Are Trump Supporters Naturally The Most Bigoted Racist People Or Just This One Guy?

Liberals don't really enjoy anything. Think about it, you never see happy liberals, even when they get everything they claim they want. You'd think they'd be happy with Obama being president. They're not. You'd think they'd be happy with obamadon'tcare being passed. They're not. You think they'll be happy with Hillary as president? No, absolutely not. They'll still be livid with rage. They're just never happy.

I'm afraid I would have to disagree with you there.

Yes, liberals are miserable people, but the only joy they get in life is making others miserable as well.

If a liberal sees a man enjoying the sunshine in the park smoking his cigarette, the liberal will petition his liberal representative to stop smoking in the park making other people miserable.

If a liberal sees a man is happy owning his firearm to protect himself, his family and household, a liberal will complain that the government needs to take his guns from him so he would be miserable too.

If a liberal sees a wealthy man enjoying the fruits of his labor with fancy cars and perhaps a few boats, liberals will call on their politicians to take the mans wealth so he might be miserable along with them.

If a liberal sees a family happily dining in a McDonald's restaurant, the liberal will propose putting taxes on happy meals or otherwise pressuring the restaurant to eliminate them. Remember DumBama's brilliant idea of forcing restaurants to put calorie counts on every item in their menu?

So that's what makes liberals happy--making everybody else miserable.
True, they appear to be happy for a short time. That vanishes, however, when they see someone else enjoying or about to enjoy exercising freedom. Then it's pitchforks and torches time again.

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