

Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Obama Attacks Jewish Money Power In New Memoir

Barack Obama’s presidential memoir A Promise Land hit store shelves this week.

The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.

Obama singles out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a particularly pernicious fifth column. According to the former president, AIPAC strictly monitors US politicians for even mild criticism of Israel and will marshal the immense financial power of the Jewish community to destroy anyone who stood up to them.

My, my, my- and Jimmy Carter too- LOL
Obama Attacks Jewish Money Power In New Memoir

Barack Obama’s presidential memoir A Promise Land hit store shelves this week.

The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.

Obama singles out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a particularly pernicious fifth column. According to the former president, AIPAC strictly monitors US politicians for even mild criticism of Israel and will marshal the immense financial power of the Jewish community to destroy anyone who stood up to them.

My, my, my- and Jimmy Carter too- LOL
Jimmy carter yea. But Donald said “Jews are only in it for themselves”. Anti Semitic is nothing new and doesn’t belong to the left. (Jews will not replace us and good people on both sides, anyone?)
Obama Attacks Jewish Money Power In New Memoir

Barack Obama’s presidential memoir A Promise Land hit store shelves this week.

The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.

Obama singles out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a particularly pernicious fifth column. According to the former president, AIPAC strictly monitors US politicians for even mild criticism of Israel and will marshal the immense financial power of the Jewish community to destroy anyone who stood up to them.

My, my, my- and Jimmy Carter too- LOL
Obama's father was a Moslem. Jimmy Carter took millions of dollars from Arab Oil Sheiks.
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Jimmy Carter took millions of dollars from Arab Oil Sheiks.

Jewish billionaires with close ties to Israel have been courted by the two major parties, both to come up with contributions and to urge their friends in the oligarch club and media to also respond favorably. The Democrats’ largest single donor is entertainment mogul Haim Saban while the Republicans rely on casino multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson. It is estimated that 60% of the political contributions for the Democrats comes from Jewish sources and Saban is the single largest contributor. He is also an Israeli holding dual citizenship. Adelson, who may also hold dual citizenship and is married to an Israeli, is the major supporter of the Republicans, having coughed up more than $100 million in recent elections.

Both Saban and Adelson have not been shy about supporting Israel as their first priority. Saban is on record as supporting Joe Biden “because of his track record on supporting Israel and its alliance with the United States.” Adelson, who was drafted into the U.S. Army in the 1950s, has said that he would much rather have served in the Israel Defense Force. Saban and Adelson are joined in their love fest with Israel by a number of Israel-firsters in Congress and the Administration, all eager to shower unlimited political support, money and weapons on the Jewish state.

Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state

I've only posted this in about 1/2 dozen different threads- ignoring the facts won't change them-
Obama Attacks Jewish Money Power In New Memoir

Barack Obama’s presidential memoir A Promise Land hit store shelves this week.

The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.

Obama singles out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as a particularly pernicious fifth column. According to the former president, AIPAC strictly monitors US politicians for even mild criticism of Israel and will marshal the immense financial power of the Jewish community to destroy anyone who stood up to them.

My, my, my- and Jimmy Carter too- LOL

Ummmm.... how is a criticism of a power lobby "anti-Semitic"? Dafuck's it got to do with "Semitic"?

Are we saying this particular power lobby has the power it has because it's "Semitic"?? That its position is a result of language? That sounds langist. You're saying if it weren't "Semitic" it would not be in a position for criticism?

I don't get it.
The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.
Any politician hoping to be elected president must kowtow before the AIPAC crowd and swear unwavering allegiance to the state of Israel and promise to protect it no matter the cost. ... :cool:
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Ummmm.... how is a criticism of a power lobby "anti-Semitic"
It's not just "a" power lobby it's more the "the" power lobby- anti-sememtic is akin to being racist- of course most idiots believe that-

In truth, the United States has become Israel’s bitch and there is hardly a politician or journalist who has the courage to say so. Congress and the media have been so corrupted by money emanating from the Israeli lobby that they cannot do enough to satisfy America’s rulers in Jerusalem. And for those who do not succumb to the money there is always intimidation, career-ending weaponized accusations of holocaust-denial and anti-Semitism. It is all designed to produce one result: whoever wins in American elections doesn’t matter as long as Israel gets what it wants. And it almost always gets what it wants.

Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state
AIPAC strictly monitors US politicians for even mild criticism of Israel and will marshal the immense financial power of the Jewish community to destroy anyone who stood up to them.
American politicians seeking high political office don't dare level any criticism of Israel's policy or actions.
If they do, it's political suicide, and they couldn't get elected dog catcher. ... :cool:
If the Jewish "lobby" is able to "persuade" American pols to support Israel, well, that's fine with me.

At least, they do it the peaceful way (viz., with financial contributions to pols).

They do NOT "persuade" the pols by rioting, looting, and killing fellow Americans -- as do certain other interest groups!
At least, they do it the peaceful way (viz., with financial contributions to pols).
There's bullshitters and there's liars. The liar tries to hide his bullshit while the bullshitter let's yuo know he is lying- that's why I like bullshitters more than liars- Matthew McConnaughey

Their peaceful way is take the money or else- that's coercion which is force through intimidation- force to inflict your will on others is immoral. Period.
Ummmm.... how is a criticism of a power lobby "anti-Semitic"
It's not just "a" power lobby it's more the "the" power lobby- anti-sememtic is akin to being racist- of course most idiots believe that-

In truth, the United States has become Israel’s bitch and there is hardly a politician or journalist who has the courage to say so. Congress and the media have been so corrupted by money emanating from the Israeli lobby that they cannot do enough to satisfy America’s rulers in Jerusalem. And for those who do not succumb to the money there is always intimidation, career-ending weaponized accusations of holocaust-denial and anti-Semitism. It is all designed to produce one result: whoever wins in American elections doesn’t matter as long as Israel gets what it wants. And it almost always gets what it wants.

Israel Wins U.S. Election
Congress and White House work together to reward the Jewish state

You didn't address the question at all. What does a power lobby, whatever its principles/goals --- have to do with "Semitism"? How is it DRIVEN BY "Semitism"? How would its objectives be different simply by not being "Semitic"? Is this causation theory not refuted by another faction which opposes the goals of the first, who also happens to be "Semitic"?

You've implied in your title a cause-and-effect here, now support it. If you can. Far as I can see all you have here is a grand Association Fallacy.
The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.
Any politician hoping to be elected president must kowtow before the AIPAC crowd and swear unwavering allegiance to the state of Israel and promise to protect it no matter the cost. ... :cool:
Or else !

When the Liberty God nailed, pResident Likk would have leveled that dump. Problems over
The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.
Any politician hoping to be elected president must kowtow before the AIPAC crowd and swear unwavering allegiance to the state of Israel and promise to protect it no matter the cost. ... :cool:
Or else !

When the Liberty God nailed, pResident lick would have leveled that dump. Problems over
from the link which no self respecting acolyte will read, so I'll make it short, sweet and to the point:

"The Samson Option" sounds like the plot of yet another apocalyptic Hollywood movie: a group of fanatical terrorists have gained control of nuclear weapons and are threatening to destroy the world in a fit of pique. But in this case the nukes are all too real and the terrorists happen to be the wildly irrational leaders of Israel. And the story is unfortunately true:
The book, which portends to be an intimate look into his eight year presidency, joins Jimmy Carter in denouncing the Jewish lobby and the power of Israel over the American government.
Any politician hoping to be elected president must kowtow before the AIPAC crowd and swear unwavering allegiance to the state of Israel and promise to protect it no matter the cost. ... :cool:
Or else !

When the Liberty God nailed, pResident lick would have leveled that dump. Problems over
from the link which no self respecting acolyte will read, so I'll make it short, sweet and to the point:

"The Samson Option" sounds like the plot of yet another apocalyptic Hollywood movie: a group of fanatical terrorists have gained control of nuclear weapons and are threatening to destroy the world in a fit of pique. But in this case the nukes are all too real and the terrorists happen to be the wildly irrational leaders of Israel. And the story is unfortunately true:

And that's because they're "Semitic", is it?
And that's because they're "Semitic", is it?
Why are you asking me? I didn't write the article, I just posted it for your mental masturbation exercise for the day- I personally don't care what who calls what- I have a pretty good grasp on simple English and on line dictionaries afre abundant when I'm in doubt-I don't want, or require coaching- from a "leader"-
And that's because they're "Semitic", is it?
Why are you asking me? I didn't write the article, I just posted it for your mental masturbation exercise for the day- I personally don't care what who calls what- I have a pretty good grasp on simple English and on line dictionaries afre abundant when I'm in doubt-I don't want, or require coaching- from a "leader"-

Who wrote your thread title?? Hint: the pronoun "your" is possessive.

Here's what you did broken down into logic.

Step one: establish a starting point.

"O'bama (Carter, whoever) has criticized the Israeli lobby"​
So far, fine. A simple declarative statement.

Step two: introduce an entirely irrelevant association:

"The Israeli lobby is comprised of 'Semites'​
Carries no point except to introduce:

Step three: leap to nonsequitur conclusion:
"Therefore, O'bama (Carter, whoever) is 'anti-Semitic'"​

Show us where O'bama (Carter, whoever) declared "I don't like them because they're Semitic" and you'll have a valid title. The fact that they're Semitic is no more relevant than that they're born under water signs or wear even-numbered shoe sizes.

Again --- cause and effect. Without it, your title does not follow.
Who wrote your thread title?? Hint: the pronoun "your" is possessive.
yes, I wrote the title- so what?
The article speaks for itself- what are you looking for? A cookie- stores sell them buy the bag full-
Who wrote your thread title?? Hint: the pronoun "your" is possessive.
yes, I wrote the title- so what?
The article speaks for itself- what are you looking for? A cookie- stores sell them buy the bag full-

So what? So it's a non sequitur, that's so what. You can't support it.
In the big picture this is just more virtue-shaming, based on nothing. As such it is dishonest. Looks like an Appeal to Emotion in lieu of a rational argument.

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