Are blacks an official protective class ???


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
They can burn 🔥 buildings
Loot high end stores
Beat up Asians and whites
Car jack
Etc …

Yet , they don’t ever go to jail

Must be wonderful to commit any crime you want under the big lie of white privilege
They can burn 🔥 buildings
Loot high end stores
Beat up Asians and whites
Car jack
Etc …

Yet , they don’t ever go to jail

Must be wonderful to commit any crime you want under the big lie of white privilege
America hasn't quite reached that point yet. Here in Penn's Woods, anywhere outside Philly city limits that is, blacks are arrested at the same rate as just about any other skin color. That being said, it is more the fault of rotten culture than any "race". So many black kids are raised by evil, poisonous cultures, cultures which encourage crime and lawlessness, paternal abandonment and abuse of women and hatred of white people. Eliminate those rotten, poisonous cultures, and the influence of the democrat political propaganda platforms, and future generations of poorer black kids might stand a chance at living in peace with both themselves and other "races".
Yet , they don’t ever go to jail

https _specials-images.forbesimg.com_dam_imageserve_773bd41ab8e0da11af9f0014c2589dfb_960x0.jpg...jpg
Be black and you get a Free “ get out of jail pass “ if you live in any leftist big city
Be black and you get a Free “ get out of jail pass “ if you live in any leftist big city
Please do not let people poison your mind into believing that from a legal perspective there is some advantage to being black and accused/charged with a crime.

Protected Class
A group of people with a common characteristic who are legally protected from employment discrimination on the basis of that characteristic. Protected classes are created by both federal and state law.
For more information, see Practice Notes, Discrimination: Overview and Recruiting and Interviewing: Minimizing Legal Risk: Protected Classes Under Federal Law.
Federal protected classes include:
  • Race.
  • Color.
  • Religion or creed.
  • National origin or ancestry.
  • Sex (including gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).
  • Age.
  • Physical or mental disability.
  • Veteran status.
  • Genetic information.
  • Citizenship.
For more information about state-specific protected classes, see Anti-Discrimination Laws: State Q&A Tool.


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