Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

So the ocean "rise" is "real" but ... "invisible?"

The great "invisible ocean rise"
Hardly. It's been rising since the end of the last glacial period. ~6,000 years ago it leveled off at 3 to 4 mm/yr.
Hardly. It's been rising since the end of the last glacial period. ~6,000 years ago it leveled off at 3 to 4 mm/yr.

Why have Greenland and Antarctica both grown ice over the past 6k years if that was the end of the "last glacial period?"

That's 97% of Earth ice printing new ice core layers straight through your bullshit "interglacial"
Why have Greenland and Antarctica both grown ice over the past 6k years if that was the end of the "last glacial period?"

That's 97% of Earth ice printing new ice core layers straight through your bullshit "interglacial"
Is it because of Pluto's SAP? :rofl:
invalid experiment. I'll explain it for you.

The temperature of the experiment is never explained. How hot was the heat from the light bulb?

did the temperature start at x and went to y?

Like the pressure discussion we had last week, the experiment's water is contained in an enclosed bottle like a balloon with heat. Funny you believe this experiment is valid to show the oceans.

Number 1, the ocean is deep, and the temperature varies from surface on down, at no time is all water the same temperature. EVER!

Some may be warm and some may be cold and some has ice. invalidates the experiment right there.

Also, the ocean has waves and waves move and they can move quickly, slowly or be calm in areas. Not all at the same time.

Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand, you think 1C would impact the water how?

And if impact at all, it would only be in that area of the globe. See, as Toddsterpatriot is discussing with EMH right now about SAP, the globe is not the same temperature in every area at the same time. So pressures are different, temperatures are different, and weather is different.

Then you have the winds that can control where the heat and cold would travel.

The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.

Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand,

The density of water is highest at 4C. Any increase in temperature above 4C causes it to expand.

you think 1C would impact the water how?

It would likely expand.

The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.

Who said anything about control?
Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand,

The density of water is highest at 4C. Any increase in temperature above 4C causes it to expand.

you think 1C would impact the water how?

It would likely expand.

The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.

Who said anything about control?

So surely your Mossad ass can show us a photo of "ocean expansion..."
Now, back to my question, how much warmer does the water actually need to be to expand,

The density of water is highest at 4C. Any increase in temperature above 4C causes it to expand.
Well the temperature of the oceans varies around the globe, so stating there's an increase in water temperature is dependent on the area of the globe.
you think 1C would impact the water how?
It would likely expand.
How much?
The earth is so complex there is absolutely no way for anyone variable to control one thing as described in any statement about temperature, CO2 or sea level rise.

Who said anything about control?
The warmers are saying man is controlling climate. That somehow .04% of the atmosphere is ready to take away humanity. Are you suggesting that earth isn't a complex system?
And these charts and graphs go all the way back to when Adam and Eve were discovering blues music.
No. But these do. And they show that when the northern hemisphere is deglaciating - like it is today - the oceans and atmosphere warm. And when the northern hemisphere is glaciating the oceans and atmosphere cool.


glacial cycles.gif
NO PHOTO of "ocean rise"

NO PHOTO of "ocean expansion"

But as a (faux taxpayer funded CO2 FRAUD) "skeptic" you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN "the ice is melting" "the planet is warming" "the oceans are rising"....

You and Toddster...

We did that experiment in high school chemistry ... c.f. Thermal Expansion ...

  • Thanks
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how deep is the ocean?
How wide is the ocean?
Is the ocean one temperature?
Why do you think that matters? You hurt the cause when you make foolish arguments like the ocean isn't warming and sea level isn't rising. The ocean has been warming since the end of the last glacial period. Sea level has been rising since the end of the last glacial period. To argue otherwise discredits the entire cause.
Why do you think that matters? You hurt the cause when you make foolish arguments like the ocean isn't warming and sea level isn't rising.
so at depths of 100 feet it's as warm as the surface? Are you fking kidding me? LMFAO.
The ocean has been warming since the end of the last glacial period. Sea level has been rising since the end of the last glacial period.
Where are they rising? I've asked you repeatedly and still nothing. show me where the sea level rise? Location and a photo showing the sea level rose there. The ocean is all one hope you know that?
To argue otherwise discredits the entire cause.
I discredited nothing. You can't provide evidences. Receipts!!!!! I have. There is that.

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