Are blacks an official protective class ???

Human Life and well-being have paramount importance.

I believe Society has a duty to care even for people who can not contribute.

I have never committed a felony in my life nor have I ever been arrested
Didn’t say you were but I have and so did my father…

I ain’t joking my life is like that stupid show Shameless and I am not proud of where I came from…

I am not proud of what I did and I am white and after learning what my father was like, well let me tell you he was lower than those black people you complain about!

He never spent a day in jail and I spent one day and never got caught again…

In the end we have trash in all segments of society and I am going to go running the opposite direction from what my father was.

I thank God I never had any kids because I would have messed them up like my father did with his kids he raised!
I will reveal my franchise when I sell it in 2025

I don’t have any black employees and I call strikes when I see it
Is this why you refuse to hire any black employees? And why there are pages of your posts in which you're complaining because you can't find any quality workers who will stick around for the low wages you pay?

And what happened to these?


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