Redacted Russiagate docs show the feds are STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Redacted Russiagate docs show the feds are

STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt

11 Jan 2025 ~~ By Post Editorial Board

The feds are still lying and obfuscating about the Russiagate conspiracy against Donald Trump: Witness the recent release, years late and heavily redacted, of a document about the origin of the FBI probe.
This comes to light thanks only to the dogged efforts of the folks at RealClearInvestigations
The biggest thing the Bureau is still hiding: The “articulable factual basis” on which its 2017 probe of Trump’s alleged role as a Russian intelligence asset was legitimated.
Yes, it’s been obvious for years that there was no factual basis for the probe.
But to see why that’s precisely the issue, and why the Bureau needs to fully come clean, take a look at the whole sordid history . . . .
The FBI’s failed coup — let’s call it what it was — against a sitting American president remains one of the most shameful chapters in the Bureau’s already-shameful history.
It owes the American people a full accounting.
That its leadership still, even now, feels it has the right to lie and conceal and delay and deny proves beyond any doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is more than justified in his plan to shake the Bureau to its foundations.

Putsch: = A coup d’état; an effort to forcibly overthrow the current government.
Synonyms: Coup, Coup d’état, Insurrection, Overthrow, Power Play, Rebellion, Revolt, Revolution, Takeover

We know that Hillary Clinton used the law firm Perkins-Coie to launder the payment to Steele, which was in violation of campaign finance laws. The campaign later had to pay a fine for that activity.
this leads back to Hillary Clinton. Hillary should be arrested and charged with treason. She, at that point should have two choices: One, go to trial and maintain that she is innocent and face the real possibility of being hung or a life sentence in a women's USP. Or two, She can admit her role in this and implicate others that are involved and then spend the rest of her life in a forced seclusion, much like Napoleon was given.
This case has gone on long enough and we need resolution, NOW!
Unfortunately, the Deep State has had 4 years under Joey B. to prepare for another Trump presidency- do you think they're going to be as loud about it this time? They don't care about the "Will of The People". They don't care that they got caught and exposed. They will continue to steal our money, lie to our faces, and destroy this country because nobody can stop them. All with the assistance of the Quisling Media.
Unless Comey has a preemptive pardon for all that he criminally conspired to do, he should also be indicted and tried for treason along with ALL his co-conspirators.
We can only hope the FBIs house can be cleaned from top to bottom. Don’t move the bag guys - fire them, with NO pension and indict them from insurrection and treason.
The “articulable factual basis”
was the meeting that Brennan arranged with Papadopoulos and Downer, which was a completely contrived attempt to link the Trump campaign to the email hacking of the DNC.

They knew that was BS all along, it was just designed to provide the excuse for the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane operation against Trump.

There will never be accountability. The FBI once targeted organized crime, today they are organized crime...

It's not a reformable organization. That is like reforming the mafia by jailing the heads of the families. Someone else just takes their place, and it all goes on just as before.
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Redacted Russiagate docs show the feds are

STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt

11 Jan 2025 ~~ By Post Editorial Board

The feds are still lying and obfuscating about the Russiagate conspiracy against Donald Trump: Witness the recent release, years late and heavily redacted, of a document about the origin of the FBI probe.
This comes to light thanks only to the dogged efforts of the folks at RealClearInvestigations
The biggest thing the Bureau is still hiding: The “articulable factual basis” on which its 2017 probe of Trump’s alleged role as a Russian intelligence asset was legitimated.
Yes, it’s been obvious for years that there was no factual basis for the probe.
But to see why that’s precisely the issue, and why the Bureau needs to fully come clean, take a look at the whole sordid history . . . .
The FBI’s failed coup — let’s call it what it was — against a sitting American president remains one of the most shameful chapters in the Bureau’s already-shameful history.
It owes the American people a full accounting.
That its leadership still, even now, feels it has the right to lie and conceal and delay and deny proves beyond any doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is more than justified in his plan to shake the Bureau to its foundations.

Putsch: = A coup d’état; an effort to forcibly overthrow the current government.
Synonyms: Coup, Coup d’état, Insurrection, Overthrow, Power Play, Rebellion, Revolt, Revolution, Takeover

We know that Hillary Clinton used the law firm Perkins-Coie to launder the payment to Steele, which was in violation of campaign finance laws. The campaign later had to pay a fine for that activity.
this leads back to Hillary Clinton. Hillary should be arrested and charged with treason. She, at that point should have two choices: One, go to trial and maintain that she is innocent and face the real possibility of being hung or a life sentence in a women's USP. Or two, She can admit her role in this and implicate others that are involved and then spend the rest of her life in a forced seclusion, much like Napoleon was given.
This case has gone on long enough and we need resolution, NOW!
Unfortunately, the Deep State has had 4 years under Joey B. to prepare for another Trump presidency- do you think they're going to be as loud about it this time? They don't care about the "Will of The People". They don't care that they got caught and exposed. They will continue to steal our money, lie to our faces, and destroy this country because nobody can stop them. All with the assistance of the Quisling Media.
Unless Comey has a preemptive pardon for all that he criminally conspired to do, he should also be indicted and tried for treason along with ALL his co-conspirators.
We can only hope the FBIs house can be cleaned from top to bottom. Don’t move the bag guys - fire them, with NO pension and indict them from insurrection and treason.

Trump needs to release all the documents about the FBI/DOJ coup attempt.
A conspiracy theory.

"DNC, Clinton campaign agree to Steele dossier funding fine

NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

That’s according to documents sent Tuesday to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which had filed an administrative complaint in 2018 accusing the Democrats of misreporting payments made to a law firm during the 2016 campaign to obscure the spending.

The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie, which then hired Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm, to conduct opposition research on Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.

“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments,” the campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the initial complaint had read."

"DNC, Clinton campaign agree to Steele dossier funding fine

NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

That’s according to documents sent Tuesday to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which had filed an administrative complaint in 2018 accusing the Democrats of misreporting payments made to a law firm during the 2016 campaign to obscure the spending.

The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie, which then hired Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm, to conduct opposition research on Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.

“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments,” the campaign and DNC “were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the initial complaint had read."

Copy pasta with no substantiation of your far flung conspiracy theory.

The fact remains Papadopolous met with Misfud and was told about emails before any hacked material became public.

That’s pretty suspicious.
Copy pasta with no substantiation of your far flung conspiracy theory.

The fact remains Papadopolous met with Misfud and was told about emails before any hacked material became public.

That’s pretty suspicious.

The Russian Dossier was created for the Hillary Campaign.

Who did Mifsud work for? How would he know? Where is he now?

Redacted Russiagate docs show the feds are

STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt

11 Jan 2025 ~~ By Post Editorial Board

The feds are still lying and obfuscating about the Russiagate conspiracy against Donald Trump: Witness the recent release, years late and heavily redacted, of a document about the origin of the FBI probe.
This comes to light thanks only to the dogged efforts of the folks at RealClearInvestigations
The biggest thing the Bureau is still hiding: The “articulable factual basis” on which its 2017 probe of Trump’s alleged role as a Russian intelligence asset was legitimated.
Yes, it’s been obvious for years that there was no factual basis for the probe.
But to see why that’s precisely the issue, and why the Bureau needs to fully come clean, take a look at the whole sordid history . . . .
The FBI’s failed coup — let’s call it what it was — against a sitting American president remains one of the most shameful chapters in the Bureau’s already-shameful history.
It owes the American people a full accounting.
That its leadership still, even now, feels it has the right to lie and conceal and delay and deny proves beyond any doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is more than justified in his plan to shake the Bureau to its foundations.

Putsch: = A coup d’état; an effort to forcibly overthrow the current government.
Synonyms: Coup, Coup d’état, Insurrection, Overthrow, Power Play, Rebellion, Revolt, Revolution, Takeover

We know that Hillary Clinton used the law firm Perkins-Coie to launder the payment to Steele, which was in violation of campaign finance laws. The campaign later had to pay a fine for that activity.
this leads back to Hillary Clinton. Hillary should be arrested and charged with treason. She, at that point should have two choices: One, go to trial and maintain that she is innocent and face the real possibility of being hung or a life sentence in a women's USP. Or two, She can admit her role in this and implicate others that are involved and then spend the rest of her life in a forced seclusion, much like Napoleon was given.
This case has gone on long enough and we need resolution, NOW!
Unfortunately, the Deep State has had 4 years under Joey B. to prepare for another Trump presidency- do you think they're going to be as loud about it this time? They don't care about the "Will of The People". They don't care that they got caught and exposed. They will continue to steal our money, lie to our faces, and destroy this country because nobody can stop them. All with the assistance of the Quisling Media.
Unless Comey has a preemptive pardon for all that he criminally conspired to do, he should also be indicted and tried for treason along with ALL his co-conspirators.
We can only hope the FBIs house can be cleaned from top to bottom. Don’t move the bag guys - fire them, with NO pension and indict them from insurrection and treason.
Trump Tower Meeting. End of story.
Hell, even Bannon knew they fucked up. :auiqs.jpg:

Redacted Russiagate docs show the feds are

STILL lying about Trump and their putsch attempt

11 Jan 2025 ~~ By Post Editorial Board

The feds are still lying and obfuscating about the Russiagate conspiracy against Donald Trump: Witness the recent release, years late and heavily redacted, of a document about the origin of the FBI probe.
This comes to light thanks only to the dogged efforts of the folks at RealClearInvestigations
The biggest thing the Bureau is still hiding: The “articulable factual basis” on which its 2017 probe of Trump’s alleged role as a Russian intelligence asset was legitimated.
Yes, it’s been obvious for years that there was no factual basis for the probe.
But to see why that’s precisely the issue, and why the Bureau needs to fully come clean, take a look at the whole sordid history . . . .
The FBI’s failed coup — let’s call it what it was — against a sitting American president remains one of the most shameful chapters in the Bureau’s already-shameful history.
It owes the American people a full accounting.
That its leadership still, even now, feels it has the right to lie and conceal and delay and deny proves beyond any doubt that President-elect Donald Trump is more than justified in his plan to shake the Bureau to its foundations.

Putsch: = A coup d’état; an effort to forcibly overthrow the current government.
Synonyms: Coup, Coup d’état, Insurrection, Overthrow, Power Play, Rebellion, Revolt, Revolution, Takeover

We know that Hillary Clinton used the law firm Perkins-Coie to launder the payment to Steele, which was in violation of campaign finance laws. The campaign later had to pay a fine for that activity.
this leads back to Hillary Clinton. Hillary should be arrested and charged with treason. She, at that point should have two choices: One, go to trial and maintain that she is innocent and face the real possibility of being hung or a life sentence in a women's USP. Or two, She can admit her role in this and implicate others that are involved and then spend the rest of her life in a forced seclusion, much like Napoleon was given.
This case has gone on long enough and we need resolution, NOW!
Unfortunately, the Deep State has had 4 years under Joey B. to prepare for another Trump presidency- do you think they're going to be as loud about it this time? They don't care about the "Will of The People". They don't care that they got caught and exposed. They will continue to steal our money, lie to our faces, and destroy this country because nobody can stop them. All with the assistance of the Quisling Media.
Unless Comey has a preemptive pardon for all that he criminally conspired to do, he should also be indicted and tried for treason along with ALL his co-conspirators.
We can only hope the FBIs house can be cleaned from top to bottom. Don’t move the bag guys - fire them, with NO pension and indict them from insurrection and treason.
Donald Trump Jr. met with a bunch of Russian officials in Trump Tower before the 2016 election, which is highly unusual and it's why the FBI investigated it.

And 6 people close to Trump ended up doing jail time over "Russiagate", including Trump's campaign manager Paul Manfort. Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn even pled guilty.

These are facts. And none of your MAGA imbecile blather is going to change that.
Donald Trump Jr. met with a bunch of Russian officials in Trump Tower before the 2016 election, which is highly unusual and it's why the FBI investigated it.

And 6 people close to Trump ended up doing jail time over "Russiagate", including Trump's campaign manager Paul Manfort. Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn even pled guilty.

These are facts. And none of your MAGA imbecile blather is going to change that.

What did they charge Manafort and Flynn with? Sedition? Treason? Espionage? Working for Russia?
The demented LEFT will never give up their Russia Russia Russia NARRATIVE.


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