Are you a big eater?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Do you eat a lot? Or like huge meals? Snack often?

I used to have a pretty good appetite until I turned 60. Now I eat like a 3 year old. Usually 1 good meal a day (breakfast) and not much else. Hubby thinks I am starving myself. I'm not. Just not hungry much any more and not much fills me up.

So..I just wondered if others got that way.
I can be. Used to be able to eat 3+ plates of food in a sitting. Then the food allergies hit, so everything processed was out. Started eating veggies and stuff, but it's not that tasty, so hunger was a recurring theme. Now I've started juicing for the last two days. I had just one tiny plate of mashed potatoes, a pork chop, and some broccoli, and felt like I ate a great amount. Funny how the stomach shrinks back over time.
I had one meal today. 1 small corn enchilada. Thats it. And I am not hungry even though that meal was after my face got un numb from the dentist visit today...around 3pm-ish.

Seems the older I get the less I want.
I'm not 60 yet, but I've started eating like a three-year-old, too. So I've started tucking napkins into my collar.

But also, yea, the older I get, the more money I waste at buffets.
I had one meal today. 1 small corn enchilada. Thats it. And I am not hungry even though that meal was after my face got un numb from the dentist visit today...around 3pm-ish.

Seems the older I get the less I want.

This is not healthy. I make sure I get a variety of protein, starch, fiber, fruit, dairy, fat and vegetables, especially vegetables, every day. Not huge meals, but enough food to provide the protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals to keep myself healthy. Food is not evil. Food is life. Right now I'm having breakfast. I'm having whole wheat bread with sesame and flax seeds, yogurt with fruit, and coffee with low fat milk. It's not a big meal, but it has complex carbs, fruit, and low fat dairy.
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Just not hungry, esmeralda. I get my vitamins from Ensure..which I drink with my breakfast. I snack sometimes...maybe half an apple or half a banana...sometimes I have a salad instead of dinner. Nothing tastes good. And I just can't get myself to eat. Except breakfast. I LOVE breakfast!
Just not hungry, esmeralda. I get my vitamins from Ensure..which I drink with my breakfast. I snack sometimes...maybe half an apple or half a banana...sometimes I have a salad instead of dinner. Nothing tastes good. And I just can't get myself to eat. Except breakfast. I LOVE breakfast!

Have you talked to a doctor about your lack of appetite? It may be a symptom of something serious. I take a high quality vitamin every day too, but I don't believe drinking Ensure or taking a vitamin is enough, you need a healthy diet.
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Nah. I hate doctors, lol.

Well, I understand that. I hate going to the doctor but mainly because it is such a pain and a hassle. But if it has to do with a long term illness, you should make the effort. Do some internet research about this lack of appetite thing; see if it is a symptom of something or if it is just natural for some people over 60.
I think it is just natural for older folks. Ever see a really FAT old person?
I think it is just natural for older folks. Ever see a really FAT old person?

You are only 60. Yes, I have seen a lot of obese people who are 60 or around that age. Loss of appetite, as far as I know, is somewhat typical for very elderly adults, like late 70s or 80s. You are nowhere near that. It could be depression. I would first do some internet research, then talk to a doctor. Follow the Mediterranean diet: it is believed to be the most healthful diet in the world:

I think it is just natural for older folks. Ever see a really FAT old person?

You are only 60. Yes, I have seen a lot of obese people who are 60 or around that age. Loss of appetite, as far as I know, is somewhat typical for very elderly adults, like late 70s or 80s. You are nowhere near that. It could be depression. I would first do some internet research, then talk to a doctor. Follow the Mediterranean diet: it is believed to be the most healthful diet in the world:


i beleive eating right is so critical to overall health. peopel eat way too much processed foods and refined sugars. these are definite causes of health problems. So much of what we need is stripped out of the foods we eat these days. plus all the additive we get we don't need
I eat high protein and high fiber all the time, so my blood sugar is stable and I have few cravings and I don't binge. If I snack it's a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese. I don't do midnight snacks. I eat eggs pretty much every day. An egg is the perfect food.

The only time I may eat big is on a special occasion, when the rules are relaxed.
I eat high protein and high fiber all the time, so my blood sugar is stable and I have few cravings and I don't binge. If I snack it's a handful of nuts or a piece of cheese. I don't do midnight snacks. I eat eggs pretty much every day. An egg is the perfect food.

The only time I may eat big is on a special occasion, when the rules are relaxed.

i usually have oatmeal, yogurt and fruit for breakfast. eggs on the weekend. lunch is either a salad or chicken /fish. dinner is usually fish/chicken, brown rice/potato and a vegetable. i don;t really eat any sweets.
yep , protein for me , lots of eggs , meat , fish , egg whites plus lots of vegetables , salads . Very little bread , some grains , I look forward to eating .
I eat around 3,000 calories a day, spread over five or six meals, always with protein. I am also very physically active.

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