Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

how much does it have to warm? I asked you before and you never answered. Why? Is it a five degree warm up, how much warmer than yesterday do you think the ocean got?
You ask the dumbest questions. How much does it have to warm for what?

invalid experiment. I'll explain it for you.

The temperature of the experiment is never explained. How hot was the heat from the light bulb?

did the temperature start at x and went to y?

Like the pressure discussion we had last week, the experiment's water is contained in an enclosed bottle like a balloon with heat. Funny you believe this experiment is valid to show the oceans.

Number 1, the ocean is deep, and the temperature varies from surface on down, at no time is all water the same temperature. EVER!

Some may be warm and some may be cold and some has ice. invalidates the experiment right there.

Also, the ocean has waves and waves move and they can move quickly, slowly or be calm in areas. Not all at the same time.

Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand, you think 1C would impact the water how?

And if impact at all, it would only be in that area of the globe. See, as Toddsterpatriot is discussing with EMH right now about SAP, the globe is not the same temperature in every area at the same time. So pressures are different, temperatures are different, and weather is different.

Then you have the winds that can control where the heat and cold would travel.

The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.

A facial to all the climate crusaders....and have to say, after 15 years in this forum, I'm laughing.

"A funny thing happened as the WaPo tried to map out half a billion years of global temperatures and the "disaster of global warming""

No global warming...not even close :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming | ZeroHedge

Btw...note the source on the graph in the article :up:

Tell to the population of Los Angeles. 8 months of drought. That idiot MTG talks about cloud seeding. Well Three Toes, minus the smoke from the fires the skies over L.A. is clear, no clouds to seed.
So pressures are different

The fluctuation of Earth Surface Air Pressure is quite minor, 1-2% based on January getting 7% more energy from Sun than July.

From Google

A "surface air pressure constant" refers to a situation where the atmospheric pressure at the Earth's surface remains the same, typically considered to be around 1013.25 millibars (mb), which is the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level; essentially, no change in pressure is occurring across a given area on the Earth's surface

and that's the CO2 FRAUD's biggest problem, SAP is supposed to go up if

1. the planet warms
2. there is an ongoing net ice melt adding gas to the atmosphere

and Earth SAP is actually on a very minor 70 year DOWNTREND...



CO2 FRAUD reduced to arguing "weather" instead of PLANETARY TEMP...
Tell to the population of Los Angeles. 8 months of drought. That idiot MTG talks about cloud seeding. Well Three Toes, minus the smoke from the fires the skies over L.A. is clear, no clouds to seed.

25 years ago in San Diego we were talking about desalinating ocean water.

The DEMOCRATS bitterly opposed it. They said it might kill some clams....
invalid experiment. I'll explain it for you.

The temperature of the experiment is never explained. How hot was the heat from the light bulb?

did the temperature start at x and went to y?

Like the pressure discussion we had last week, the experiment's water is contained in an enclosed bottle like a balloon with heat. Funny you believe this experiment is valid to show the oceans.

Number 1, the ocean is deep, and the temperature varies from surface on down, at no time is all water the same temperature. EVER!

Some may be warm and some may be cold and some has ice. invalidates the experiment right there.

Also, the ocean has waves and waves move and they can move quickly, slowly or be calm in areas. Not all at the same time.

Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand, you think 1C would impact the water how?

And if impact at all, it would only be in that area of the globe. See, as Toddsterpatriot is discussing with EMH right now about SAP, the globe is not the same temperature in every area at the same time. So pressures are different, temperatures are different, and weather is different.

Then you have the winds that can control where the heat and cold would travel.

The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.
What is your educational background? Do you have a fake physics degree like EMH. Because that you believe you have invalidated that experiment is a joke. Thermal expansion is real and you are a dummy.
What is your educational background? Do you have a fake physics degree like EMH. Because that you believe you have invalidated that experiment is a joke. Thermal expansion is real and you are a dummy.
I know boiling water will overflow. Doesn’t prove oceans are warming
The fluctuation of Earth Surface Air Pressure is quite minor, 1-2% based on January getting 7% more energy from Sun than July.

From Google

A "surface air pressure constant" refers to a situation where the atmospheric pressure at the Earth's surface remains the same, typically considered to be around 1013.25 millibars (mb), which is the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level; essentially, no change in pressure is occurring across a given area on the Earth's surface

and that's the CO2 FRAUD's biggest problem, SAP is supposed to go up if

1. the planet warms
2. there is an ongoing net ice melt adding gas to the atmosphere

and Earth SAP is actually on a very minor 70 year DOWNTREND...



CO2 FRAUD reduced to arguing "weather" instead of PLANETARY TEMP...
What is your educational background? Do you have a fake physics degree like EMH. Because that you believe you have invalidated that experiment is a joke. Thermal expansion is real and you are a dummy.
BTW, isn’t there as much colder water in the oceans? It’s less dense right? What if they balance each other out?
Tell to the population of Los Angeles. 8 months of drought. That idiot MTG talks about cloud seeding. Well Three Toes, minus the smoke from the fires the skies over L.A. is clear, no clouds to seed.

Tell to the population of Los Angeles. 8 months of drought.

That's outrageous! LA never had any droughts ever until SUVs.
I blame everyone in California who ever used any fossil fuels.
How deep?
Do you know what mean ocean temperature means?

It's nice to see you two working together.

NO PHOTO of "ocean rise"

NO PHOTO of "ocean expansion"

But as a (faux taxpayer funded CO2 FRAUD) "skeptic" you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN "the ice is melting" "the planet is warming" "the oceans are rising"....

You and Toddster...
NO PHOTO of "ocean rise"
NO PHOTO of "ocean expansion"
But as a (faux taxpayer funded CO2 FRAUD) "skeptic" you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN "the ice is melting" "the planet is warming" "the oceans are rising"....
You and Toddster...
You and JC with your ridiculous photo arguments. :rofl:

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