...An action movie. 40 minutes of January 6th. A 'must watch'...

"We will...in 2024."

Three more years of incessant whining?
Should be a long three years for the crybaby sore loser whiners.

Look, my avatar doesn't mean for that to sound pejorative; however.........the "Sell by"-date on this constant bellyaching over 'fraudulent ballots', 'stolen election', 'Dead Man Voting', is wearying. Coming as it does, from folks who only whine and complain.....they never do anything about it. No action. No resolve. No effectiveness. Just more whining.

How many times on this venue has one or more of the crybabies been asked if they called their local FBI office with their 'proof' of fraud? How many times have they been urged to report their proofs to their State's election officials? And how many times have they been asked to report back to this forum with the progress of their complaints?

Their response?
Not details.
Not recounting of conversations with the FBI office.
Not a progress report.
Their response is more complaining.

Like spoiled entitled teenagers their leitmotif is..........whine more, whine often, whine louder......and don't stop whining.

Again, no disrespect intended, but......but these whiners really don't inspire confidence in the quality of their patriotism, their sense of civic duty, or their willingness to pitch in and be productive Americans.

Or so it seems.
January 6 was action, it was not just complaining.

If you were there and bashing down the police, or just the doors or windows....... then you are a traitor to America. And deserve punishment.

If you were not there and just complain about "The Steal" under a fake name on an internet chatroom ........ then you are a whiner.

Hate to make it binary for you poster.
But life can be stark sometimes.

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