And So It Begins

As I said, I can tell you have never been a student of the Bible, Sunni Man. I do not believe you have even read it once cover to cover. I find no evidence of it at all.
Actually it's apparent for all to see that I know the Bible far better than you do Jeremiah. ..... :cool:

That's good Sunni man......Now tell me about the Book of John and Gospel According to John.

And ask that No one guy to add in more comments.
Then there is zero evidence that Mohamed is a prophet of god then. If you ditch our bible, then I ditch your koran........that's how it works Sunni man.
My point was that there is no historical evidence that a man named John ever existed or wrote Revelations.

But there are numerous ancient historians who were not muslims and wrote about Muhammad being the ruler of Arabia. .... :cool:
If you ditch our bible, then I ditch your koran........that's how it works Sunni man.

What a fantastic idea! Ditch the fairy tales! I can live with that! :up:

But Jesus Christ isn't a fairy tale. He has risen and is alive. This is good news for you and I because through Christ we can enter into eternal life. He has pardoned our sins. Why would you not be willing to admit - you've sinned and are in need of a Savior, Hot Potato? I have sinned and am in need of a Savior. I know I cannot enter into heaven on the merit of my own goodness. It is as filthy rags - my righteousness apart from Christ would never make it in! I want to go to heaven! Don't you want to go to heaven and be with the LORD? Don't you want to receive Christ and be given a new beginning in him with your past put away once and for all? To live for Him and to have new life in Him? What could possibly be appealing about this evil world? It's passing away even before our very eyes!
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Then there is zero evidence that Mohamed is a prophet of god then. If you ditch our bible, then I ditch your koran........that's how it works Sunni man.
My point was that there is no historical evidence that a man named John ever existed or wrote Revelations.

But there are numerous ancient historians who were not muslims and wrote about Muhammad being the ruler of Arabia. .... :cool:

The Bible doesn't count to you. Well I already knew that. You are just ditching the Bible and Christians here and saying what I believe is better than what we believe.......You see I believe in the bible, and not the Koran and that is how it's gonna be.......Nothing in between..........

Hey.........Hey............Sunni man stop sharpening that dull dang knife...............You aren't gonna convert me bro...........and the rest of what I was going to say would get me in trouble again........imagine my next words then.
I'm here to learn Sunni man. Educate me.

ISIS is beheading people in the name of Allah and Mohamed. They say they are being good Muslims by obeying the Koran to cut the heads off of the infidels................Or anyone against the Caliphate............

Is this Blasphemy to the Islamic Religion. What versus allow them to do this in the name of Allah?

Now show me where this is justified or against the Koran and teaching of Mohamed.............
Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement
YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
PICKTHAL: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.
SHAKIR: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement
YUSUFALI: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;
PICKTHAL: The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom;
SHAKIR: The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
Why would you not be willing to admit - you've sinned and are in need of a Savior, Hot Potato? I have sinned and am in need of a Savior. I know I cannot enter into heaven on the merit of my own goodness. It is as filthy rags - my righteousness apart from Christ would never make it in! I want to go to heaven! Don't you want to go to heaven and be with the LORD? Don't you want to receive Christ and be given a new beginning in him with your past put away once and for all? To live for Him and to have new life in Him? What could possibly be appealing about this evil world? It's passing away even before our very eyes![/QUOTE]

Do I want a saviour and go to heaven and be with the lord? Err... as I do not believe in the fairy tale, the answer has to be no! Have I sinned? Yes no doubt, but why would I ask for the forgiveness of an imaginary sky being?
If I feel the need for forgiveness I would rather gain it from those I have crossed. Having a pardon from a figment does nothing to appease those who are sinned against in my opinion.
If god is going to come back and secure Israel for eternity why does the west have to prop it up until he does?
If he is really up there floating in the clouds maybe he should come down and sort things out now!
His watch is set to a different time than ours. He is waiting till the end of the Gentile era that He promised. He's going to leave us to it so we see how well we handle things without Him. And we are going to nearly destroy all mankind, then He's coming back to sort things out. And we'll be glad to have Him back this time.

The Gentile age is about to end, and we are seeing shadows of what's to come in the end times. We are going to gang up on His chosen. And He is going to let us have it. Israel is about the size of New Jersey. But apparently, that's too much........
So god has a watch? Is it set on Greenwich meantime or Tel Aviv time?
If this all loving all encompassing god thing was up there he should be getting his finger out now and ease the worlds pain!
As it is we all know you are living in a field of dreams Ram, He ain't coming...ever!
So god has a watch? Is it set on Greenwich meantime or Tel Aviv time?
If this all loving all encompassing god thing was up there he should be getting his finger out now and ease the worlds pain!
As it is we all know you are living in a field of dreams Ram, He ain't coming...ever!

I think I'll stick to believing over non belief.......Rather believe than end up in Heaven than be wrong and burn in hell...........

But I do believe. I recommend you believe but you have to decide that for yourself. We have a saying at work on safety......What's the worst thing that can happen in pre job meetings.

What's the worst thing that can happen if we are right and you are wrong.......Just saying.
God's Son Jesus, is coming to give everlasting life to us. Allah's prophet Jesus is coming to kill everyone except Muslims. Are they the same because of the name? Are two Jesus' coming?
I have caught you in several lies in the past but this is your biggest lie ever. ...... :eusa_liar:

Dude... that's not a lie, it's an opinion. An opinion that she's entitled to. As an American, I must defend her entitlement to her religious opinion.

You can call her wrong, you can say that you disagree, but calling her a liar is an infringement on her freedom of religion and speech.
Go for it eagle...just like myself, you are voicing your opinion. You believe and I don't...just saying :)
It's seems your Koran has versus that say such a thing Sunni Man.
I never said there wasn't. ....... :cool:

So is ISIS being good Muslims by beheading people, and the man in Oklahoma as well........It's in the Koran to do this thing isn't it...........

What say you?
The verses you quoted were given during a war in the time of Muhammad. ...... :cool:

They are part of the Koran......yes or no......
ISIS believes they are doing what the Koran orders them to do......

Are they performing Blasphemy................Which quotes in the Koran tell them not to do so.

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