Anti government white men are gov. biggest beneficiaries

Remember that when you call on FEMA bitch!!

Call FEMA for what, there is nothing FEMA can do for me that I cannot do better for myself. Unlike you, I don't need anyone to pick up my slack. I find it very humorous you seem to jump towards government dependency at every turn. Cradle to grave, that is how long you need someone taking care of you it seems.
Listen, you can talk shit all day bitch, bottom line one white whore not needing the feds, does not a movement make. 99.99% of all disability handed out in this country goes to sorry as white motherfuckers like you. THE BIGGEST WELFARE PROGRAM TO DATE...WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS END;S EVENTUALLY....SSI TO A LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING WHITE WHORE DOES NOT.
I am pro government and it has nothing to do with my needing the gov. Think about it, I'm almost 60 years old, have worked since I was 16 making 2.10 an hour, served 10 years in the US Navy and am currently working on 20 years at my current job....prey tell, what can the gov. do for me??? I'll be waiting for your non fuckin worthless response.
She thinks that because the government gives her money, food stamps and so on, she is working for the government.
Now that's the pot calling the kettle this country, we have anti government white motherfuckers spending zillions to get elected and work against the very gov. they hate so you tell me how fucked up is dat?? For the last time bitch, I work for a living and you know I do, otherwise your dick wouldn't get so soft!!
Listen, you can talk shit all day bitch, bottom line one white whore not needing the feds, does not a movement make. 99.99% of all disability handed out in this country goes to sorry as white motherfuckers like you. THE BIGGEST WELFARE PROGRAM TO DATE...WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS END;S EVENTUALLY....SSI TO A LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING WHITE WHORE DOES NOT.

Who said I was white, or a whore, or meet any of the screwed up criteria you sling around in your retarded rants?

I don't support disability any more than I support any other government program. You are the worthless type that thinks the government holds the keys to anyone's success. Your weakness permeates from your very existence and the your subsequent rage at your own incompetence. It must suck to be you, and look towards anyone's failure as an excuse to support your efforts to re-enforce that failure at the cost of others.
Listen, you can talk shit all day bitch, bottom line one white whore not needing the feds, does not a movement make. 99.99% of all disability handed out in this country goes to sorry as white motherfuckers like you. THE BIGGEST WELFARE PROGRAM TO DATE...WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS END;S EVENTUALLY....SSI TO A LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING WHITE WHORE DOES NOT.

Who said I was white, or a whore, or meet any of the screwed up criteria you sling around in your retarded rants?

I don't support disability any more than I support any other government program. You are the worthless type that thinks the government holds the keys to anyone's success. Your weakness permeates from your very existence and the your subsequent rage at your own incompetence. It must suck to be you, and look towards anyone's failure as an excuse to support your efforts to re-enforce that failure at the cost of others.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, not only wake me up when your dependence on Uncle Sam ends, but also when I'm no longer bored to death by your bs rants.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, not only wake me up when your dependence on Uncle Sam ends, but also when I'm no longer bored to death by your bs rants.

What dependence on Uncle Sam are you talking about? It sounds like you are just full of shit and cannot make a point otherwise. You aren't as bored as you are useless in defending your incompetence.
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


What's ironic is that you support a government that has done all these things.
Dude we all support the gov. its called paying taxes and white men like you who whine about it, should get down on your hands and knees and thank God for a system that took you lunatics from the cave to a free pass society that you thrive on today.

Actually it was successful white men who built this country, and its infrastructure, and brought light into our homes, affordable cars in our garages, gave us libraries, hospitals, universities....
Too many black women have it bad. They are lazy, ugly, stupid have a feeling of worthlessness (shocking, eh?).

That's what really needs to be addressed, but how?
.....You've just described what its like for white women to have to track down a nigga just to feel value. Cause black women lack many many many many things, but diva deficiency ain't one of em
I find it so ironic, the very people rallying against the government, supporting the GOP less gov. rhetoric, who rallies for Trump and hate anyone seeking gov. aide or support, has throughout the founding of this nation, been the federal gov. biggest beneficiaries, ITS BEEN WHITE on!!!

Its been the federal government who has supported and enfranchised white men, from day one, while disenfranchising women and minorities.

It was the federal gov. that built infrastructures that supported business's owned by white men who profited, with laws and regulations that helped create wage inequality for women and minorities.

It was the federal government, that prevented women and minorities from voting, allowing only white men the vote, creating ceilings that just recently began to crack.

Its been the federal gov. that enforced laws for segregated schools, communities and puplic venues against people of color, again allowing white male and thier families free reign.

If any one race or gender has been privy to unprecedented preferential treatment by the federal government....ITS BEEN WHITE MEN. The reason today, so many are turning against the federal government, is that inclusion is now its main focus and white men don't like that.


What's ironic is that you support a government that has done all these things.
Dude we all support the gov. its called paying taxes and white men like you who whine about it, should get down on your hands and knees and thank God for a system that took you lunatics from the cave to a free pass society that you thrive on today.

Actually it was successful white men who built this country, and its infrastructure, and brought light into our homes, affordable cars in our garages, gave us libraries, hospitals, universities....
Actually it was the federal gov. that allowed white men the freedom to do all these things while standing on the necks of minorities and women. I'm not gonna give creds to a race who was allowed entry into a door to achieve great things while everyone else was forced to stay outside that door. And do understand, that the building of this country began in the cotton fields where my people gave free labor to our future millionaires and scholar builders, not to mention free labor in raising their families while lazy white southern bitches dreamed on fuckin a nigga someday. Just sayin.
Fortitude caused those white men to succeed. That they did, had less to do with their shade and more to do with their intelligence and foresight. And they would have done so, with or without cotton, and did so after 600,000 white men died to free blacks.

Lazy southern white bitches smacks of racism. You are a racist. The very thing you relish pointing out in white people, you are guilty of yourself.
Aside for showing no support for your claims you confuse anti-corruption and anti-Obama with "anti-government."
Fortitude caused those white men to succeed. That they did, had less to do with their shade and more to do with their intelligence and foresight. And they would have done so, with or without cotton, and did so after 600,000 white men died to free blacks.

Lazy southern white bitches smacks of racism. You are a racist. The very thing you relish pointing out in white people, you are guilty of yourself.

Let me educate you on some facts....when we were fighting for our independence in this country against the Europeans, blacks fought side by side with whites to ensure victory. As a matter of fact, the first killed in that revolution was a black soldier. But here's a fact I'm certain your not aware of....countless men, women and children were dying from diseases brought from those nations in which we was blacks from Africa that introduced the notion in order to fight a disease from within, you must introduce the disease back into the body to fight itself off. That is a historical fact.

Imagine the genus we and others could have gave to this country, had you white bastards not excluded everyone but white men? Again miss me on this fortitude bullshit.....the inovation that you had, all hand delivered by a system that allowed you college access and freedom. Stop trying to defend white boy welfare...own it, boy
It was white men who freed the slaves. It was white men and women who passed "Civil Rights". It was white men and women who passed "Affirmative Action". Own it Bitch.
Fortitude caused those white men to succeed. That they did, had less to do with their shade and more to do with their intelligence and foresight. And they would have done so, with or without cotton, and did so after 600,000 white men died to free blacks.

Lazy southern white bitches smacks of racism. You are a racist. The very thing you relish pointing out in white people, you are guilty of yourself.

Let me educate you on some facts....when we were fighting for our independence in this country against the Europeans, blacks fought side by side with whites to ensure victory. As a matter of fact, the first killed in that revolution was a black soldier. But here's a fact I'm certain your not aware of....countless men, women and children were dying from diseases brought from those nations in which we was blacks from Africa that introduced the notion in order to fight a disease from within, you must introduce the disease back into the body to fight itself off. That is a historical fact.

Imagine the genus we and others could have gave to this country, had you white bastards not excluded everyone but white men? Again miss me on this fortitude bullshit.....the inovation that you had, all hand delivered by a system that allowed you college access and freedom. Stop trying to defend white boy welfare...own it, boy



population of 5000 and assuming not all on welfare= strawman

blacks get 1/2 of welfare benefits
over 1/4 of blacks get welfare

don't believe me, look it up

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