Anyone else lost faith in the MSM?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.
There has always been bias in the media to some degree but there used to be a clear divide between opinion/commentary and actual reporting and or journalism that is no longer the case it has all bleed into one. You have people who are supposed to be serious journalist passing off their opinion and speculation as fact and people who are opinion and commentary with a clear political bias being passed off as journalist doing serious reporting.
Murrow was pretty much objective when he was reporting from London during The Blitz.


I watched his one-sided, biased reporting live. If you can find some video clips of his work your opinion is likely to change.

Shouldn't take watching more than two. OK, maybe three.
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I love how the media drives racial animosity in the name of fighting it. Lets take George Floyd, he was having a fentanyl induced overdose that made him short of breath, he couldn't breath sitting up, way before the popos showed up. Breana Taylor? Hmm Lets see. she lost her respectable job as a EMT years back when she was linked to murder, then she and her boyfriend where involved in selling drugs, and the cops? They boldly announced themselves. And Jake Blake? Tried to hijack a car with children after beating a woman....explain to me, how is racism or cops the bad guys here?
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

My own faith in mainstream media died ages ago and is no danger of sudden resurrection. They are, to the last, a prime enemy of the American People.
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There has always been bias in the media to some degree but there used to be a clear divide between opinion/commentary and actual reporting and or journalism that is no longer the case it has all bleed into one. You have people who are supposed to be serious journalist passing off their opinion and speculation as fact and people who are opinion and commentary with a clear political bias being passed off as journalist doing serious reporting.
William Randolph Hearst, the media has always been a tool. The splendid little war of 1898 and the misinformation about the sinking of the battleship "Main"
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

It's fairly obvious that the MSM are not interested, nor even aware of the plight of the average citizen. The MSM will spread the good word to the citizens, and Hollywood will dance and sing for their kings and queens. Many will be convinced that all is well in the kingdom, and thus, never challenge them. The elite of the elite. Lemmings watching in good faith, until one day the light bulb switches on...

In the half mile ride to their media buildings and back, the Talking Heads have quite a myopic view of the world. They don't appreciate the long term consequence of certain policies or, the poisonous rhetoric that they inject into the corpus of Western communities. All the while, there are new challengers, waiting to replace any nation that becomes economically or socially bankrupt.

Unfortunately, with the most serious of threats the West is facing from aggressive, newly empowered foreign actors, they might as well be working for the enemy in their arrogance.

Some have fought in wars on the ground in Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan, or, federal agents fighting communism or those wishing to usurp and harm the West. They must be deflated, confused, and possibly even resigned to oblivious attitude of those around them.

The worst outcome is reserved for citizens that are preoccupied with optics rather than reality. With their guard down, they talk a good game, until caught with a right hook. Just as Canada has declined rapidly, especially in major cities like Toronto, America is facing the crossroads and MSM isn't interested in providing the facts. In fact, if the facts don't work, they will simply adjust the metrics.

We've seen how the pandemic exposed these weaknesses in Canada. Lack of local production of PPE, we lacked even the most basic of needs. Fully dependent on other nations for the vaccine, especially from America. That is, after European nations rejected us outright.

Media isn't interested in our failures in Canada, they are too interested in calling out America. In America, you aren't interested in your challengers globally as you have too many lobbyists looking to profit domestically. They don't realize that many problems in this globalized system are due to problems elsewhere. Neither of us are well served by media that doesn't challenge all parties and the Status Quo, equally.
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

A long long time ago. The media is the enemy of the people.
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I remember Cronkite criticizing the Vietnam war, or going back to Edward Murrow investigating the anti communist witch hunts led by McCarthy. The media used to presume to be unbiased dispassionate and...well, that's all gone out the window. The media has no integrity, no credibility whatso ever . They lie for their bosses. Facts? Are you joking?
A long time ago.

During the Bush II years I realized the white corporate media was full of crap.

Haven't changed my mind since then.

Are you JUST now realizing this OP?
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

I know the exact date.

My eyes were first opened to enough for me to see the corruption in the media on Feb 26, 1993.

It has been more and more obvious ever since.
In 1980's I was involved in an accident that involved a elderly black man run over by RTD bus. It was an accident. I saw it, but the media listened to bigmouthed blacks that claimed racism and bigotry and they couldn't have possibly even seen the thing happen. Nevermind hours later, the police went after these same "witnesses" for giving false testimony. The media never listen to all of us witnesses nor did they bother to apologize or rectify their "mistake". I was a little shocked and naïve that the media would do that. Do not trust the media. End of story.
Doom and gloom is gone. Amazing.

Complete 180 by the media this morning.

Haven’t even heard I’m going to die from Covid yet today.

Wonder if CNN still has the ole Death Tracker going?
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

Oh, yes, most Americans know that the media no longer practice traditional journalism.

Today's journalists sincerely feel that it is their duty to make you see things in the same way that they do.

If you want an excellent explanation, please read a new book entitled Slanted. (I got it on Amazon. I hope that they are still selling it,) The author worked at CNN in the1990s when that channel just gave the facts. Many younger people today have never experienced traditional ("Just the facts") journalism.

Former President Trump was right when he said that fake news was "the enemy of the people."

The media demonized him for four years.

Now the media are preparing to canonize the new guy in the Oval Office.
Here is another outrage.

I canceled my subscription to the Los Angeles Times in 2019. I am happy to know that it is experiencing serious financial problems (No, not necessarily because of my cancellation!)

My disabled neighbor subscribes to that rag, so I regularly pick up that rag from her driveway and put it on her porch. So on Sunday, I happened to see its lead headline on the front page. It said something to the effect that the campaign to recall our governor has "ties to extremists." This was an obvious attempt to insinuate that if one wants to recall our governor, then maybe s/he is an "extremist." Furthermore, some Dems are claiming that the attempt to recall him is tantamount to a coup. (As an impartial observer, I think -- if the measure gets on the ballot -- he will NOT be recalled.)

The American media are disgraceful. They are almost as bad as China's state-run media.
Join the freeking club, I remember Walter Cronkite and Edward Morrow. When our beloved media NOW spreads misinformation and lies by tweaking the truth and leaving out facts. Take for instance: Nicolas Sandman. The main stream media demonized this kid, but he never did anything wrong. The Media NEVER brought up they were taunted by the black extremists group that was race baiting. Nope.

Like many (most?) Americans, I have long tuned out the MSM.

Recently, the Epoch Times (yes, the newspaper affiliated with Falun Gong supporters) has been sending me sample copies, trying to entice me into subscribing.

As a fan of journalism, I acknowledge that the paper is definitely "conservative" and anti-Communist China, but I find its articles worthy of reading and at least of consideration, if not necessarily of agreement.

I do not plan to subscribe, but I do plan to check out its website each day for any gems that I might find.

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