..and this is exactly why leftists are so out of touch.....


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
After Richard Mourdock not just defeated, but destroyed establishment Republican Dick Lugar in the primary, Mourdock got a rude welcome from CNN(Communist News Network). Now, has anyone noticed just how upset the Democrats and leftist media are over this trouncing of Lugar? Need I say more?? Lugar was a useful idiot, a Republican with no spine, a RINO who just wanted to be liked. He was and still is a media darling because he just wanted to comprimise and give the Democrats/Marxists everything they wanted, including Elana Kagan and Sotomayor.

So, now we have a this CNN host, Soledad O'Brien opining that Mourdock would undermine unity. Uhhh, no offense Soledad O'Brien, but if you want unity, you should really consider a marxist, tyrannical dictatorship, because when there is unity, we have no representation. We have different parties for the very simple fact that they represent people with differing political views.

It is just amazing, the arrogance, ignorance and lack of being in the real world as to where these leftists are coming from. Why, how dare anyone have a differing opionon or political view than us, or RINOs, that can't be possible. Just read this, listen to this??? Does this woman not forget the: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" comment by one certain Mr. Obama, wasn't that undemining "unity"

The problem is, the leftist elitists don't know life outside of Manhattan, and I honestly do not think this ignorant left-wing hack thinks she is being biased. It is just that she is so ignorant as to what happens outside of her newsroom, outside of what happens in Manhattan, outside of what happens amongst her far leftist elistist friends, she really doesn't believe there are people in this nation with a differing political view than hers, and to see someone like Mourdock defeat one of their favorite useful idiot RINOs, just has them beyond dismayed and perplexed. People like O'Brien are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone agrees with their marxist utopian agenda, not do they want it. This is a perfect example of what happens when you don't live in the real world and one is surrounded by a collection of arrogant, ignorant elitist, left-wing know-it-all snobs who have never worked a day of hard labour in their life. Enjoy the link.

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win? | NewsBusters.org
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Wow, that's some heavy spin. I see why you're such a fan of Andrew Breitbart. He liked out of context quotes too.

Here's the full question:
You told the New York Times, "The time for being collegial has passed. It's time for confrontation." And when I look at the polls and talk to people who are frustrated about I would say a lack of what's getting done in Washington, D.C., I mean there's genuine frustration and the anger can be seen on some of the poll numbers – I think approval is probably 17 percent approval for Congress.

Doesn't going in with an attitude potentially, of course, if you're able to be victorious at the very end, that collegial has passed and we're going to be confrontational, doesn't that actually just undermine any sense of trying to get Americans united and together and raise some of those numbers for approval, frankly?
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".
Wow, that's some heavy spin. I see why you're such a fan of Andrew Breitbart. He liked out of context quotes too.

Here's the full question:
You told the New York Times, "The time for being collegial has passed. It's time for confrontation." And when I look at the polls and talk to people who are frustrated about I would say a lack of what's getting done in Washington, D.C., I mean there's genuine frustration and the anger can be seen on some of the poll numbers – I think approval is probably 17 percent approval for Congress.

Doesn't going in with an attitude potentially, of course, if you're able to be victorious at the very end, that collegial has passed and we're going to be confrontational, doesn't that actually just undermine any sense of trying to get Americans united and together and raise some of those numbers for approval, frankly?

Obviously, you didn't completely read my post. I mentioned how Barack Obama stated: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun". So, that is unity???? Or how about Obama attacking the police, which lead to the petty beer summit to save face. Oh, and how about the wonderful unity of Obama by spiking the football with OBL and asking would Romney have done the same thing?

So, the conclusion of your reply is this: "it is okay for my side to be confrontational, but how dare anyone who disagrees with me do the same." Thanks for bringing up the fallacy of a sword only cuts one way.
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The fact is you never compromise on principles,” Mourdock explained. “If people on the far left have a principle they want to stand by, they should never compromise. Those of us on the right should not either.

Mourdock to Soledad O'Brien
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

You just defined Obama, you moron.

Obama won't compromise? Hilarious. Obama wanting to compromise with the Republicans who fucked over this country is one of the reasons they became angry with him.
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

Another load of horsecrap.

This is all about getting some people who will actually deal with the real issues we have in this country.

Not about sucking up to the skinny assed moron-in-chief we have now.

He's a one termer.
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

Just like the famed tyrannies of yore who forced upon the masses: governments of limited power and scope, freedom to keep a little more of their own money and er... the right to bear arms all at the point of a er... gun.

Wow, that's some heavy spin. I see why you're such a fan of Andrew Breitbart. He liked out of context quotes too.

Here's the full question:
You told the New York Times, "The time for being collegial has passed. It's time for confrontation." And when I look at the polls and talk to people who are frustrated about I would say a lack of what's getting done in Washington, D.C., I mean there's genuine frustration and the anger can be seen on some of the poll numbers – I think approval is probably 17 percent approval for Congress.

Doesn't going in with an attitude potentially, of course, if you're able to be victorious at the very end, that collegial has passed and we're going to be confrontational, doesn't that actually just undermine any sense of trying to get Americans united and together and raise some of those numbers for approval, frankly?

Obviously, you didn't completely read my post. I mentioned how Barack Obama stated: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun". So, that is unity???? Or how about Obama attacking the police, which lead to the petty beer summit to save face. Oh, and how about the wonderful unity of Obama by spiking the football with OBL and asking would Romney have done the same thing?

So, the conclusion of your reply is this: "it is okay for my side to be confrontational, but how dare anyone who disagrees with me do the same." Thanks for bringing up the fallacy of a sword only cuts one way.
Why would someone bring a knife in the first place?
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

Just like the famed tyrannies of yore who forced upon the masses: governments of limited power and scope, freedom to keep a little more of their own money and er... the right to bear arms all at the point of a er... gun.


You can't even admit Obama expanded gun rights, can you?
After Richard Mourdock not just defeated, but destroyed establishment Republican Dick Lugar in the primary, Mourdock got a rude welcome from CNN(Communist News Network). Now, has anyone noticed just how upset the Democrats and leftist media are over this trouncing of Lugar? Need I say more?? Lugar was a useful idiot, a Republican with no spine, a RINO who just wanted to be liked. He was and still is a media darling because he just wanted to comprimise and give the Democrats/Marxists everything they wanted, including Elana Kagan and Sotomayor.

So, now we have a this CNN host, Soledad O'Brien opining that Mourdock would undermine unity. Uhhh, no offense Soledad O'Brien, but if you want unity, you should really consider a marxist, tyrannical dictatorship, because when there is unity, we have no representation. We have different parties for the very simple fact that they represent people with differing political views.

It is just amazing, the arrogance, ignorance and lack of being in the real world as to where these leftists are coming from. Why, how dare anyone have a differing opionon or political view than us, or RINOs, that can't be possible. Just read this, listen to this??? Does this woman not forget the: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" comment by one certain Mr. Obama, wasn't that undemining "unity"

The problem is, the leftist elitists don't know life outside of Manhattan, and I honestly do not think this ignorant left-wing hack thinks she is being biased. It is just that she is so ignorant as to what happens outside of her newsroom, outside of what happens in Manhattan, outside of what happens amongst her far leftist elistist friends, she really doesn't believe there are people in this nation with a differing political view than hers, and to see someone like Mourdock defeat one of their favorite useful idiot RINOs, just has them beyond dismayed and perplexed. People like O'Brien are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone agrees with their marxist utopian agenda, not do they want it. This is a perfect example of what happens when you don't live in the real world and one is surrounded by a collection of arrogant, ignorant elitist, left-wing know-it-all snobs who have never worked a day of hard labour in their life. Enjoy the link.

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win? | NewsBusters.org
Mr. President,

I think your politics are a little wrinkled.

I want my one-quarter vote back!
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

Compromise on what? $3 billion tax cuts when we have the GSA spending $800k on magicians, clowns,?
Compromise on Keystone? So Canada ships only 500,000 barrels every day BY tanker on the open ocean remember "Exxon Valdez" anyone?
That kind of "compromise?

Or how about this.. 10% tax on tanning salons in Obamacare WHILE ambulance chasing lawyers bill $100 billion a year forcing physicians to duplicate testing, specialist referrals creating $600 billion a year defensive medicine!
That kind of compromise??

Or how about this "compromise" lend Brazil $2 billion then tell them we'll be their best customers"... THAT compromise???

Want more "compromises?? Literally BILLIONS of them!!!
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

So you are saying that Obama is a tyrant? By your definition he fits. Im surprised your being so honest.
Tyrants are those that won't compromise or negotiate. They just want to force their limited views on the country no matter the cost. You know. Like the "Teanuts".

You just defined Obama, you moron.

Obama won't compromise? Hilarious. Obama wanting to compromise with the Republicans who fucked over this country is one of the reasons they became angry with him.

Actually, it's him not wanting to compromise that has people annoyed with him.
After Richard Mourdock not just defeated, but destroyed establishment Republican Dick Lugar in the primary, Mourdock got a rude welcome from CNN(Communist News Network). Now, has anyone noticed just how upset the Democrats and leftist media are over this trouncing of Lugar? Need I say more?? Lugar was a useful idiot, a Republican with no spine, a RINO who just wanted to be liked. He was and still is a media darling because he just wanted to comprimise and give the Democrats/Marxists everything they wanted, including Elana Kagan and Sotomayor.

So, now we have a this CNN host, Soledad O'Brien opining that Mourdock would undermine unity. Uhhh, no offense Soledad O'Brien, but if you want unity, you should really consider a marxist, tyrannical dictatorship, because when there is unity, we have no representation. We have different parties for the very simple fact that they represent people with differing political views.

It is just amazing, the arrogance, ignorance and lack of being in the real world as to where these leftists are coming from. Why, how dare anyone have a differing opionon or political view than us, or RINOs, that can't be possible. Just read this, listen to this??? Does this woman not forget the: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" comment by one certain Mr. Obama, wasn't that undemining "unity"

The problem is, the leftist elitists don't know life outside of Manhattan, and I honestly do not think this ignorant left-wing hack thinks she is being biased. It is just that she is so ignorant as to what happens outside of her newsroom, outside of what happens in Manhattan, outside of what happens amongst her far leftist elistist friends, she really doesn't believe there are people in this nation with a differing political view than hers, and to see someone like Mourdock defeat one of their favorite useful idiot RINOs, just has them beyond dismayed and perplexed. People like O'Brien are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone agrees with their marxist utopian agenda, not do they want it. This is a perfect example of what happens when you don't live in the real world and one is surrounded by a collection of arrogant, ignorant elitist, left-wing know-it-all snobs who have never worked a day of hard labour in their life. Enjoy the link.

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win? | NewsBusters.org

And the reason for their dismay? How much better it is to have one of your own in the enemy's camp. That's worth having two of your own in your own camp. Lugar sold his Indiana residence when he was first elected 36 years ago and when he comes back to Indiana stays in the houses of friends.

I attended a fundraiser for him back in '76 and gave him $500 for his campaign. He did exactly what I supported him for; he backed small business to the hilt. But when I visualize him in DC I see him drinking a glass of wine while socializing evenings with his "friends," and his friends in DC became more important than his actual constituents.

That's why I voted for Mourdoc and against him yesterday, and on primary day 6 years ago too. Also because he spoke ill of the Tea Party Movement, and I'm a strong and committed TPM member.
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Wow, that's some heavy spin. I see why you're such a fan of Andrew Breitbart. He liked out of context quotes too.

Here's the full question:
You told the New York Times, "The time for being collegial has passed. It's time for confrontation." And when I look at the polls and talk to people who are frustrated about I would say a lack of what's getting done in Washington, D.C., I mean there's genuine frustration and the anger can be seen on some of the poll numbers – I think approval is probably 17 percent approval for Congress.

Doesn't going in with an attitude potentially, of course, if you're able to be victorious at the very end, that collegial has passed and we're going to be confrontational, doesn't that actually just undermine any sense of trying to get Americans united and together and raise some of those numbers for approval, frankly?

Obviously, you didn't completely read my post. I mentioned how Barack Obama stated: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun". So, that is unity???? Or how about Obama attacking the police, which lead to the petty beer summit to save face. Oh, and how about the wonderful unity of Obama by spiking the football with OBL and asking would Romney have done the same thing?

So, the conclusion of your reply is this: "it is okay for my side to be confrontational, but how dare anyone who disagrees with me do the same." Thanks for bringing up the fallacy of a sword only cuts one way.

What does Obama have to do with this at all?
Need I say more?? Lugar was a useful idiot, a Republican with no spine, a RINO who just wanted to be liked.
So according to you someone who votes for republicans 98% of the time is not a republican

So, now we have a this CNN host, Soledad O'Brien opining that Mourdock would undermine unity. Uhhh, no offense Soledad O'Brien, but if you want unity, you should really consider a marxist, tyrannical dictatorship, because when there is unity, we have no representation.
So according to you unity and bipartisanship means Democrats doing everything the GOP asks/wants

It is just amazing, the arrogance, ignorance and lack of being in the real world as to where these leftists are coming from.
Yes people not wanting what you want IE more unemployment lower GDP growth and shittter living standards is just then being ignorant

plz come back when you have a clue IE never
After Richard Mourdock not just defeated, but destroyed establishment Republican Dick Lugar in the primary, Mourdock got a rude welcome from CNN(Communist News Network). Now, has anyone noticed just how upset the Democrats and leftist media are over this trouncing of Lugar? Need I say more?? Lugar was a useful idiot, a Republican with no spine, a RINO who just wanted to be liked. He was and still is a media darling because he just wanted to comprimise and give the Democrats/Marxists everything they wanted, including Elana Kagan and Sotomayor.

So, now we have a this CNN host, Soledad O'Brien opining that Mourdock would undermine unity. Uhhh, no offense Soledad O'Brien, but if you want unity, you should really consider a marxist, tyrannical dictatorship, because when there is unity, we have no representation. We have different parties for the very simple fact that they represent people with differing political views.

It is just amazing, the arrogance, ignorance and lack of being in the real world as to where these leftists are coming from. Why, how dare anyone have a differing opionon or political view than us, or RINOs, that can't be possible. Just read this, listen to this??? Does this woman not forget the: "if they bring a knife, we bring a gun" comment by one certain Mr. Obama, wasn't that undemining "unity"

The problem is, the leftist elitists don't know life outside of Manhattan, and I honestly do not think this ignorant left-wing hack thinks she is being biased. It is just that she is so ignorant as to what happens outside of her newsroom, outside of what happens in Manhattan, outside of what happens amongst her far leftist elistist friends, she really doesn't believe there are people in this nation with a differing political view than hers, and to see someone like Mourdock defeat one of their favorite useful idiot RINOs, just has them beyond dismayed and perplexed. People like O'Brien are completely oblivious to the fact that not everyone agrees with their marxist utopian agenda, not do they want it. This is a perfect example of what happens when you don't live in the real world and one is surrounded by a collection of arrogant, ignorant elitist, left-wing know-it-all snobs who have never worked a day of hard labour in their life. Enjoy the link.

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win? | NewsBusters.org

And the reason for their dismay? How much better it is to have one of your own in the enemy's camp. That's worth having two of your own in your own camp. Lugar sold his Indiana residence when he was first elected 36 years ago and when he comes back to Indiana stays in the houses of friends.

I attended a fundraiser for him back in '76 and gave him $500 for his campaign. He did exactly what I supported him for; he backed small business to the hilt. But when I visualize him in DC I see him drinking a glass of wine while socializing evenings with his "friends," and his friends in DC became more important than his actual constituents.

That's why I voted for Mourdoc and against him yesterday, and on primary day 6 years ago too. Also because he spoke ill of the Tea Party Movement, and I'm a strong and committed TPM member.

So you are a retard

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