Antisemitism is Festering in Michigan


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Gosh, I wonder why?
As long as we continue to accept more and more Muslims from other countries, this will only get worse. They will NEVER assimilate!!!

There has been a significant increase in reported instances of antisemitism in Michigan since the outbreak of violence between Israel and Hamas, as members of Detroit's Jewish community remain anxious about a fresh spate of targeted attacks.

The regional Anti-Defamation League (ADL) office in Michigan told Newsweek that between October 7—when Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants launched a surprise attack into Israel—and October 23, there were 44 reported incidents of antisemitism in the state.

The title of the thread is very bad grammar.
The word "Semitic" is a proper noun to has to be capitalized.
It comes from Noah's son Shem.
And Semitic means "of Arab origins", and does not mean Jewish.
The title of the thread is very bad grammar.
The word "Semitic" is a proper noun to has to be capitalized.
It comes from Noah's son Shem.
And Semitic means "of Arab origins", and does not mean Jewish.
The word should not be hyphenated, and indeed means Jewish.

It was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1800s to make Jew hatred sound more clinical and it has referred to Jew hatred ever since
Gosh, I wonder why?
As long as we continue to accept more and more Muslims from other countries, this will only get worse. They will NEVER assimilate!!!

There is nothing wrong with having multiple cultures.
No one should just "assimilate".
You want different views, values, opinions.
The word should not be hyphenated, and indeed means Jewish.

It was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1800s to make Jew hatred sound more clinical and it has referred to Jew hatred ever since

When you "coin" a word, you make it up from scratch.
Semitic already is taken, means "of Arab origins" and can not be culturally appropriated like that.
The word Semitic comes from Shem, the son of Noah who supposedly fathered all Arabs, including the Hebrew Arabs.
It goes back 400 years before Marr, so can not be stolen like that.

And in fact, Wilhelm Marr dislikes all Arabs, and not just Jewish ones.
And the fact he was using it as a codeword, means he was trying to hide it.
So the last thing anyone should want to do is to continue his charade.
Gosh, I wonder why?
As long as we continue to accept more and more Muslims from other countries, this will only get worse. They will NEVER assimilate!!!

Started with Henry Ford.
Not that that issue has anything to do with the OP, but was he an anti-Semite like Muslims?

Moslems are NOT anti-Semitic.
Not only would that be contradictory, but Moslems always got along well with Jews.
When Mohammed was kicked out of Mecca, he went to live with the Jews in Medina.
The Jews had been kicked out of Jerusalem by the Romans, so where happen to ally with Mohammed and his new reformation of Judaism.
If you follow the expansion of Islam like to Spain, you will see that all the Moslem courts tended to hire Jewish Viziers.
Jews did very well under Islam, and it is only Christians who did Crusades, Inquisitions, etc.
And the Palestinians originally welcomes the Jews from Europe.
It was only later the Jews stabbed the Palestinians in the back, and turned out to be evil Zionists.
There is nothing wrong with having multiple cultures.
No one should just "assimilate".
You want different views, values, opinions.
YOU do.

And I do.

But far too many of our Stormfront posters here do not.
The human race would be better off if there were no such thing as religions (belief systems created to help people not fear dying). They do more harm than good. Religions create more bloody wars than any other factor.
Gosh, I wonder why?
As long as we continue to accept more and more Muslims from other countries, this will only get worse. They will NEVER assimilate!!!

Why Trump Lost Michigan

Those who supported Bin Laden voted for Biden.
The title of the thread is very bad grammar.
The word "Semitic" is a proper noun to has to be capitalized.
It comes from Noah's son Shem.
And Semitic means "of Arab origins", and does not mean Jewish.
Myths Are Distortions of Truth Events

I never capitalize anti-semitism because it is unrealistic to think that Jews are Semites just because Hebrew is a Semite language. It's obvious that, since they are so different from the Low IQ Arab savages, they must have been captured by them long ago, forced to learn their language, and forbidden to speak their original language, which was, in fact, what used to be called "Aryan."

In fact, the Egyptian Jews in Alexandria spoke Greek. Most of them had forgotten their Hebrew, which is why their greatest theologian, Philo, used the Greek version of the Old Testament in his commentaries.
The word should not be hyphenated, and indeed means Jewish.

It was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1800s to make Jew hatred sound more clinical and it has referred to Jew hatred ever since
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

European anti-semites back then had studied the horrors of the Arab jihad and wanted to associate Jews with that.
It's getting a lot of press but I doubt if "festering" is an accurate term. The majority of Americans are probably laughing at the pro-Palestinian jerks.
There is nothing wrong with having multiple cultures.
No one should just "assimilate".
You want different views, values, opinions.
One country, one culture. The mixing bowl E Pluribis Unum, out of many, one. Not the salad bowl.
The title of the thread is very bad grammar.
The word "Semitic" is a proper noun to has to be capitalized.
It comes from Noah's son Shem.
And Semitic means "of Arab origins", and does not mean Jewish.
Antisemitic is universally acknowledged to mean anti-Jewish.

Or is Merriam-Webster dictionary wrong?

Definition of ANTI-SEMITIC

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