Animal friendships

I'll try. The buzzards get a little spooked when I try to photo them as me walking toward them is seen as a threat I guess. I call them buzzards but they are really black vultures. The turkey buzzards sometimes show up but they don't socialize or stay long. I am pretty close to an interstate connector with lots of woods and such so the big birds hang out waiting for food to be roadkilled. They started roosting about 5 years ago when we had something kill two large elm trees. They started sitting up in them. After I cut them down, the damn birds just kept coming back. They are worse in winter than summer though. I have had as many as 50, but only a couple are here everyday all year. They are mostly here in the mornings when it is cold as they sun themselves on my roofs and open field to warm up. When it is scorching like it has been, they like to partake of the water we put out for the cats.

My cats are rather used to critters. Besides the vultures, there are 3 foxes running around the street every night, raccoons are not unusual, possums are always scurrying around at night, and we have anywhere between 1 and a dozen deer at a time walking around the yard in the later afternoon and at night. We are woods adjacent, have a field, and have a small pond. I just think it is funny the vultures stand around the cats' water bowl.
Dekster; down in Redland Oregon we had some BIG black birds that folks called "Turkey Vultures", but ours had whiteish colored wings. Do the vultures that u see have the whiteish colored wings? I had forgotten all about the Turkey vultures until U just mentioned them so I just checked them out online. The soaring vulture image in the link below I instantly remembered them from my memory. They were always HIGH(4-500 ft.) in the air circling in a disorganized pack(gaggle?). We figured they had @ least a 4'/4-1/2 wide wingspan. Now I find out they have a wing span up to 70" like that's pretty near a SIX FOOT wide wing span like yikes!!!

I've gotta ask U, what species of deer do U have on your property???
Dekster; down in Redland Oregon we had some BIG black birds that folks called "Turkey Vultures", but ours had whiteish colored wings. Do the vultures that u see have the whiteish colored wings? I had forgotten all about the Turkey vultures until U just mentioned them so I just checked them out online. The soaring vulture image in the link below I instantly remembered them from my memory. They were always HIGH(4-500 ft.) in the air circling in a disorganized pack(gaggle?). We figured they had @ least a 4'/4-1/2 wide wingspan. Now I find out they have a wing span up to 70" like that's pretty near a SIX FOOT wide wing span like yikes!!!

I've gotta ask U, what species of deer do U have on your property???

All our deer are blah white tails. We do occasionally get a few turkey vultures mixed in the flock in winter, but our everyday ones are black vultures. The turkey vultures are more brown with red on their heads and beak in these parts. The fox have moved on since I originally posted that. Haven't seen them in awhile.
All our deer are blah white tails. We do occasionally get a few turkey vultures mixed in the flock in winter, but our everyday ones are black vultures. The turkey vultures are more brown with red on their heads and beak in these parts. The fox have moved on since I originally posted that. Haven't seen them in awhile.
Sorry for the raptor image. The turkey vulture image top left that's soaring is what I remember exactly. The bottom images show the black vultures U speak of.

Yeah, I hear ya on the "blah White-Tailed" deer. Up here in eastern Washington we really got a mixed bag of desert Mulies, generic White- Tailed deer(all look the same) & of course the high country Mule deer. Below; the night life in Spokane Washington:

It's no longer just the night life as it's now 24/7 Mulie Heaven;(does heading E. on Sprague Ave. between Stevens St. & Howard St. Spokane Wa.

Keep talking as I am all EARS!!!!!!!!;

Take care, till next time!
I don't know if this is going to show up, because it's a Fedbook video, but i'll try. Look at those faces. 🥰

Below; Pets come in all shapes & sizes. If the pet is too big to be an indoor/outdoor pet then one modifies the windows so the pet can be a 1/3 indoor/outdoor pet!

Below; Lake-Wolf Creamery Jersey calf having the time of her life! It's an absolute impossibility to be around these lil tykes & not fall in love with them!

Below; Pets come in all shapes & sizes. If the pet is too big to be an indoor/outdoor pet then one modifies the windows so the pet can be a 1/3 indoor/outdoor pet!

Below; Lake-Wolf Creamery Jersey calf having the time of her life! It's an absolute impossibility to be around these lil tykes & not fall in love with them!

What an adorable little guy! Reminds of me this, speaking of animal friendships 🥰

What an adorable little guy! Reminds of me this, speaking of animal friendships 🥰

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The farm creatures they are just so beautifully/totally innocent! Not just farm creatures but also many wild & also wild but domesticated to a person/family type creatures. The below vid was taken by the counterpart of Marlis Jermutus(Lord bless her soul) from the Pelorian Pages site. Their deer are called "California Mulies" & they are the product of the Columbian Black-Tailed deer & the Rocky Mountain Mule deer hooking up together. Below @ 1:18 into the vid Zippy is getting excited as she rounds a pine & breaks into a mild/brief "stotting" show. At 1:34 into the vid after receiving a double shot of her babies love ZIPPY breaks into a classic full stotting(think popcorn popping) show though briefly. When it comes to the stotting it's limited to only 3 species of deer, California Mulies, Columbian Black Tailed & of course the big Rocky Mountain Mule Deer.


Chocolate Labs, how could it get any better? I had two of the Black labs like who cares about the color as it's the pooch that counts. Those eyes of theirs ring of faithful & true with heavy on the LUV! No matter what size the creatures are it's ALWAYS in the EYES!
Chocolate Labs, how could it get any better? I had two of the Black labs like who cares about the color as it's the pooch that counts. Those eyes of theirs ring of faithful & true with heavy on the LUV! No matter what size the creatures are it's ALWAYS in the EYES!

This cutie pie looks to be a European Roe doe that have the almond shaped eyelids(only deer with almond shaped eyelids). I just so admire folks that have the BIG hearts, & I am absolutely sure that our Boss does to!

This cutie pie looks to be a European Roe doe that have the almond shaped eyelids(only deer with almond shaped eyelids). I just so admire folks that have the BIG hearts, & I am absolutely sure that our Boss does to!

Yes, absolutely, I agree with you on all counts! :) That poor baby was so scared, but it's always cool to see that at some point during a rescue they begin to understand the human is there to help, not harm them. Seeing animal rescues like this always makes my day.

Btw, I know this is random, but this just came to my mind, it's a beautiful documentary called Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home. I don't know if you'd be interested in watching it, but I'll share it anyway. I love this film... it's both sad and happy (there's one part that makes me cry like a baby, lol) but overall it's uplifting.

The full film is not on YouTube, but you can see it here on their website: Peaceable Kingdom - The Journey Home

Actually, someone uploaded it to YouTube, so here it is for you or anyone who wants to watch it:

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A friend of mine had an old dog, a sheepdog. She could barely walk, her hind legs were dragging. And then his kids brought a rat with a cage into the house. They said they had nowhere to put the poor thing, the neighbors were going abroad, they wanted to throw it on the garbage dump....

Parents were alarmed: how, a rat in our house? We have a dog, it will eat him!
Kids: we'll keep an eye on it!

For about two weeks, the whole family strictly monitored that the dog and the baby rat did not cross. They locked either the little rat in a cage or the dog in another room. But one time, as it should be in such cases, they did not keep track... The dog stuck his huge toothy face, which is 5 times bigger than the baby rat, into the open cage: oh, who is this little one?

And the rat, he was sleeping serenely then, woke up and licked the dog's nose: oh, who are you so big?

And a friendship began between the big old dog and the young rat. Since then, they slept only together (no one locked anyone anymore), they walked together on the street (the rat on the dog's neck), they ran around the apartment after each other like devils. Rats are fun playful creatures.
The old dog got about five years younger, even her hind legs worked. When you have a young fun-loving friend, it passes on. They were BUDDIES! They even stole food off the table together. The rat would quietly climb up on the table and drop tasty morsels to the dog. The dog would catch them in flight! They were a GANG!

Rats don't need to be washed - they polish themselves to a shine, they devote a third of their lives to licking themselves. My friend's rat, besides itself, diligently licked its brutal dog friend. However, she could not lick all of him, of course, she was 100 times smaller than him. She had enough energy to lick his nose, eyes and ears. The big dog jerked his hind leg in pleasure.

No one in the world can lick your ear better than a rat with his little pink tongue, I testify. When a rat gets all the way into a dog's ear to lick it, with just the tail sticking out of the ear... Can you imagine yourself in the dog's shoes? You jumped up and down on your hind leg!

And the dog responded by licking the rat gratefully. It wasn't easy for the rat. Imagine: you're so small, and you're being licked with a huge pink tongue the size of a refrigerator, rolling across the carpet. But it's a ritual, there's no getting away from it. The rat jerked his paws in the process. All four of them.

And when the dog was taken after a dirty autumn walk to wash his paws in the bathtub, he gently took his favorite rat across his belly and dragged him along: I'll be bored to wash without you... The rat didn't resist. They wash their friend, and I'll have a splash at the same time, it's no big deal, even though I'm clean in life. I've seen it firsthand.

I went to my friends' house with their wonderful and amazing dog and rat. The first thing that greeted me in the hallway was the rat running forward (rats are curious beyond belief and run very fast): oh, who came to see us? Then a huge sheepdog came out, not hurrying, strict as it was: don't step on its tail, Uncle Yura! The sheepdog had known me for 15 years.

Standing with her powerful paws (the size of my hand) over her microscopic rat friend, covering her whole body. They were both friendly to me. Both were scratched behind the ear and were licked repeatedly by both of them. I adore dogs and rats. And they know it.

...And the rat friend died before his sweet dog friend. A rat's life span is only three years. Their childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age all fall within that short period. Then they run out of battery. The dog outlived her by three days. Just as her favorite rat friend was gone, she lay down and quietly “went over the rainbow.” Her battery ran out, too.

The dog and so with the help of her favorite rat lived at least an extra two years, the vets later said. She lived almost 18 years. The rat recharged her “battery.” Friends always recharge our batteries - proven in life! (c)
The "Animal Stories" thread is probably a more fitting place for this video, but I don't want to post on that thread. Too many dog and cat stories. So I'll post this here.

This is a beautiful animated short film that just came out (Nov. 1.) I love this so much... And it's a true story. (Watch til the end. It's only 7 minutes) :)

Matilda and the Brave Escape | Narrated by Bella Ramsey​


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