And Now A Word On The Conventions


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
What a dismal format the Democrats came up with. Leaving the laughable apocalyptic content aside, it was the most Gawd-awful boring event in recent memory.

Reportedly the Republicans have a similar format. They should drop it, immediately.

What they should do is cut it to two hours per night, with each night assigned a topic: economic policy, domestic policy, and foreign policy. Have the strongest Republicans in each topic in an open roundtable meeting to discuss the decade of failures by the Democratic party (and their Republican cohorts - name names), and the plan for the future. Keep it upbeat, keep it humorous, but keep it all business. Intersperse the discussion with videos of Democrat rioting in the cities and their statesments about obviously unconstitutional changes they seek to impose upon Americans.

No touchy-feely musical performances by people most have never heard of.

The last night would have Trump make a one-hour speech describing his first term record and acceptance of the nomination from the White House lawn, with supporters in attendance.
Rather than a shorter convention, I would prefer to see political parties outlawed completely.

Come on now. How would all those useless wastes of space get their five minutes of fame without a convention.

They are boring but also can be rather funny when you watch them all trying to look like they give a shit. LOL
I don't think anybody, even Democrats, are even bothering to watch. In other words CNN and MSNBC's failing ratings aren't going to be affected.
Today may be strike three for hoaxers if infection rate stays below 6.5% again for 3 days in a row. Has not happened for 5 months
So one out of every 16 tests comes back positive or 100 out of every 1600 and out of that 100 less than 1 person (0.7) dies.

So what epedemic it this other than the overreactive hoax one

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