America’s Puppet Masters Are Getting Worried


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
America’s Puppet Masters Are Getting Worried

The impeached president trump taught the ruling class in this country some valuable and most importantly, profitable lessons.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy proved courting the white supremacist demographic made conservative and many centrist voters solidly Republican. The success of the Southern Strategy wasn’t limited to the southern states.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan helped reinforce Nixon’s work, convincing even more white voters of the threat the “Welfare Queen” posed, mooching off the white tax payers.

Both Big and Little George Bush carried on the tradition of race-baiting their voter base, Dubya made all people of Middle Eastern descent the “enemy” of white Americans.

But it was the Big Orange trump who taught the ruling class the true depth of Christian conservative and centrist hatred of people-of-color, women, foreigners, the LGBT folks, the working poor, and other minorities. In the process, he also demonstrated the lengths the congressional Democrats would go to join with congressional Republicans to serve the financial interests of the ruling class at the expense of their constituents.

But the ruling class has grown concerned with the impeached president trump’s open corruption, his incompetence in governing, and most of all his childish antics. While his bungling in the COVID-19 pandemic has proven profitable for the ruling class for the short term, the inevitable, and repeated closures of the economy to end the novel coronavirus crisis will cost the ruling class much of their recent COVID-19 related windfall if the disease continues unchecked.

With all these and a few other factors in mind, the ruling class has looked at the situation and realized keeping the impeached president trump as POTUS is no longer a benefit, but is rapidly becoming a liability. This makes Status Quo Joe look better and better to the ruling class as each day passes.

But something happened the ruling class billionaires did not expect, that being, the cult following the impeached president trump has inspired. The impeached president trump has the undying loyalty of roughly thirty percent of the rank-and-file Republican voters. This devotion doesn’t end in the voting booth.

The impeached president trump is also aware the political tide is turning, and not in his favor. So, using the BLM demonstrations as his rationale, the impeached president trump is deploying federal defense forces throughout America’s cities.

State and local law enforcement agencies, and individuals, loyal to the impeached president trump have made their presence known by their refusal to enforce temporary restrictions and permanent laws known to be strongly opposed by right-wingers. So recruiting these personnel into the federal forces already deployed would be a simple task, and would establish a massive federal police presence nationwide, weeks before the November elections.

After witnessing the unnecessary police violence at BLM demonstrations across the U.S., there can be no doubt remaining that there are thousands of potential members eager to be a part of this federal police force and prepared to act on any unconstitutional order issued to them by the impeached president trump.

America and its citizens have reached an unprecedented time in our history. Actions taken during the next three or so months will decide if the United States and its democracy will survive. The ruling billionaire class might come to regret the series of events their greed and lust for power put in motion during the past five decades.

There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest | Robert Reich

America’s Puppet Masters Are Getting Worried

The impeached president trump taught the ruling class in this country some valuable and most importantly, profitable lessons.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy proved courting the white supremacist demographic made conservative and many centrist voters solidly Republican. ....

A fucking retarded lie.

Give my one policy of Nixon's that would have been crafted to "court" the WS vote.

Or admit that your mouth is really a face anus, and that everything in your head or that you say, is shit.
America’s Puppet Masters Are Getting Worried

The impeached president trump taught the ruling class in this country some valuable and most importantly, profitable lessons.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy proved courting the white supremacist demographic made conservative and many centrist voters solidly Republican. ....

A fucking retarded lie.

Give my one policy of Nixon's that would have been crafted to "court" the WS vote.

Or admit that your mouth is really a face anus, and that everything in your head or that you say, is shit.
America’s Puppet Masters Are Getting Worried

The impeached president trump taught the ruling class in this country some valuable and most importantly, profitable lessons.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy proved courting the white supremacist demographic made conservative and many centrist voters solidly Republican. The success of the Southern Strategy wasn’t limited to the southern states.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan helped reinforce Nixon’s work, convincing even more white voters of the threat the “Welfare Queen” posed, mooching off the white tax payers.

Both Big and Little George Bush carried on the tradition of race-baiting their voter base, Dubya made all people of Middle Eastern descent the “enemy” of white Americans.

But it was the Big Orange trump who taught the ruling class the true depth of Christian conservative and centrist hatred of people-of-color, women, foreigners, the LGBT folks, the working poor, and other minorities. In the process, he also demonstrated the lengths the congressional Democrats would go to join with congressional Republicans to serve the financial interests of the ruling class at the expense of their constituents.

But the ruling class has grown concerned with the impeached president trump’s open corruption, his incompetence in governing, and most of all his childish antics. While his bungling in the COVID-19 pandemic has proven profitable for the ruling class for the short term, the inevitable, and repeated closures of the economy to end the novel coronavirus crisis will cost the ruling class much of their recent COVID-19 related windfall if the disease continues unchecked.

With all these and a few other factors in mind, the ruling class has looked at the situation and realized keeping the impeached president trump as POTUS is no longer a benefit, but is rapidly becoming a liability. This makes Status Quo Joe look better and better to the ruling class as each day passes.

But something happened the ruling class billionaires did not expect, that being, the cult following the impeached president trump has inspired. The impeached president trump has the undying loyalty of roughly thirty percent of the rank-and-file Republican voters. This devotion doesn’t end in the voting booth.

The impeached president trump is also aware the political tide is turning, and not in his favor. So, using the BLM demonstrations as his rationale, the impeached president trump is deploying federal defense forces throughout America’s cities.

State and local law enforcement agencies, and individuals, loyal to the impeached president trump have made their presence known by their refusal to enforce temporary restrictions and permanent laws known to be strongly opposed by right-wingers. So recruiting these personnel into the federal forces already deployed would be a simple task, and would establish a massive federal police presence nationwide, weeks before the November elections.

After witnessing the unnecessary police violence at BLM demonstrations across the U.S., there can be no doubt remaining that there are thousands of potential members eager to be a part of this federal police force and prepared to act on any unconstitutional order issued to them by the impeached president trump.

America and its citizens have reached an unprecedented time in our history. Actions taken during the next three or so months will decide if the United States and its democracy will survive. The ruling billionaire class might come to regret the series of events their greed and lust for power put in motion during the past five decades.

There is no 'right' v 'left': it is Trump and the oligarchs against the rest | Robert Reich

Could have saved the lengthy text and simply posted,
Orange Man Bad,

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