Diamond Member
So Barry can't even get his DemocRAT House and Senate that don't Require ONE REPUBLICan Vote to get in Line with his Plan, but this is the Mean Old REPUBLICan's Fault that the American People won't get a "Public Option"...
Newspeak, anybody?... AP, you have once again done your Master Proud.
White House appears ready to drop 'public option'
Associated Press Writer Aug 16, 2:22 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bowing to Republican pressure, President Barack Obama's administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.
Facing mounting opposition to the overhaul, administration officials left open the chance for a compromise with Republicans that would include health insurance cooperatives instead of a government-run plan. Such a concession probably would enrage Obama's liberal supporters but could deliver a much-needed victory on a top domestic priority opposed by GOP lawmakers.
Once again, Barry doesn't Need ONE GOP Vote...
Stop Lying, AP... It's just Sad at this point.
Newspeak, anybody?... AP, you have once again done your Master Proud.
White House appears ready to drop 'public option'
Associated Press Writer Aug 16, 2:22 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Bowing to Republican pressure, President Barack Obama's administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.
Facing mounting opposition to the overhaul, administration officials left open the chance for a compromise with Republicans that would include health insurance cooperatives instead of a government-run plan. Such a concession probably would enrage Obama's liberal supporters but could deliver a much-needed victory on a top domestic priority opposed by GOP lawmakers.
Once again, Barry doesn't Need ONE GOP Vote...
Stop Lying, AP... It's just Sad at this point.
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