Another il conceived Biden scheme: “Free” in home Covid tests.

Hey Taliban, you linked an article from a company owned by a billionaire to explain why we should be grateful that they don't charge us peasants more. Go fuck yourself.
Feel free to prove the numbers wrong.
Someone explain these to me.

Last week, in response to In-Home shortages, a committee met to talk to Fauci, the CDC Director, and some other Biden health flunkie... During that meeting these came out:

1. The CDC Director stated we have an In-home test shortage because none were ordered in time
- A company in Germany has been paid to make them & building the factory and beginning production will be finished / started by 2024

- 3 US companies have been paid tax payer hundreds of millions to make them but NONE OF THE COMPANIES ARE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES....& 1 OF THEIR SPECIALTIES ARE IMPORTING VODKA

When pressed on the shortages the CDC Director suddenly remembered there are 50 million sitting in a warehouse somewhere, but she could not produce evidence / conformation....she was asked to bring such evidence asap
- In light of the crisis and shortage, why has the Niden administration been hoarding 50 million in-home tests....if they have any?

Harris was right:
- The tests were never ordered because Biden / they were unprepared, never saw this coming

Now they are all lying their asses off trying to protect themselves from their continuous failures, one behind the other.
Babe, the rate of inflation that we are seeing now-------hasn't been around since atleast the bumbling Carter years.
The fed started pumping long before Biden. The response to Carter was supply side economics, and that led to the political instability, corruption, and complete control of an oligarchy. Now here you are arguing against a completely insignificant nothing because you're afraid it will hurt oligarchy profits. I wonder what horrors you'll support in response to Biden's inability to accomplish anything.

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