And It Just Keeps Getting Worse For Clinton

whatever you want to do, buddy. Point is, one of them is going to be President. YOu can take the coward's way out and throw away your vote, that's awesome, but frankly, you've still made a choice.

Hillary is awful, but Trump is truly dangerous.

Neither candidate is worthy of leading this country but then this happens when a country turns into degenerates.
I agree that the far right socon wing is degenerate as all get out.

Both parties are parasites to this country. Assigning any degree of relevance to one small faction of either party is pointless now.
It is not pointless to point out the degeneracy the far right socons have caused in America.
It is if you aren't pointing out the degeneracy of the left.
I can't change the left and neither can you. But those of us in the GOP can clean up the far right.
The polls cited are generally about popularity not about voting.

Read it and weep:

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.0 41.3 Clinton +5.7

4-Way RCP Average 42.6 37.1 Clinton +5.5
Favorability Ratings -11.3 -29.3 Clinton +18.0
Betting Odds 79.0 21.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 272 154 Clinton +118
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 43.3 36.0 Clinton +7.3
Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 46.0 41.5 Clinton +4.5
Iowa 41.8 41.0 Clinton +0.8
Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0
Virginia 49.0 37.8 Clinton +11.2
New Hampshire 45.0 35.7 Clinton +9.3
Georgia 43.3 43.0 Clinton +0.3
Missouri 39.0 44.3 Trump +5.3
Colorado 46.4 35.6 Clinton +10.8
Nevada 43.3 41.0 Clinton +2.3
Arizona 43.0 43.3 Trump +0.3

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.
He hasn't started spending his Ad money yet, he will get a big bounce if he does a media blitz.

Will it be enough to overcome the huge lead of Hillary's? Especially with her great position with the electoral college votes? I dunno? He seems to be a Phoenix and rises up out of the ashes to me....

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.
He hasn't started spending his Ad money yet, he will get a big bounce if he does a media blitz.

Will it be enough to overcome the huge lead of Hillary's? Especially with her great position with the electoral college votes? I dunno? He seems to be a Phoenix and rises up out of the ashes to me....
That makes some sense. What will be absolutely necessary is to act as he did in LA., and he must stop making stupid speeches that insult the constituencies he needs.
To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.
He hasn't started spending his Ad money yet, he will get a big bounce if he does a media blitz.

Will it be enough to overcome the huge lead of Hillary's? Especially with her great position with the electoral college votes? I dunno? He seems to be a Phoenix and rises up out of the ashes to me....
That makes some sense. What will be absolutely necessary is to act as he did in LA., and he must stop making stupid speeches that insult the constituencies he needs.
I think the latter will be the most difficult for him, but we will see...
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.
He hasn't started spending his Ad money yet, he will get a big bounce if he does a media blitz.

Will it be enough to overcome the huge lead of Hillary's? Especially with her great position with the electoral college votes? I dunno? He seems to be a Phoenix and rises up out of the ashes to me....
That makes some sense. What will be absolutely necessary is to act as he did in LA., and he must stop making stupid speeches that insult the constituencies he needs.
I think the latter will be the most difficult for him, but we will see...
I agree that is the key necessary for him to turn this into a real two-way race.
I won't make an effort to stop a madman from becoming President?

You are dilusional!

You think Trump is going to win?

Probably not. But I imagine my German Grandfather saying the same thing about Hitler in 1933.

I was a Democrat for the majority of my life. Until July 25 of this year.

Did they steal your cookies?

YOU are the one claiming you have been voting for Republicans for most of your adult life.

That makes YOU an active participant in the decline that you blame on ME!

No, I blame you for allowing it to continue. Anyone who voted Republican before 2008 could make a good argument as to why that made sense. After 2008. Not so much.

I don't hate Hillary. Damn Joe! She is not trustworthy.

I would have been in Leavenworth Kansas if I pulled the shit she's pulled.

And who went to prison for "Pulling what Hillary Pulled"?

Petreaus didn't. Karl Rove didn't. Scooter Libby didn't.

Fuck, we didn't even send Ollie North to prison for giving missiles to the Ayatollahs and guns to the drug cartels...

But, man, Hillary using the wrong e-mail server, that's the fucking crime of the century.

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.

This all you got? So you can't produce three months of consistent leading polling numbers of Hillary Clinton well above the margin of error. So her lead actually fluctuates as I have said before. Let me know when you have proof that she can maintain a consistent well established lead in four various polling numbers.
Last edited:

To bad she can't consistently maintain that lead over Trump, despite all the special interest "strings" she has to answers was to for their campaign donations.
She has consistently led Trump since the conventions.

A fluctuation that results in a tie with respect to some battle ground states, or a lead within the margin of error, is not a strong support for Hillary. Clearly you don't know what a consistent comfortable lead is, as none of the polls has ever demonstrated that. Why don't you include in your response, four different polls that have consistently shown Mrs Clinton to be in a strong lead well beyond the margin of error over the past 3 months.
Hi, muppet, those are RCP averages, so they have the various polls.

PA, MI, WI, VA, CO are WAY beyound the MOE. The election is over right there. All of the others are 9 of 11 Clinton leads. This not a fluctuation. This is a fact.

Comrade Donald is in great danger.

This all you got? So you can't produce three months of consistent leading polling numbers of Hillary Clinton well above the margin of error. So her lead actually fluctuates as I have said before. Let me know when you have proof that she can maintain a consistent well established lead in four various polling numbers.
Shakles, for right now, yeah, that's all that's needed. Your guy has got to dance if he is coming to the ball. He has been thrown off the dance floor several times for being a butt. Let's see if he can do the polka, Welk.
Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

But the real story is the sag in Clinton's numbers. Quinnipiac finds that her favorability rating is just 35 percent in Colorado, 33 percent in Iowa and 41 percent in Virginia. In previous Quinnipiac and other polls in Iowa and Colorado, Clinton was running above 40 percent against these Republicans; in this Quinnipiac poll she is running significantly under 40 percent — a sharp and significant drop.

Quinnipiac swing state polls show sharp drop in Hillary Clinton's numbers

Yet more bad news, for she who would be queen...

I'm not sure which is funnier...

The OP posting a poll from a year ago as if it's news,

or that 7 RWtards gave him a thank you for it.
here is a thank you to the far right contard regressives for continuing to show America why you people can never have national power

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