind there is NO INCREASE IN CANES....

What you call a "thermometer" may not be how your "ocean temps" were determined... Do you understand the difference between DATA and FUDGE?

So oceans are "warming" and canes are not increasing....


from Google..

The first condition is that ocean waters must be above 26 degrees Celsius (79 degrees Fahrenheit). Below this threshold temperature, hurricanes will not form or will weaken rapidly once they move over water below this threshold.


Ocean temps are "rising" I tell you, never mind there is NO INCREASE IN CANES....

What you call a "thermometer" may not be how your "ocean temps" were determined... Do you understand the difference between DATA and FUDGE?
I know that the weather is going bonkers. :omg:
I know that the weather is going bonkers. :omg:

You have NO EVIDENCE that "the weather" is really any different. The only "difference" is that every weather "event" is blamed on "climate change" by the media...
You have NO EVIDENCE that "the weather" is really any different. The only "difference" is that every weather "event" is blamed on "climate change" by the media...
I dunno. I think somethings brewing out there.
Used to be back in the late '80s....Then I set out to debunk the debunkers....Found out that they're right and the Goebbels warming loons are, well, loons.
For the statist left the CC/GW agenda is a back door attempt @ anchoring a one world without borders marxist global nightmare. Excellent call on your part Oddball! I first became aware of the enviro concerns in 1969/70 during my senior high year. Back then it was all about a glow-ball ice age(see #3 on below list). #1on the list started being preached clear back in the 1950's along with over population by the statist left. I NEVER heard of #2 on the list @ least from what I can remember. Around the early 80's the statist left officially switched to glow-ball warming due to the sheer amount of heckling they were receiving from the general public about their failed predictions about glow-ball cooling.

The killer bees, hurricanes, nitrogen(fertilizer)scare, dead sea life, ozone scare, radon scare, petroleum shortage(crude is abiotic)scare, among God only knows how many other scares the statist left has dreamed up, I lived through all listed in the below list of fraud/scares(& more) from the statist left, & SURVIVED as did everyone else. The statist left are $ales people meaning they will sell ANYTHING that may get them ever more power & control over people. "Statist left, don't leave sanity without them!"

Whatever the 5 topics are to you, they will be your issues that make up your political divide.

And the political divide in America is the basis on which Americans will murder other Americans in the event of the hate escalating to the critical point.

What are yours?
Here's some popular suggestions:
1. Racism
2. abortion
3. gun control
4. ..............................
5. .............................

( issues vary but the first three seem to be decided.

So what are yours?
#4) Illegal aliens.

#5) Corrupt politician$.

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