Apologies for Racism


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Would a USMB member with a racist picture of the Obama's walk around asking people, 'isn't this funny'? Several posters depict our president and family in the most negative manner and some refer to him in other derogatory terms. If one thing is obvious these past eight years, it is that racism is alive and well in America. This administration brought America out from another republican recession and their horrid job record, and yet the president is criticized as if none of the good stuff happened. Go figure. But racism like Hillary hatred are learned behaviors that fit so well into an immature personality that even pointing out the blatant racism is met with blanket denial. It reminds one of a child caught doing wrong or a captured criminal - who me, not me. The piece below is for the thoughtful, racists can stay in that hate place that gives the weak comfort.

"We can discuss our shameful shared history just as we celebrate our shared national achievements, and we can identify which sorts of redress offer the most productive responses for creating communities working together to prevent the injustices of the past from poisoning the future."

The Critique – Reparations, Apologies, And Shattering The Founding Myths Of The United States
The Case for Reparations

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot
Would a USMB member with a racist picture of the Obama's walk around asking people, 'isn't this funny'? Several posters depict our president and family in the most negative manner and some refer to him in other derogatory terms. If one thing is obvious these past eight years, it is that racism is alive and well in America. This administration brought America out from another republican recession and their horrid job record, and yet the president is criticized as if none of the good stuff happened. Go figure. But racism like Hillary hatred are learned behaviors that fit so well into an immature personality that even pointing out the blatant racism is met with blanket denial. It reminds one of a child caught doing wrong or a captured criminal - who me, not me. The piece below is for the thoughtful, racists can stay in that hate place that gives the weak comfort.

"We can discuss our shameful shared history just as we celebrate our shared national achievements, and we can identify which sorts of redress offer the most productive responses for creating communities working together to prevent the injustices of the past from poisoning the future."

The Critique – Reparations, Apologies, And Shattering The Founding Myths Of The United States
The Case for Reparations

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot


Would a USMB member with a racist picture of the Obama's walk around asking people, 'isn't this funny'? Several posters depict our president and family in the most negative manner and some refer to him in other derogatory terms. If one thing is obvious these past eight years, it is that racism is alive and well in America. This administration brought America out from another republican recession and their horrid job record, and yet the president is criticized as if none of the good stuff happened. Go figure. But racism like Hillary hatred are learned behaviors that fit so well into an immature personality that even pointing out the blatant racism is met with blanket denial. It reminds one of a child caught doing wrong or a captured criminal - who me, not me. The piece below is for the thoughtful, racists can stay in that hate place that gives the weak comfort.

"We can discuss our shameful shared history just as we celebrate our shared national achievements, and we can identify which sorts of redress offer the most productive responses for creating communities working together to prevent the injustices of the past from poisoning the future."

The Critique – Reparations, Apologies, And Shattering The Founding Myths Of The United States
The Case for Reparations

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot
Stop being racist!
Would a USMB member with a racist picture of the Obama's walk around asking people, 'isn't this funny'? Several posters depict our president and family in the most negative manner and some refer to him in other derogatory terms. If one thing is obvious these past eight years, it is that racism is alive and well in America. This administration brought America out from another republican recession and their horrid job record, and yet the president is criticized as if none of the good stuff happened. Go figure. But racism like Hillary hatred are learned behaviors that fit so well into an immature personality that even pointing out the blatant racism is met with blanket denial. It reminds one of a child caught doing wrong or a captured criminal - who me, not me. The piece below is for the thoughtful, racists can stay in that hate place that gives the weak comfort.

"We can discuss our shameful shared history just as we celebrate our shared national achievements, and we can identify which sorts of redress offer the most productive responses for creating communities working together to prevent the injustices of the past from poisoning the future."

The Critique – Reparations, Apologies, And Shattering The Founding Myths Of The United States
The Case for Reparations

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot

No, I think what is apparent to most of America is racism ISN'T alive and well in America. We just finished electing (twice) our first black president with a majority white vote.

What IS alive and well in America are race-baiters. Mostly left-wing Democrats who can't campaign or govern on their failed record and policies and have to resort to accusing people of being racists in order to detract from their failures.

In every instance where "racism" has been accused over the last 8 years, the facts reveal there is no racism. It's just garden variety thugs getting themselves shot by police for being thugs. Race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson running around the country starting fires and getting wealthy by propagating a falsehood. A president who despicably uses race every chance he gets to divide America and foment more hatred and discord.

I think this is why America gave you a big steaming pile of Donald Trump! They are completely fed up with this shit! "Racism" has become your new word for any view that contradicts your own. By doing this, you have marginalized yourself and rendered the allegation of "racism" virtually meaningless.

If you dismiss the vast number of guilty white liberal racists who would never admit their own racism because they gain too much political advantage exploiting black people... there are probably 2% or less who are truly devout racist people in the country. In most large metropolitan cities with millions of people, there aren't enough of them to fill a parking lot at a Klan rally. Politically, they are an insignificant number.... but it doesn't matter because you've rendered the allegation of racism meaningless. You've completely perverted the old fable into "The Boy Who Cried Racist!"

Now you can keep on with this mantra... Keep trying to beat the dead horse... keep calling people racists who disagree with your policies... and what's going to happen is you're going to continue to lose elections and marginalize your ass further. The tactic isn't working anymore and this election should have made that obvious even to the most moronic.... but apparently, you're still reeling in denial from your loss and this hasn't registered in your minds just yet. That's fine with me... you keep right on pushing your failed narrative. Trump knocked down more of the black and Hispanic vote than his two previous Republican predecessors and that demographic will continue to grow in his favor.
I wondered if the black racist that tortured that white man in Chicago, or the professors that say white genocide is a good thing, do you think they should apologize?
This is getting out of hand, we have no leader in the white house for 15 more days.
I hope we can hold out till then.
Oh, I'm starting to become a angry white man.

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Would a USMB member with a racist picture of the Obama's walk around asking people, 'isn't this funny'? Several posters depict our president and family in the most negative manner and some refer to him in other derogatory terms. If one thing is obvious these past eight years, it is that racism is alive and well in America. This administration brought America out from another republican recession and their horrid job record, and yet the president is criticized as if none of the good stuff happened. Go figure. But racism like Hillary hatred are learned behaviors that fit so well into an immature personality that even pointing out the blatant racism is met with blanket denial. It reminds one of a child caught doing wrong or a captured criminal - who me, not me. The piece below is for the thoughtful, racists can stay in that hate place that gives the weak comfort.

"We can discuss our shameful shared history just as we celebrate our shared national achievements, and we can identify which sorts of redress offer the most productive responses for creating communities working together to prevent the injustices of the past from poisoning the future."

The Critique – Reparations, Apologies, And Shattering The Founding Myths Of The United States
The Case for Reparations

"We learn to be racist, therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetical. It has everything to do with power." Jane Elliot

guano already has a picture of the trumpster as a orangutan. Guess what. It ain't racism, it's stupid, but it ain't racist. Time for you to grow up.

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