Are You a White Nationalist or Hispanic nationalist or........

I'm an American nationalist. I support my country and all of its citizens.

Is that BS to you?
I don't care what race, or creed, or hair color they are.

so if they are all from Gambia, don't read or write, and don't like our culture that is fine with you????????????? WHY??????????????

Because - if all that is true, then the only possible reason they are here is to bleed the welfare state. And that's a good thing. The sooner it's decimated the better.

its bleeding now but it will never be fully decimated . Why would you want that anyway?
Nope. We admit 1,000,000 people per year. That's enough.

I see, so you do want to preserve our White European culture and feel no anti racist obligation to be overrun with Gambians or Mexicans??

I want to preserve AMERICAN culture. Which is inclusive so long as the newcomers abide by the principle that your Rights end at my nose. I am Native American. My culture has been destroyed by the white culture. I would like to see BOTH cultures living in harmony together. Which means I would like to see ALL cultures living in harmony together.
WASP culture built the philosophy and the major scientific and economic advances that built this country; if the idiots who think they can tear it down and kill off the 'Evul Whites' and still have all that stuff they think they will 'win' succeed in their ethnic cleansing agenda, they will quickly find themselves in the same type of 'utopia' they want to leave behind in South America and Africa. Your 'future' will be the same as the average Red Chinese peasant; study them and their 'lifestyles' carefully, because you will be them soon. Democrats are bought and paid for by Wall Street, and Wall Street loves the Red Chinese economic and government model, not the WASP cultural foundations of law and market economies, imperfect as they have been and like all human endeavors will continue to be. Tossing out the baby with the bath water is just another form of insanity,as is crying over WASP culture's obvious superiority over latino and African cultures. Learn from the winners instead of adopting the infantile jealousy of the chronic losers.
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don't like our culture that is fine with you????????????? WHY??????????????

Everyone likes our culture ...

I want to preserve AMERICAN culture. .
So you want a wall stop Hispanics from overrunning, diluting and destroying American culture?

Nope. Mexican culture is no better or worse than MY culture. The United States is a bringing together of any culture that wants to live in a country where they can celebrate their history, heroes, and cultural norms.

They agree however to not interfere with other Americans celebrating THEIR cultures as well.

I do however support a wall to defend the SOVEREIGNTY of this country.

Your attempt to troll is pathetic.
I'm a Texan, born in Fort Worth to Texans whose Irish ancestors here date back to the mid 1800's in Texas, NC before that and American whose family lore dates even further back to Osage Indians- I served in the Navy for 3 years 8 mos and 10 days (May 65 Dec 68)-I LOVE the concept of America, Individual rights, Liberty and Justice for all- I despise national anything as the original idea was sovereign states coming together to form a more perfect union for good reason- not the excuses used today to divide and conquer to keep subservient to the District of Criminals-
I'm white, I love my country and am PROUD of it. Am I racist? Not a chance.
So you want a wall to preserve the country you love???
Its about men and women assimilating into the unique American culture. A culture that has been developed over the hundreds of years. The American government has opened and closed the spigot of immigration as needed. Except since the 1960's. Its been wide open and tens of millions of illegals are here also. This has become very political for party dominance when it was not before. Every immigration era before this had no social programs. To many people coming in means that assimilation can not occur fast enough to accomadate all. Prejudices are slow to disappear in this world. There is a feeling from man American citizens that newcomers are trying to bring in the type of government that they fled. A major party is trying to do this. We are already half a socialist nation and many do not seem to want to pay for it as it is. There is nothing wrong with compassion and empathy. There is with being a sucker. The problem is that citizens can not question this anymore. For the howls of injustice and hate comes up even if they themselves are affected to a degree. Truth is, the Western hemisphere is due for a major war. Its been peaceful for to long. To much poverty exists and a culling of the population is needed. But who wants to die? It seems our hemisphere has not been good stewards of the envious location we have in the world. Perhaps living more responsibly would mean a better life for the citizens of the various nations.
Mexican culture is no better or worse than MY culture

Mexican, as well as Greek, Irish, Jewish, African, and various Asian cultures are ALL part of my culture as well.


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