Anti LGBTQ Politicians Who Are Closeted Gays

The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….

That county in south central AZ along the Mexican border looks like a good place for them or maybe south TX. It would also serve a dual purpose because illegals from Mexico would not dare enter. We could move the wall much further north there.
They could call it Stuart Smalley’s Gayville
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….

That county in south central AZ along the Mexican border looks like a good place for them or maybe south TX. It would also serve a dual purpose because illegals from Mexico would not dare enter. We could move the wall much further north there.
Build the wall just north of Tucson's border.
Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
In Stuart Smalley’s GayVille you can be whatever you want
Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
When I was growing up in the 80s, "gender" didn't even apply to living things, it applied to words.
I am starting to think that sex all around is good and I don't understand why one wouldn't want every kind of it.

I feel bad for offensivelyopenminded as that guy hasn't gotten any.
I got and get plenty, I have 5 kids as proof. And when I was a teen, I was like a rabbit. Life is about more than hedonism, but you wouldn't know that because you are a godless heathen...with no purpose in life besides getting a nut.
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Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
When I was growing up in the 80s, "gender" didn't even apply to living things, it applied to words.
Gender exists, it does apply to living things. Pro nouns like He or She, all languages specify sex. And I have never heard of any more than male/female by any other language in anytime before.
Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
When I was growing up in the 80s, "gender" didn't even apply to living things, it applied to words.
Gender exists, it does apply to living things. Pro nouns like He or She, all languages specify sex. And I have never heard of any more than male/female by any other language in anytime before.
It didn't apply to living things originally:
In 1926, Henry Watson Fowler stated that the definition of the word pertains to this grammar-related meaning:

" a grammatical term only. To talk of persons...of the masculine or feminine g[ender], meaning of the male or female sex, is either a jocularity (permissible or not according to context) or a blunder."[13]
Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
When I was growing up in the 80s, "gender" didn't even apply to living things, it applied to words.
Gender exists, it does apply to living things. Pro nouns like He or She, all languages specify sex. And I have never heard of any more than male/female by any other language in anytime before.
It didn't apply to living things originally:
In 1926, Henry Watson Fowler stated that the definition of the word pertains to this grammar-related meaning:

" a grammatical term only. To talk of persons...of the masculine or feminine g[ender], meaning of the male or female sex, is either a jocularity (permissible or not according to context) or a blunder."[13]
And ONLY a male and female mammals coupling can reproduce, little points like that distinguish from one from another, not political or moral distinctions.Grammar can be re-arranged, facts and genetics, not so much.
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Scientist discover a new species once on a while. But they always seem based on the same reproductive model, male/female. Some species aren't, like flat worms. Asexual.Human beings are sexual, and sex scientifically has been proven to be male- female. There isn't 63 genders. Please. This is intellectualism gone awry.
When I was growing up in the 80s, "gender" didn't even apply to living things, it applied to words.
Gender exists, it does apply to living things. Pro nouns like He or She, all languages specify sex. And I have never heard of any more than male/female by any other language in anytime before.
It didn't apply to living things originally:
In 1926, Henry Watson Fowler stated that the definition of the word pertains to this grammar-related meaning:

" a grammatical term only. To talk of persons...of the masculine or feminine g[ender], meaning of the male or female sex, is either a jocularity (permissible or not according to context) or a blunder."[13]
And ONLY a male and female mammals coupling can reproduce, little points like that distinguish from each other, not political or moral distinctions.
Did you stop sex when no longer wanted children?
If you aren't satisfied by your sex, race, or species it's time you had better got in tune with reality, you can't redefine yourself and we aren't going to enable your delusions if you can't. To quote the great Zappa, you are what you is.
I support marriage for all! ;) But before marriage one should screw everyone they can to find the perfect match.
Amusing. You support same sex marriage . WHY? Because? I can split hairs too. But only heterosexuals can reproduce and have babies via the science of genetics. Other than politics, why do we NEED to give homosexuals the right to marry or anything else?
I support marriage for all! ;) But before marriage one should screw everyone they can to find the perfect match.
Amusing. You support same sex marriage . WHY? Because? I can split hairs too. But only heterosexuals can reproduce and have babies via the science of genetics. Other than politics, why do we NEED to give homosexuals the right to marry or anything else?
We don't need to. And shouldn't.
We all have rights as human beings in America, but if that isn't enough, we have to create new imaginary classes, let alone alone assign them "rights". Homosexuality isn't specified by the constitution, one way or the other. Is it? Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness can can apply to cannibal headhunting pedophiles as much as gays, so we can tease that out as far as we can, can't we?
We all have rights as human beings in America, but if that isn't enough, we have to create new imaginary classes, let alone alone assign them "rights". Homosexuality isn't specified by the constitution, one way or the other. Is it? Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness can can apply to cannibal headhunting pedophiles as much as gays, so we can tease that out as far as we can, can't we?
If things keep going the way they have been lately, your example could literally come true. After all, who are we to question cannibal headhunting pedophiles' identities? They were born that way, you racistsexistbigothomophobetransphobepedophobecannibalphobe!

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