Ann Coulter: "Trump Is Trying To Scam The Stupidest People In His Base With A National Emergency"

Ann Coulter

The only emergency we have is that our President is an idiot

She's a stopped clock. Correct twice a day. She got this one right
We thought Trump's ego was too big?! Annie needs to eat some humble pie before it gets shoved up her tight little ass.
And there it is....the st. donnie worshippers turning on Coulter for admitting the truth about them.

What part of "Coulter is wrong" don't you get? The only "Truth" is that the dems won't negotiate and Trump can't shutdown the government again. I hope ICE starts deporting DACA and Dreamers ASAP since the dems don't care about them. If the senate GOP holds serve and defeats the motion of "disapproval" everything is fine, assuming the USSC holds serve too.
We thought Trump's ego was too big?! Annie needs to eat some humble pie before it gets shoved up her tight little ass.
And there it is....the st. donnie worshippers turning on Coulter for admitting the truth about them.

What part of "Coulter is wrong" don't you get? The only "Truth" is that the dems won't negotiate and Trump can't shutdown the government again. I hope ICE starts deporting DACA and Dreamers ASAP since the dems don't care about them. If the senate GOP holds serve and defeats the motion of "disapproval" everything is fine, assuming the USSC holds serve too.

The statement...."I didn't have to do this...."

Sorry....I am not pushing my thread...but this quote from Coulter says it all!

“There ARE no emergency powers to build the wall if Trump signs this bill,” she tweeted. “It's like signing a confession - then immediately appealing it.”

Her comment makes no sense. Congress isn’t willing to act, he can use his powers to.
We thought Trump's ego was too big?! Annie needs to eat some humble pie before it gets shoved up her tight little ass.
And there it is....the st. donnie worshippers turning on Coulter for admitting the truth about them.

Not turning on Coulter, just not agreeing with her at all on this. If he vetos the bill then nothing gets passed at all. Congress will not pass a bill with the 5+ billion he wants. Dems filibustered it when they did have the votes. So now his only option is to use his Presidential powers.
We thought Trump's ego was too big?! Annie needs to eat some humble pie before it gets shoved up her tight little ass.
And there it is....the st. donnie worshippers turning on Coulter for admitting the truth about them.

Not turning on Coulter, just not agreeing with her at all on this. If he vetos the bill then nothing gets passed at all. Congress will not pass a bill with the 5+ billion he wants. Dems filibustered it when they did have the votes. So now his only option is to use his Presidential powers.

Look....McConnell knew the child would not sign the Bill that was approved by both parties. Mitch knew that another shut down would doom the GOP. He bit his tongue and told trump he would support his Emergency.....right......

The Republican Party is DEAD. There is nothing conservative about these budget busting idiots. They swoon over a fake repub who calls a fake emergency.

In 2020 they will pay dearly!
Conservative political commentator and author Ann Coulter railed against President Trump on Thursday night as he prepared to declare a national emergency to build his border wall, tweeting that such a move was intended to “scam the stupidest people in his base.”

Coulter, a confidant of Trump who turned against him last month after his surprising move to reopen government without any border funds, quote-tweeted Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz’s post that “the goal of a national emergency is to end illegal immigration and cartel smuggling.”

Horowitz wrote that 100 to 200 miles of fencing “will not do” and that unaccompanied minors “will come anywhere including points of entry and not only get amnesty for themselves but for those here.”

Coulter disagreed.

“No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years,” she tweeted.
In a separate tweet, she added, “The goal is to get Trump's stupidest voters to say ‘HE'S FIGHTING!’ No he's not. If he signs this bill, it's over.”

Read the entire this here: Ann Coulter says Donald Trump is trying to "scam the stupidest people in his base" with a national emergency

Frankly, I couldn't have said it better myself.

The STUPIDEST people in his base?

how does one tell?

so many stupid trump voters.....
PTDS is in full force today.. Just look at the hatred towards US citizens who want to see this country protected from criminals who bring drugs and rape and kill women. Do you want women to be raped and killed?
That’s a pretty shitty and dishonest way to frame it. It is possible to oppose the wall, legislation, the presidents agenda, and still care about Americans, border security, and not support women being killed and raped. You’re being ridiculous
when you have 3,000,000 illegals voting in Californication, the popular vote was still won by President Trump.

Obviously the open mockery of the "WE WON THE POPULAR VOTE!" loons went over your head.

Not at all, I know the left cheats all the time, why else has the new research on voter ID shows how much of liars the left really is.

'Suppression,' Debunked: Study Concludes Voter ID Laws Do Not Depress Voter Turnout
Voter ID laws have been upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional, and enjoy overwhelming public support -- including approval from large majorities of racial minorities, who evidently don't share the professional Left's racialized hysteria.
With the border closing and more people (black, brown and white) voting for President Trump and his bring jobs back so people can work policy, is causing the hysteria and violent rhetoric of the left.
Donald Trump's supporters are leaping off the Trumpwagon one by one as it trundles its way on the road to nowhere.

Is Trump self-immolating with his latest gut reaction of declaring an emergency when stamping his feet and whining didn't get his what he wants.?

Ann Coulter is the latest to serve a nuclear ace to Donald Trump who seems oblivious to being in the game. Poor little Donald has his feelings hurt from being so unloved by the ungrateful.

While the USA burns, Donald Trump, plays golf. The Donald Trump emergency is as fake as a MAGA Pussy Hat.

Coulter fires back at Trump: 'Only national emergency is that our president is an idiot'

Coulter fires back at Trump: 'Only national emergency is that our president is an idiot'
BY JOE CONCHA - 02/15/19 04:33 PM EST

Ann Coulter fired back at President Trump on Friday, stating that "the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot" in a radio interview on Friday afternoon.

Coulter was responding to Trump's comment earlier on Friday calling out the conservative firebrand as being "off the reservation." He made the remark during a press conference at the White House after he declared a national emergency on the southern border.
"It was one thing, the promise he made every single day at every single speech. Forget the fact that he's digging his own grave," Coulter added. "The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot."...
Donald Trump's supporters are leaping off the Trumpwagon one by one as it trundles its way on the road to nowhere. Keep dreaming little buddy.

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