Dem S. Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
I say we execute them instead. Death solves all problems.
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....

The Reich is on the march.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.
Vetting candidates and job applicants for federal hire was Katherine Archuleta's job during the Obama administration.
The notorious OPM hack happened during her reign, releasing details of all federal employees, including fingerprints, detailed psychological profiles, intimate relationships, and casual contacts to the Chinese Communist Party.
The unclassified database of all U.S. federal govenment employee records was maintained on a Unternehmenssoftware | Geschäftsanwendungen | SAP Deutschland system.
Anyone in QAnon should be denied security clearance. They're nuts.

As for banning "Stop the Steal," that's pretty silly.

Yeah, those nuts claimed their was some secret group of predators who had a secret island for under age sex and that it involved former presidents and even crown princes.
Anyone in QAnon should be denied security clearance. They're nuts.

As for banning "Stop the Steal," that's pretty silly.
You calling someone fucking nutz................How precious you are

Been hearin you are on your 10th life here schnooker. WTF. A cat only has 9. Man it looks like you've been thoroughly beatin to a pulp here Jack and have as many miles here as Madonna and GaGa combined
Yeah, those nuts claimed their was some secret group of predators who had a secret island for under age sex and that it involved former presidents and even crown princes.
A tragic death by suicide or murder cannot exonerate this man or the sex cabal of his surviving bedfellows.
Can't wait for the entire abortion to spill out. Wonder how many will die from ASDS, Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome.
How would you even know if people are "members" of QAnon? It was a joke thing to start with --- I remember it well. Started on reddit, IIRC, and was a big joke with the fun slogans -- WWG1WGA and others -- you could buy T-shirts on Amazon, Trump nodded to them at rallies if they had good Q signs ---

Dems have no sense of humor.

It's a case of them trying to silence and cancel anyone they can, really, for no reason.
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
I say we execute them instead. Death solves all problems.

Certainly the ideology/philosophy of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists...
What was it that Bill Ayers proposed when the PMS/DSA Democrat terrorist assumed power?
Didn't he propose the murder of at least 25 million Americans to take over America.

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
Certainly agree with the Qnon mob. As for the stop the steal, well, that depends on their alleged activities. Were they there for the protest (a lot were and did nothing else, therefore should be okay) or did they invade Congress? In which case she is on the money.

That being said, you are quoting the Turner Diaries. That's all I need to know about you. Racist piece of shit.
Anyone in QAnon should be denied security clearance. They're nuts.

As for banning "Stop the Steal," that's pretty silly.

Yeah, those nuts claimed their was some secret group of predators who had a secret island for under age sex and that it involved former presidents and even crown princes.
I thought it was run out of a pizza joint..
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Don't think for a minute that they're not transgendering infants in the womb when they perform routine cicumcisions at birth and other involuntary human experimentation. Men desire vice in the men's locker room, and they are mutilating babies in the womb for the vice they desire. Don't think they don't do that when they perform abortion on demand for the ladies of the district either.
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
I say we execute them instead. Death solves all problems.

Certainly the ideology/philosophy of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists...
What was it that Bill Ayers proposed when the PMS/DSA Democrat terrorist assumed power?
Didn't he propose the murder of at least 25 million Americans to take over America.

Nothing has changed. If they could get away with it they would.
Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in “Stop the Steal” Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military

Democrat Stephanie Murphy Pushes Legislation to Ban Anyone Who Participated in "Stop the Steal" Activities and Anyone in Q-Anon from Holding a Security Clearance or Joining Military (
26 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Leading House Democrat Stephanie Murphy proposed in 2020 to end tariffs on Chinese imports amid the spread of Wuhan Virus, essentially rewarding the Chinese for their secretive and problematic handling of the virus that is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe.
This was in March before the China virus ravaged the nation.
On Friday Rep. Stephanie Murphy pushed legislation that will bar Q-Anon supporters and anyone who participated in “Stop the Steal” activities from from holding office in the public sector or joining the military.
The media tells us Murphy is a “moderate” Democrat.
Via Big League Politics:
Murphy, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has recently proposed a bill that would prevent members of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement along with subscribers to ‘QAnon’ from being able to obtain security clearances. Security clearances are a necessity for Americans who wish to join the US Military and also a requirement to obtain a number of federal jobs.​
This bill would essentially bar any American that has rallied in support of President Trump post-election or publicly voiced concern about election fraud from being able to hold a job in the Armed Forces or any federal law enforcement agency.​
According to an article by the Daily Beast:​
The legislation, titled the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021, requires applicants looking to obtain or renew their federal security clearances to disclose if they participated in the Jan. 6 rally in Washington—or another “Stop the Steal” event—or if they “knowingly engaged in activities conducted by an organization or movement that spreads conspiracy theories and false information about the U.S. government.​
Read more here.

I wonder if Murphy feels the same about those Democrats that pushed the 'Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax' for over four years. There is actual evidence of VOTER FRAUD and Corruption by tPogressive Marxist/DSA Democrats in the election system.
BTW, Murphy doesn't need to worry about banning Qannon and 'Stop The Steal' folks, we wouldn't serve under China Joey Xi anyway. I expect recruitment to be down 50% or more under recruitment goals for the next four years.
As a veteran, I advise my friends kids, DO NOT join the Military at this time Joey Xi is going to do a Bush and Clinton and getting us involved in more never ending wars with ROE's that favor the enemy who has no ROE's beyond killing Americans and winning.
Let the Trangenders go and die for the Military/Industrial Complex/Deep State, no one in my family or circle of friends will join.
Old school Democrat are leaving the "Party" as it has veered heavily from core issues.
it’s time for Americans to quit the Democrat Progressive Marxist Socialist Slaveery Party and join the Constitution Party. It works to elect local leaders to protect and defend the Constitution locally, and very soon at State and
Federal level.
'Democrats' already knew the fix was in, China Joey Xi even joked about it. Progressives have become so arrogant and insulated in their own corrupt elite world they truly do not believe we can rise up against them. I believe they are pushing too far and will cause actions like not seen since the Civil War. Seems like they are asking for exactly that.
The Turner Diaries prophetically coming reality.....
I say we execute them instead. Death solves all problems.

Certainly the ideology/philosophy of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists...
What was it that Bill Ayers proposed when the PMS/DSA Democrat terrorist assumed power?
Didn't he propose the murder of at least 25 million Americans to take over America.

Always look at the bright side. We'll never have an organ shortage again like China solved.

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