Are we going to go through another “Terror Threat Level” alert situation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Folks take a look at the picture above. You remember that from about 20 years ago? It seems like some people want this nonsense to come back.

Ah the threat of nameless and faceless enemies. It’s the kind of thing that brought us the “patriot act.” is the kind of things that great Americans like Dwight Eisenhower would be looking down from heaven, saying …what in the world is America Doing. Look at what this country has become all the airport security checks, the massive security in the schools. None of that existed in the 1950s you know when we had a much better economy for all Americans and a much safer country.

Today The middle class in America has been shot, and that should be the number one concern to bring back the American middle class. Enough of this nonsense about events in the Middle East that do not affect us.

President Biden is saying that we need to stand by Israel and stand up to Russia. What’s going on here? We were not attacked by Palestine they don’t even have a gosh darn Air Force. We were not attacked by Russia. But now all of a sudden because there was a conflict in IsraelPalestine we have people in the government trying to tell us that we are now in danger bc of that situation …..

There’s all sorts of conflicts raging in Africa, and one in Armenia. But for whatever reason this thing in Israel has been made into an American issue, which makes absolutely no sense.

Isn’t that interesting? How about all the babies and young children killed by gangbangers across the country every day. How about the hundred thousand Americans dying each year from drugs brought over the border. The constant gang warfare in America, people getting kidnapped and sexually abused right here in America. Isn’t that a danger??? How about walking out any day of the week in Chicago or LA, or San Francisco and how about the danger that our fellow Americans face who live in the inner cities, some of them have been robbed multiple times in their life.

Oh but fear Hamas and Hezbollah infiltrating America. It’s a “threat “…no that’s a Middle Eastern situation.

The bottom line is that if somebody attacks America, you must go after them. We cannot be afraid of some bogeyman that doesn’t exist. How about having a common sense approach we have many major problems in America. We must fix those before creating a false enemy.
When the threat level is raised it's done by relying on intelligence that is usually sound.

However, there may not be any precautions that can be taken by Americans to deal with the threat warning appropriately.

Both sides will have become much more sophisticated on how they go about their business.

This warning is likely made necessary by the calls of 'death to America' throughout the world. Has America's actions become more or less agregious than it's actions that led to 911?

One thing for sure, there's no sense in upsetting lifestyles by avoiding tall buildings.
When the threat level is raised it's done by relying on intelligence that is usually sound.

However, there may not be any precautions that can be taken by Americans to deal with the threat warning appropriately.

Both sides will have become much more sophisticated on how they go about their business.

This warning is likely made necessary by the calls of 'death to America' throughout the world. Has America's actions become more or less agregious than it's actions that led to 911?

One thing for sure, there's no sense in upsetting lifestyles by avoiding tall buildings.
Well, recall that we haven’t seen that type of thing(terror threat alert), for years here in America. Now all of a sudden it might become an issue?

There have always been anti-Americans. Those death chants to America from Iran have been occurring since 1979. We don’t have the media scaring us with terror threat levels yet, but it might become an issue in the future.

What about the crimes committed every day in America. You know that we have Crimewaves across cities in this country, crimes that have nothing to do with the Middle East.

Many people in America are afraid to go for a walk at night in a major city. So that’s a problem right there to confront.

As for a foreign threat to America, we should have a common sense approach. Definitely be on guard, but there’s no reason to overdo things that’s the entire point.
Well, recall that we haven’t seen that type of thing(terror threat alert), for years here in America. Now all of a sudden it might become an issue?

There have always been anti-Americans. Those death chants to America from Iran have been occurring since 1979. We don’t have the media scaring us with terror threat levels yet, but it might become an issue in the future.

What about the crimes committed every day in America. You know that we have Crimewaves across cities in this country, crimes that have nothing to do with the Middle East.

Many people in America are afraid to go for a walk at night in a major city. So that’s a problem right there to confront.

As for a foreign threat to America, we should have a common sense approach. Definitely be on guard, but there’s no reason to overdo things that’s the entire point.
I wasn't suggesting the type ot threat on a woman out walking her dog after dinner. That threat is America in the background and doesn't vary much due to increased foreign policy aggression. You must know the difference between that and a dirty bomb in some large city.

The calls of 'death to America' are not a threat to moms and dogs.
I wasn't suggesting the type ot threat on a woman out walking her dog after dinner. That threat is America in the background and doesn't vary much due to increased foreign policy aggression. You must know the difference between that and a dirty bomb in some large city.

The calls of 'death to America' are not a threat to moms and dogs.
Yes, I understand the difference. It is a fact, though that there has been people calling for death to America for over 40 years. It is also a fact that we did not have the terrorist threat level alert for years before 911 and in the past few years, we haven’t had that type of thing from the media.

But danger is danger, no matter where It comes from. The result of a mass school shooting, the result of a terror attack, the result of a random violent robbery is often the same….. and that is the result of an innocent person being harmed.

And so there are way way way more people in danger in America from threats right here in America not from hamas. Ie 100,000 Americans die a year from drugs brought over the border. So that’s a threat from the cartels.

Or the very real threat of gang warfare. For example, 50 dead people in Chicago every weekend from shootouts. Or random robberies. All of those threats Trump whatever type of threat, we might face from a foreign country or a group.

The Game changers if a foreign country declares war on America. But that is not happening.

The Israel Palestine situation has been going on for decades and these groups like Hezbollah have hated American foreign-policy for decades.
Yes, I understand the difference. It is a fact, though that there has been people calling for death to America for over 40 years. It is also a fact that we did not have the terrorist threat level alert for years before 911 and in the past few years, we haven’t had that type of thing from the media.

But danger is danger, no matter where It comes from. The result of a mass school shooting, the result of a terror attack, the result of a random violent robbery is often the same….. and that is the result of an innocent person being harmed.

And so there are way way way more people in danger in America from threats right here in America not from hamas. Ie 100,000 Americans die a year from drugs brought over the border. So that’s a threat from the cartels.

Or the very real threat of gang warfare. For example, 50 dead people in Chicago every weekend from shootouts. Or random robberies. All of those threats Trump whatever type of threat, we might face from a foreign country or a group.

The Game changers if a foreign country declares war on America. But that is not happening.

The Israel Palestine situation has been going on for decades and these groups like Hezbollah have hated American foreign-policy for decades.
There was a considerable delay time between 911 and Osama's declared reasons why he found it necessary.

If that repeats, it will just add again to confusion.

If you're trying to address the issue here, just forget your fixation with domestic terrorism involving American on Americans. None of this is about Tim McVeigh and co.
Oh but fear Hamas and Hezbollah infiltrating America. It’s a “threat “…no that’s a Middle Eastern situation.

I agree with much of your post, but this part is off the mark.

The Federal Govt. just admitted we could be seeing Hezbollah/Hamas pouring through our open southern border.

Sealing the border should be the number one two and three issue right now.

But with Biden at the helm, it's not happening.
I agree with much of your post, but this part is off the mark.

The Federal Govt. just admitted we could be seeing Hezbollah/Hamas pouring through our open southern border.

Sealing the border should be the number one two and three issue right now.

But with Biden at the helm, it's not happening.
Yes, those groups you mentioned oppose America. They seem to oppose our foreign policy and they talk a big game about hating America.

I don’t recall them placing a terror attack in the United States in recent memory. Of course, Al-Qaeda has, but they are different.

But I do agree that the border issue needs to be resolved. And it’s all sorts of problems. Its not just the idea of Muslim militants coming over, but drug cartels or just random criminals in general.

We already have a Crimewave in America that has nothing to do with Muslims. So we should address that issue and I think we can address all of these issues without limiting the rights of Americans like what happened with the patriot act.
How is Al-Qaeda different.
I see a big difference. When’s the last time if ever you heard of a Hamas or Hezbollah attack in America? The only thing I can think of was Hezbollah attacking Americans in Lebanon at a marine base in the 1980s.

By the way, there is a huge difference. Ideologically speaking Hezbollah has the support of some number of Lebanese Christians. We would never hear that of no fan of any of the three but AQ was on a different level.
I see a big difference. When’s the last time if ever you heard of a Hamas or Hezbollah attack in America? The only thing I can think of was Hezbollah attacking Americans in Lebanon at a marine base in the 1980s.

By the way, there is a huge difference. Ideologically speaking Hezbollah has the support of some number of Lebanese Christians. We would never hear that of no fan of any of the three but AQ was on a different level.
nice try

Iran has attacked the USA over 75 times. It does not matter where.

Prior to attacking the USA directly, the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center attacked the USA across the world.

It is sick to think that people would claim there is no similarities in the MOSLEM terrorists groups who all call for the death of Americans.
nice try

Iran has attacked the USA over 75 times. It does not matter where.

Prior to attacking the USA directly, the terrorists that attacked the World Trade Center attacked the USA across the world.

It is sick to think that people would claim there is no similarities in the MOSLEM terrorists groups who all call for the death of Americans.

Yeah, I gotta say - when it comes to this issue FDRFTW has utterly lost me on this one....

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