Andrew Klavan is right....women in the Witcher fighting with swords would just be killed....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

That is the truth....and the guys who play tag with metal sticks went nuts.....

Klavan is not talking about tag with metal sticks....which is what these morons are talking about when they compare female fencers to male He is talking about actual medieval combat as portrayed in the Witcher.

A woman, marching night and day in heavy armor, with little sleep, bad food, terrible hygiene, poor hydration, running into the fight, is going to die..........a woman at a fencing tournament, Kendo, or western fencing, with plenty of exercise, plenty of sleep, great diet, and plenty of rest, driving to the tournament, before the tournament is still going to be at a disadvantage, but when it is tag, like western fencing is...she can likely beat men also playing tag. Actual combat, where tag becomes bashing and body slams into the ground....she would die.

That is truth.

Here is Andrew Klavan stating the starts at the 39 minute mark, the video is behind a paywall screen, but you can hear his comments, you just can't see the video....

The video doesn't want to play see the video on youtube, it is the Andrew Klavan show #821 again, the commentary starts at the 39 minute mark

Here is one idiot who didn't pay attention to what Klavan actually said...

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More thoughts on this.....

The people attacking Andrew Klavan are people who play tag with metal sticks.....they didn't listen to what he actually said, and they don't really understand combat vs. playing at sword fighting. In an actual combat situation that Klavan was talking about, you are talking about marching for days in heavy armor, bad sleep, bad diet, bad hydration, bad hygiene, mental stress and fatigue, hot weather or cold weather amplified by the armor....before you even see the enemy.....and we are talking about combat that ends up with body slams and getting thrown hard to the ground as well....

What the attackers against Klavan are talking about......

.....tag with metal sticks...........

where the woman will have plenty of rest the night before, sleeping at home or in a hotel room, hydrating properly, eating properly, driving to the tournament in a car, in a comfortable car seat with, likely, air conditioning or heat...and then, stretching and resting before the match, having the match...tag with swords, without wrestling or throwing, or body slamming.......then, stopping.....resting, hydrating, eating, taking off the armor or padding till the next match...putting the weapon down until the next match....relaxing........and that is all the difference in the world......and they just don't think about that before they comment on Andrew Klavan's point...
Movies often don't portray reality in the stories they tell. A man cannot fly like Superman because that would violate Newton's laws of motion. And I still can't get the flux capacitor that I've installed in my car to work; I would like to do a little time traveling.

I think a movie about grandma kicking ass fighting men with swords could be very entertaining. Fuck reality!
Movies often don't portray reality in the stories they tell. A man cannot fly like Superman because that would violate Newton's laws of motion. And I still can't get the flux capacitor that I've installed in my car to work; I would like to do a little time traveling.

I think a movie about grandma kicking ass fighting men with swords could be very entertaining. Fuck reality!

True.....but the social media outrage from the guys who play tag with metal sticks is funny and annoying......
In general, war has always been a male thing, even in other species. Certainly, there could be and certainly have been exceptions. History shows that women have been most ferocious in defensive fighting, not aggressive/invasive.
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

That is the truth....and the guys who play tag with metal sticks went nuts.....

Klavan is not talking about tag with metal sticks....which is what these morons are talking about when they compare female fencers to male He is talking about actual medieval combat as portrayed in the Witcher.

A woman, marching night and day in heavy armor, with little sleep, bad food, terrible hygiene, poor hydration, running into the fight, is going to die..........a woman at a fencing tournament, Kendo, or western fencing, with plenty of exercise, plenty of sleep, great diet, and plenty of rest, driving to the tournament, before the tournament is still going to be at a disadvantage, but when it is tag, like western fencing is...she can likely beat men also playing tag. Actual combat, where tag becomes bashing and body slams into the ground....she would die.

That is truth.

Here is Andrew Klavan stating the starts at the 39 minute mark, the video is behind a paywall screen, but you can hear his comments, you just can't see the video....

The video doesn't want to play see the video on youtube, it is the Andrew Klavan show #821 again, the commentary starts at the 39 minute mark

Here is one idiot who didn't pay attention to what Klavan actually said...

Why do you think they dont combine womens tennis with mens tennis? Women start cramping after 2 1/2 sets, always have always will, men have gone on to 5 sets and sometimes 15 tie break games. A woman would die in a game like that.

Column: Women need five-sets tennis to win equality battle
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

That is the truth....and the guys who play tag with metal sticks went nuts.....

Klavan is not talking about tag with metal sticks....which is what these morons are talking about when they compare female fencers to male He is talking about actual medieval combat as portrayed in the Witcher.

A woman, marching night and day in heavy armor, with little sleep, bad food, terrible hygiene, poor hydration, running into the fight, is going to die..........a woman at a fencing tournament, Kendo, or western fencing, with plenty of exercise, plenty of sleep, great diet, and plenty of rest, driving to the tournament, before the tournament is still going to be at a disadvantage, but when it is tag, like western fencing is...she can likely beat men also playing tag. Actual combat, where tag becomes bashing and body slams into the ground....she would die.

That is truth.

Here is Andrew Klavan stating the starts at the 39 minute mark, the video is behind a paywall screen, but you can hear his comments, you just can't see the video....

The video doesn't want to play see the video on youtube, it is the Andrew Klavan show #821 again, the commentary starts at the 39 minute mark

Here is one idiot who didn't pay attention to what Klavan actually said...

Why do you think they dont combine womens tennis with mens tennis? Women start cramping after 2 1/2 sets, always have always will, men have gone on to 5 sets and sometimes 15 tie break games. A woman would die in a game like that.

Column: Women need five-sets tennis to win equality battle

Now imagine them playing tennis with medieval armor........plate, not in the show...
In general, war has always been a male thing, even in other species. Certainly, there could be and certainly have been exceptions. History shows that women have been most ferocious in defensive fighting, not aggressive/invasive.
The reason why men went to war and women stayed home, is that men can go off to fight and 1 man can impregnate many women to have many babies. Women go off to fight and no babies are born...Extinction...
In general, war has always been a male thing, even in other species. Certainly, there could be and certainly have been exceptions. History shows that women have been most ferocious in defensive fighting, not aggressive/invasive.
The reason why men went to war and women stayed home, is that men can go off to fight and 1 man can impregnate many women to have many babies. Women go off to fight and no babies are born...Extinction...

Learned about that dynamic in either a science or sociology can die in the millions in war....but as long as you have women at home you are fine......lose a million women? You are looking at extinction...
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

That is the truth....and the guys who play tag with metal sticks went nuts.....

Klavan is not talking about tag with metal sticks....which is what these morons are talking about when they compare female fencers to male He is talking about actual medieval combat as portrayed in the Witcher.

A woman, marching night and day in heavy armor, with little sleep, bad food, terrible hygiene, poor hydration, running into the fight, is going to die..........a woman at a fencing tournament, Kendo, or western fencing, with plenty of exercise, plenty of sleep, great diet, and plenty of rest, driving to the tournament, before the tournament is still going to be at a disadvantage, but when it is tag, like western fencing is...she can likely beat men also playing tag. Actual combat, where tag becomes bashing and body slams into the ground....she would die.

That is truth.

Here is Andrew Klavan stating the starts at the 39 minute mark, the video is behind a paywall screen, but you can hear his comments, you just can't see the video....

The video doesn't want to play see the video on youtube, it is the Andrew Klavan show #821 again, the commentary starts at the 39 minute mark

Here is one idiot who didn't pay attention to what Klavan actually said...

True, there are genetic differences, as well as individual exceptions.

And in "real life", fighting is pretty ugly and quick, not something anyone would "want" to do at all, unless they're insane, severely intellectually lacking, or otherwise civilizationarily or chemically maladjusted; what's shown on TV and film is theatrics; this is from a book on the subject by Rory Miller.
Women athletes can’t even win against transgenders. So...yeah...very unrealistic.
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

Dick Tiny wants "realism" in his show about Witches and Magic.
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

That is the truth....and the guys who play tag with metal sticks went nuts.....

Klavan is not talking about tag with metal sticks....which is what these morons are talking about when they compare female fencers to male He is talking about actual medieval combat as portrayed in the Witcher.

A woman, marching night and day in heavy armor, with little sleep, bad food, terrible hygiene, poor hydration, running into the fight, is going to die..........a woman at a fencing tournament, Kendo, or western fencing, with plenty of exercise, plenty of sleep, great diet, and plenty of rest, driving to the tournament, before the tournament is still going to be at a disadvantage, but when it is tag, like western fencing is...she can likely beat men also playing tag. Actual combat, where tag becomes bashing and body slams into the ground....she would die.

That is truth.

Here is Andrew Klavan stating the starts at the 39 minute mark, the video is behind a paywall screen, but you can hear his comments, you just can't see the video....

The video doesn't want to play see the video on youtube, it is the Andrew Klavan show #821 again, the commentary starts at the 39 minute mark

Here is one idiot who didn't pay attention to what Klavan actually said...

Why do you think they dont combine womens tennis with mens tennis? Women start cramping after 2 1/2 sets, always have always will, men have gone on to 5 sets and sometimes 15 tie break games. A woman would die in a game like that.

Column: Women need five-sets tennis to win equality battle

Now imagine them playing tennis with medieval armor........plate, not in the show...

Plate armor weighs less than chainmail. When articulated properly it is less inhibiting to movement as well. In general klavan is correct but there are always exceptions to the rule.

Joan of Arc actually fought in armor, against men. She was young however.

The reality is there are a small number of women, who, if trained from birth, as medieval knights were, would do okay in a fight with men. They have better stamina overall, but less strength. So the fight would be skill based, can she avoid being hit long enough to wear the man out.
Andrew Klavan tells the truth.....and has started a tiny little to do with his comments on the show "The Witcher." In that show, a grandmother aged woman goes into a battle in heavy armor and fights against male opponents.......and Andrew Klavan said it took him out of the show, since it would be all of 5 seconds before she was killed.....

Dick Tiny wants "realism" in his show about Witches and Magic.
To me it's less "realism" and more akin to believability.
Women athletes can’t even win against transgenders. So...yeah...very unrealistic.

If people wanted realism, they wouldn't watch movies to begin with


Sure, but a woman who is an athlete would do better than a man who isn't, particularly one who is too morbidly obese to even get out of his chair.

This is why most of these claims are idiotic, and only mean something in pure abstraction; such as 2 people of similar physical health, intellect, character traits, and so forth, compared side by side; with the primary difference being the genetic difference between men and women, such as greater muscle mass density and so forth. The other big difference being in relation to the military or law enforcement, vs civilization life - from what I have read from people who have been there and done those things, they are primarily pragmatic institutions designed to get a job done, so they do discriminate on the basis of sexual or genetic difference, given life or death types of situations are at stake.

The same with other claims, like mathematical or artistic savant, in practice even if more men tend to be mathematical or artistic prodigies than women, a mathematical prodigy who is a woman will still do better than a man who isn't.

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