Another little Tyrant dragged into Court


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014

It's a good thing he wasn't carrying Old Glory or he'd have been in real trouble.


Well this only proves what we already know. A MAGA hat is intended by the wearer to provoke a confrontation.


Unlike raising Mexican flags to the top of a flagpole in front of US funded public schools, or holding drag shows at a US public school, or teaching CRT against the parents wishes at US public schools, is what you're saying. Right?


Well this only proves what we already know. A MAGA hat is intended by the wearer to provoke a confrontation.
Yeah, between Democrats and their own insecurities, from which that idiot of a principal clearly suffers.

From the link:

The three-judge panel cited "clearly established … long-standing precedent" that concerns about "the reaction to controversial or disfavored speech itself does not justify restricting such speech."

Also from the link:

The judges emphasized how little evidence the district provided that Dodge's actions caused a disruption that would justify squelching an employee's speech.

At the first training session with 60 participants, "fewer than five people complained, including the first presenter who was not a District employee," and all trainings were completed without incident, according to the court records.

What a world, what a world! Where five complaining snowflakes don't trump the United States Constitution.
They can promote any and all perversions to students behind their parents backs but dont you dare wear a symbol they dont like.

From the article…
The three-judge panel cited "clearly established … long-standing precedent" that concerns about "the reaction to controversial or disfavored speech itself does not justify restricting such speech."

The unanimous opinion by Judge Danielle Forrest said "it was patently unreasonable for Principal Garrett to believe that she could restrict Dodge’s speech to quell what was, in reality, nothing more than the natural effect that disfavored political speech often has on those with different viewpoints."

See also: hecklers' veto
In the legal sense, a heckler's veto occurs when the speaker's right is curtailed or restricted by the government in order to prevent a reacting party's behavior. The common example is the termination of a speech or demonstration in the interest of maintaining the public peace based on the anticipated negative reaction of someone opposed to that speech or demonstration.

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