Another "Clever" Racist gets his ass handed to him via Facebook

Maybe an Insensitive asshole is more fitting. Either way welfare only started being terrible when blacks started using it. When it was all for the white people they couldnt get enough...And now after white people have gotten fat on it, they brush away the crumbs and say "Mm,, *munch munch* Ummm that stuff on *burp* the table there....Dont touch that..*brushes off shirt crumbs* It'll make you...uh lazy and stuff"

Gawd you are moving up the ranks of stupid asshole on this forum. There is no proof white got welfare before blacks. That's just fucking stupid.
The whole thread is a giant fail. The guy is right: welfare and government dependence are the new slavery. The guy is right: slave were largely treated well because they represented a valuable resource. Surely you can find a better example of someone getting his ass handed to him. Like you on this thread, for example.
yeap a fucking racist.

helping people is hurting people.

how anyone bought that idiot line in the first place is beyond me.

Here is a prime example that illustrates your profound ignorance [MENTION=5217]Truthmatters[/MENTION]. Helping this asshat loser liberal is hurting him because he's become a complete waste of a human life. He adds nothing to society. And guess what stupid, where is your government gravy train going to come from when you turn everybody in America into a liberal mooching parasite like this guy as you dream of doing?

Remember That Food Stamp Beach Bum? Sean Hannity Offered to Help Him Find a Job. This Is How He Responded

helping people is NOT hurting people.

what you want is to stop food stamps because you found one guy who may MAY not be really looking for a job?

You see your idiot fox news never shows you all the millions of children who depend on FOOD from these programs?

Why do they NEVER look for any of the millions who need it and use it and are helped by it?


yeap a fucking racist.

helping people is hurting people.

how anyone bought that idiot line in the first place is beyond me.

Here is a prime example that illustrates your profound ignorance [MENTION=5217]Truthmatters[/MENTION]. Helping this asshat loser liberal is hurting him because he's become a complete waste of a human life. He adds nothing to society. And guess what stupid, where is your government gravy train going to come from when you turn everybody in America into a liberal mooching parasite like this guy as you dream of doing?

Remember That Food Stamp Beach Bum? Sean Hannity Offered to Help Him Find a Job. This Is How He Responded

helping people is NOT hurting people.

what you want is to stop food stamps because you found one guy who may MAY not be really looking for a job?

You see your idiot fox news never shows you all the millions of children who depend on FOOD from these programs?

Why do they NEVER look for any of the millions who need it and use it and are helped by it?



Two questions: why is it you get angry when faced with facts that you don't like and why is it that you still lie when the facts have proven you wrong? What do you mean "may" not be "really" looking for a job? The guy is on video admitting it and he turned down an $82,000 a year job! There is no disputing this. And this is not "one guy". This is about 80% of the welfare parasites out there. All surfing (either oceans like him or the internet like you) and eating lobster while bringing back slavery and forcing other people to labor for you.

Furthermore, spare me "the children" sob story. If you're so worried about the children [MENTION=5217]Truthmatters[/MENTION] why don't you and your fellow liberals foot the bill for them? Answer: because not a one of you gives a damn about anyone other than yourselves. Just like this guy, you're all a bunch of greedy, selfish liberals who are only concerned about keeping the government gravy train flowing towards you.

Finally, even if you actually did care about "the children", your "concern" does not grant you the power over me to force me to provide for what you "care" about. Where in the Constitution does it say that you can bring back slavery if you deem it's for "the children"? And when I'm forced to labor for 50% of the day just to have the results of that labor taken from me against my will that is slavery. That is the very definition of slavery.

If helping people is "not" hurting them as you falsely claim, then you help them sweetie and leave me the fuck alone. That's what FREEEDOM is all about. The freedom to choose what you want to do. And that includes whether you want to "help" or whether you don't want to support a bunch of ungrateful parasites who surf all day and eat lobster.
this country is full of good people and not full of idiot sociopaths like you.

we help each other and always have.

MOVE if you want to see children starving in the streets you fucking sociopath
this country is full of good people and not full of idiot sociopaths like you.

we help each other and always have.

MOVE if you want to see children starving in the streets you fucking sociopath

So you can't dispute any of the facts I stated? Exactly. Sorry sweetie, if you want the failed "we're all in this together" communist bullshit then you have to move to Russia, or Cuba, or China. The Constitution was created to prevent parasites like you from destroying society by mooching off of the rest of us.

You keep spouting off senseless shit about "helping" yet you refuse to help anyone. If you want "the children" fed then you feed them. Why is this so difficult for you angry lady?
you are a fucking liar.


Your last post (like every post you make) was a lie. Here it is right here:

"what you want is to stop food stamps because you found one guy who may MAY not be really looking for a job?"

Sweetie, he is on video admitting it and turning down an $82,000 a year job because he gets to surf all day and eat lobster off the tax payers dime!!! there is no "may" about it liar. He's incentivized not to work because that's what the power-hungry Dumbocrats needs to ensure a voter base for them. People dependent on the government plantation.
this country is full of good people and not full of idiot sociopaths like you.

we help each other and always have.

MOVE if you want to see children starving in the streets you fucking sociopath

Yeah, lets examine how you Dumbocrats "help":

  • LBJ decided to "help" people in poverty. He's spent $2 trillion on it and all it has done is expanded poverty (after all, why work when someone else will provide for you?).

  • Slick Willy Clinton decided to "help" people who were renting because they couldn't afford homes. All it has done was collapsing the housing market, devalued everyone's home in the U.S., destroyed our entire economy, and ensured more people didn't have a phone than before he started.

  • Obama decided to "help" people and all it has done is created the most people dependent on food stamps in U.S. history.

  • The final result on all of the Dumbocrats "helping"? Record unemployment, housing market collapse, collapse of our economy, collapse of bankrupted Detroit, and $17 trillion in debt which will soon collapse the U.S.
Gee, aren't you glad the Dumbocrats are here to "help"! :eusa_doh:
helping people is NOT hurting people

You can make that argument for short term help, though the Federal government is the worst possible provider of that help.

However, the long term users of welfare in this country are complete and utter losers. They are dependent because they won't take responsibility for their own lives, make better choices, and make something of themselves. They are the economic equivalent of people who live their life in their parents basement. And they are shameless parasites, they don't recognize what they are, regret their poor choices or even have any appreciation for the money that was earned by someone else, someone who did make good choices and support themselves and their families and in addition to that is funding welfare.
this country is full of good people and not full of idiot sociopaths like you.

we help each other and always have.

MOVE if you want to see children starving in the streets you fucking sociopath

I like how you describe taking other people's money by force as helping "each other."
please go get an example where helping people was horrible for mankind?

where in history did you learn that from?
Jim Brown, who’s running in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, compared modern-day “entitlements” to slavery. But even more disturbing, perhaps, he denied that slavery was, first and foremost, a brutally violent institution…

Public assistance programs are varied and complex, they serve many different Americans with many different needs. The programs are efficient, appropriate, and help protect the most at-risk members of our society.

And republican ignorance of these programs is comprehensive.

The vast majority of Americans who receive public assistance do so only for a very short period of time never to return. Consequently the notion that public assistance somehow comports with ‘slavery’ is ignorant nonsense, and clearly a lie contrived by the right as red meat to feed to the base.

And republicans wonder why African-Americans have nothing but contempt for the GOP.
Jim Brown, who’s running in Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, compared modern-day “entitlements” to slavery. But even more disturbing, perhaps, he denied that slavery was, first and foremost, a brutally violent institution…

Public assistance programs are varied and complex, they serve many different Americans with many different needs. The programs are efficient, appropriate, and help protect the most at-risk members of our society.

And republican ignorance of these programs is comprehensive.

The vast majority of Americans who receive public assistance do so only for a very short period of time never to return. Consequently the notion that public assistance somehow comports with ‘slavery’ is ignorant nonsense, and clearly a lie contrived by the right as red meat to feed to the base.

And republicans wonder why African-Americans have nothing but contempt for the GOP.

Bullshit. Every word.

There is a culture of dependence that goes on for generations. That some people get off welfare sometimes is not proof there isn't. In fact the penalty for leaving the welfare plantation is substantial. The programs themselves are shot through with fraud and waste.
3 charged in 'extensive' welfare fraud ring
That's one of about a bazillion cases.
please go get an example where helping people was horrible for mankind?

where in history did you learn that from?

OK, I'll go with the obvious on this, the topic of the discussion. Welfare in the United States is designed to keep people dependent and is therefore horrible because it locks people for generations into cycles of dependency.

The reason for that is that true "help" is when givers give voluntarily, then the receivers, churches and the organizations involved in the help are accountable to the giver or they stop giving. When government does it, they do it at the point of a gun and are not accountable to the giver but the receiver because the receivers are in larger numbers. And therefore, the giving is designed according to the selfish desires of the receiver and we end up with what we have.

I still like how you describe taking people's money by force as helping each other....

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