Are Democrats Destroying California?


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Many major U.S. cities have embraced Democrat policy that led to skyrocketing crime, homelessness, and drug use. In turns, this causes businesses to shut down and terminate jobs.

Arrests for loitering while soliciting have been banned by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

This Democrat-led initiative has led to prostitutes flooding the street corners all over California wearing next-to-nothing in clothing. (Poll: Are Democrats Destroying California? VOTE)

San Diego Mayor Ron Morrison stated that sex workers are now all over the city sporting nothing but “g-strings.”
“They’re waving to people on the freeway or, just to be honest with you, they are bending over for the freeway. I don’t know how else to put it; they’re showing their wares,” pressed Morrison, who claims to be “non-partisan.”

California’s Senate Bill 357 effectively reversed a former law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution. California Senator Scott Wiener said the bill would aid in the protection of “black, brown, and trans women.”
Democrats have got to be the dumbest people on the planet.
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Many major U.S. cities have embraced Democrat policy that led to skyrocketing crime, homelessness, and drug use. In turns, this causes businesses to shut down and terminate jobs.

Arrests for loitering while soliciting have been banned by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

This Democrat-led initiative has led to prostitutes flooding the street corners all over California wearing next-to-nothing in clothing. (Poll: Are Democrats Destroying California? VOTE)

San Diego Mayor Ron Morrison stated that sex workers are now all over the city sporting nothing but “g-strings.”
“They’re waving to people on the freeway or, just to be honest with you, they are bending over for the freeway. I don’t know how else to put it; they’re showing their wares,” pressed Morrison, who claims to be “non-partisan.”

California’s Senate Bill 357 effectively reversed a former law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution. California Senator Scott Wiener said the bill would aid in the protection of “black, brown, and trans women.”
Democrats have got to be the dumbest people on the planet.
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That is undeniable.

Are Democrats Destroying California?​

It's far worse than that. Millions of California Dems have invaded other low population states. They took over and created Dem dictatorships, spreading the California Dem cancer. Oregon gone, Washington gone, now run by California transplants. Their cities destroyed by Dem policies.
It's far worse than that. Millions of California Dems have invaded other low population states. They took over and created Dem dictatorships, spreading the California Dem cancer. Oregon gone, Washington gone, now run by California transplants. Their cities destroyed by Dem policies.
They have ruined Colorado.
I remember when California beaches weren’t parking lots or homeless camps.. that environmental disaster part sucks .. and 🔥
Many major U.S. cities have embraced Democrat policy that led to skyrocketing crime, homelessness, and drug use. In turns, this causes businesses to shut down and terminate jobs.

Arrests for loitering while soliciting have been banned by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

This Democrat-led initiative has led to prostitutes flooding the street corners all over California wearing next-to-nothing in clothing. (Poll: Are Democrats Destroying California? VOTE)

San Diego Mayor Ron Morrison stated that sex workers are now all over the city sporting nothing but “g-strings.”
“They’re waving to people on the freeway or, just to be honest with you, they are bending over for the freeway. I don’t know how else to put it; they’re showing their wares,” pressed Morrison, who claims to be “non-partisan.”

California’s Senate Bill 357 effectively reversed a former law that banned loitering with the intent to engage in prostitution. California Senator Scott Wiener said the bill would aid in the protection of “black, brown, and trans women.”
Democrats have got to be the dumbest people on the planet.
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Bleeding heart globalist Mexicrats like Unkotare have turned Mexifornia into a North Mexico super-shithole….Blue color trade wages destroyed, the public school system destroyed, healthcare system destroyed, public services / first response slow and shitty, social service offices overflowing with Mexico’s people, jails and prisons packed full of Mexico’s people, bumper to bumper traffic everywhere all the time, neighborhood streets littered with trash, shitty diapers and Modello bottles, personal property destroyed by graffiti, stray pit-bulls running the streets, animal shelters full of abused animals from Mexican households.
Mexifornia is thirdworld filth…it’s only propped up by Silicon Valley, Hollywood and coastal money.
I can’t wait for this shithole to implode and burn itself to the fucking ground.
The question is not "are Democrats destroying California" but "how come we let the Democrats destroy California".

That ship has already sailed.

California use to be the Golden State when Conservatives had control of the government. Then they let in all the Illegals and had lax voter ID and the Illegals voted Democrat welfare and the state went to shit.

It now leads the nation in most debt, highest taxes, worst schools, most poverty, most homelessness, highest rents and is right up there in most crime.
The hyperbole is a sign of desperation.
OMG, CA is a shithole.
I LOVE seeing you clowns get triggered.
Once they get control of the GOVT (90s?) they never let go. Stock employees with zero integrity, minority quotas, LGBTQ, Marxist, pension hunters etc.

wash/ore has rigged mail-in voting over decades. CA now all-in also. Would take a miracle to overcome it now. West Coast GOVT is the model for the FED marxist. No, I dont have answers. Look at the ignorant LW posters on this site. They want all of this!
Idiot loser still thinks every immigrant, legal or illegal, is from Mexico. Yes, he's that stupid.

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