Anti-Trumpers: What Do You Have Against Trump ?

I could explain it to you for the 286736th time but you'd just go :lalala: as you did the first 286735 times so what's the point. Clearly you can't handle it. Which is typical of a Cult.

As is post 5.
You could explain it to me, except for one slight problem, You have no explanation. Try reading the OP a couple of times. Pictures too.

I don't need to. I can see what the question is. It is in no way a new question which is how I know you'll just go :lalala: because it's what you always do. Several other posters have already made the point anyway. You didn't listen to them either.

Posing a question for which you have no intention of taking an answer is dishonest and a waste of my time, so waste your own.
You are full of crap. You make lame excuses for his lies. You still believe he had a huge inauguration, responsible for veterans' choice, had many close friends killed in the Trade Towers. won the 2020 election, and had the greatest economy in American history.
WHAT lie ? NAME one. his inauguration was in a city loaded with black Democrats, and his it took place on a Friday, when his people were AT WORK - in contrast to Obama's crown of welfare recipients.

You reveal your ignorance, or it may be CNN/MSNBC brainwashing, In any case, being a veteran myself receiving medical from the VA, I know that Obama's Choice Act was an ineffective FAILURE, which was replaced by Trump's very effective MISSION Act, which I received surgery outside the VA hospital in 2018 from. Under Obama's crappy choice act I was denied that surgery.

In many ways, Trump's economy WAS the greatest in US history, as some facets of that I covered in the OP. Read it. And he not only won the 2020 election , but he won it by a landslide.

Actually it's HIGHEST score wins, not lowest.

What I don't get is how you self-delusionists think you can just post known falsehoods and somehow think you won't be immediately called on them.

Which brings us back to this, and I ask again:
------- WHERE is the Bronx?
In addition to being wrong on the issues, Trump was also unfit and unprepared to be president.

Trump lacked experience in, and an understanding of, sound, responsible governance; Trump knew nothing about the law or the Constitution, he knew nothing about appropriate public policy – worse, he had nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the will of the American people.

Completely devoid of political acumen and experience, that Trump’s presidency was an unmitigated failure comes as no surprise.
So you say Trump "lacked experience", but now you want to hire a guy with ZERO experience as POTUS, over a guy with 4 years of experience, in that job.

You make rhetorical statements about Trump's competence, but you don't present even one item of substance, to back up your claims. It's all just hot air.

The OP, in contrast, has many SPECIFIC FACTS, which totally blow your moronic claim of "unmitigated failure" to smithareens.
/——/ And all Biden did with his 47 years in politics is make himself and his family filthy stinking rich.
That is a FACT. There might be one thing that Biden did do though. He worked hard at cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, And VA Benefits.

1) 320K people dead. That's how.
2) An unpopular opposition candidate, a whole bloc of voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the former FBI director. Once in a lifetime.
3) Incompetent..and corrupt. You can't run government like a business. That being said, most of his businesses fell flat on their face. 7 bankruptcies.
4) See #3.
5) Obama's economic growth quarter to quarter was better than Trump's. Period.
1. There is no 320,000 people dead, you foolish DUPE. Have you still not heard how that number is a ridiculous inflation of the real number ? (probably around 10,000). And whatever the number is, it is the Democrats who brought it about, when Obama granted $3.7 Million to the Wuhan lab.

2. Can't figure out what that's talking about.

3. So that why he's a multibillionaire with a private 757 jet, properties all over the world, and a mansion in Florida. Maybe he's on food stamps too. Wanna tell us that ? I suspect if CNN told you that, you'd believe it.

Get lost with the 10K dead. I mean honestly, you can't be that stupid. If you don't know why Hillary lost or why Trump backed into the presidency, then you weren't paying attention.
By all accounts, a failure at everything he touched. He WAS really good at gaming the system. Bleeding every last penny out of a venture before declaring bankruptcy. Defaulted on
multiple loans. Probably why no US lending institution would give him the time of day or lend him money. And finally after backing into the presidency, he bled it dry for every penny
it was worth. He's getting lemmings like you to open their wallets, vainly claiming that the election was rigged (it wasn't), collecting almost 250 million so far while abandoning even
the pretense of being interested in the job he was elected for.

He'll be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. Period. Incompetent and corrupt.
But he'll have lots of suckers..erm..followers like yourself to prop his ego up. I have a feeling he's going to need it. :)
Oh did he now.

While you're looking for that link here's one to play with.

Why don't you show the class where Rump "created" a shift in the trajectory.

Oh wait --- never mind, I see it. Early 2020. Nice hole.
You really think you're going to get away with pinning the PANDEMIC ECONOMY on Trump ? HA HA. Well, that has been the Democrats' plan all year. Keep the economy locked down, kill it, don't allow any stimulus checks to get sent, and then blame it all on Trump. Nice try. It didn't work. 80 million voted for Trump. 20 million voted for Biden (mostly illegal aliens).

PS your chart has no source indication. Looks like it might be the Dow Jones. (record highs)
Well, Pro, you really don't think you'll get a sagacious answer from any of them, do you? They themselves do not know because they are all driven by feeling and EMOTION rather than by reason. Leftists/Liberals/Progressives/Democrats count most what people SAY not what they DO.

Trump could walk on water and heal the blind and they would still hate him more for not SAYING the right things, while their leaders can DO the worst things yet still be followed blindly because they SAY all the right stuff no matter how hypocritical they are!

No one expresses more good will and intentions for our children, the poor, the weak, the under-privileged, the disadvantaged and the minority than a modern democrat, yet no one does them more harm.
While in reference to the "children, the poor, the weak, the under-privileged, the disadvantaged and the minority", it is Trump who has done them the most GOOD, more than any other president.
And soon he will be the most vulnerable inmate in America. That big butt will be an execlent target in the shower
Might be where Biden, Obama, and Hillary end up. From the White House to the Big House.

Thanks, Rye! You also just perfectly described BILL CLINTON, BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY CLINTON, and soon to be realized: JOE BIDEN perfectly to a tee. Only your own foolishness prevents you from seeing that.

But unlike all of them, rather than putting the USA in among a global community, Trump still wanted America to be that shining city on the hill, putting us FIRST and better than the rest.

That will quickly be apparent once Joe takes over, even quicker once Kammy Harris replaces him.
You think Joe is going to "take over" ?
Trump is gone. Just stop with this he isn't going anywhere crap. Trump loves himself. Period.
You followers are just being the cancers the rest of us knew you would be. It really is pathetic what he's dropped you to.
I'm enjoying your tears. :)
What you're not doing, is addressing the Trump accomplishments cited in the OP.
Almost thought this was a serious thread but it was in fact just full of Trump loving nutters.

Trump has done more damage to US institutions than almost anyone in modern history and that includes Nixon. He converted as much of the government into a his own personal campaign. He tried as best he could to make the government function for him rather than the people.

COVID reports were tailored to suit his desires.
Intelligence reports downplayed what he wanted to downplay.
The justice department went easy on his buddies.
The State Dept helped him batter his enemies.

The fact that Republicans don’t recognize how bad Trump has been is the most dangerous part of all.
Maybe if you didn't have your head up you ass you would have watched his speeches, read his tweets and understood his acts which harmed people. Or maybe you did, and you support evil.
I have seen them, and I support their nationalism, and his acts which have helped AMERICANS as I cited in the OP, or has you liberal distortion media, distorted your mind so much that you are incapable of recognizing what has been taking place over the past 4 years ?

Try reading the OP again, if you have actually read it at all. Read it SLOWLY.
Trump is gone. Just stop with this he isn't going anywhere crap. Trump loves himself. Period.
You followers are just being the cancers the rest of us knew you would be. It really is pathetic what he's dropped you to.
I'm enjoying your tears. :)
What you're not doing, is addressing the Trump accomplishments cited in the OP.

Because nothing you listed in the OP is an accomplishment. Just Trump nutter lovin.
Just because you think he's the second coming of Christ, doesn't mean he is. :)
Almost thought this was a serious thread but it was in fact just full of Trump loving nutters.

Trump has done more damage to US institutions than almost anyone in modern history and that includes Nixon. He converted as much of the government into a his own personal campaign. He tried as best he could to make the government function for him rather than the people.

COVID reports were tailored to suit his desires.
Intelligence reports downplayed what he wanted to downplay.
The justice department went easy on his buddies.
The State Dept helped him batter his enemies.

The fact that Republicans don’t recognize how bad Trump has been is the most dangerous part of all.
Trump has done more help to US institutions than almost anyone in modern history. He has made the govt function for all the people, especially those groups cited in the OP, who have enjoyed their lowest unemployment rate in US history. This also for US workers, who have enjoyed their highest median wage in US history.

Covid reports are absurd with deaths showing 200,000, because hospitals were getting govt $$ according to number of deaths they report. Certainly those crazy reports were not of help to Trump.

The DOJ and State Dept have done nothing to Trump's enemies. If they had, Obama, Biden, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Page (Lisa), and McCabe would all be in jail right now.
After 30 years of corrupt, China-ass kissers handing our country over to China, and allowing our stores to be saturated with "Made in China" trashy products, we finally get a president who puts AMERICA FIRST, and stops the treason. We get a president who lowers unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and people without a high school diploma to their lowest levels in US history. We get a president who gets the median wage to it highest point in US history. Who has the stock market soar to record height, helping stockholders and employees of those companies. Who makes America # 1 energy producer in the world. We get these great accomplishments, and we see people going to the extent of criminal activity to keep him from being elected. And the normal people are watching this and saying "Who ?....Hah ?......Wha ?

We get a president who enacts a First Step Act freeing thousands of prison inmates unjustly, oversentenced for non-violent crimes, most of them blacks. We get a president who establishes 8,700 "Opportunity Zones" giving small businesses in distressed communities (many of them black) financial assistance to help them (and thereby hire workers). We get a president who reduces illegal immigration, thereby helping US workers, particularly lower income ones, particularly blacks and Hispanics. We have a president who establishes a new record for vocational training, topping 4 million.

We have a president whose FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases. Trump reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars. For those people with debilitating ailments difficult to cure, he signed the bi-partisan supported Right-To-Try legislation.

He helped blacks even more by giving assistance to black colleges, so they wouldn't have to keep coming back to Congress year after year asking for more help (like during the Obama/Biden years). He reduced the Covid death rate 90% after its high point in April, saving many lives, especially blacks, very vulnerable to the Covid disease, and with his Operation Warp Speed has gotten vaccines produced in amazingly record time (which even liberals Geraldo Rivera, Jake Tapper, etc) have congratulated him for.

And after all this, instead of appreciation, we have scorn and derision from the people who have benefitted so much. What do these people who voted against Trump (especially blacks) have to say for why they would do that ?....... considering how much Trump has done for them.

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He beat their beloved Hag:

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trumpanzees can't stop bringing up Hillary Clinton
Like magic words. Alakazam! Presto! MAGA!

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