America's Future- National Divorce, Reconciliation or Mob Rule?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Unfortunately, the gulf between right & left has grown to Grand Canyon proportions & is just getting larger.
It's collectivists vs individualists & the lines are drawn mostly according to population density.

Rural areas in heavily Dem controlled states are still conservative & even California has more Republican voters than any other state.
Meanwhile, Texas is mostly deep red except for the large cities, like the capital of Austin. Almost every big city in every state is run by Dems or RINOs.

I would support the idea of 2 separate govts & elections based on population density, not by states.
Rural & less densely populated areas have 1 set of laws & the high population centers have theirs.
DC could control the cities & the rest of us have our own govt in the heartland, away from the influence of the coasts.

You would have to respect those laws when crossing into either jurisdiction but there would be no obligation to cross into an area if you don't like their rules. Ex: truck drivers can't be forced to deliver to cities.
The left could get the pure democracy they want while the right would get the liberty we demand.

Keep taxes separate & each side chooses the govt services provided, social or otherwise.

Both would contribute to a mutual national defense on a per capita basis, with manpower being a major part of the equation.
We would split the assets equally & maintain our own infrastructures.

The details would need to be ironed out but it's more feasible than a national reconciliation.
IMO, the gulf between us has grown too great & the totalitarian instincts of the left can only accept capitulation to their demands/agendas/narratives.
There is no reconciliation possible when 1 side insists on my way or the highway.

A red state/blue state national divorce would mean another civil war as the totalitarian collectivists wouldn't stand for individualist freedom lovers refusing to bend the knee & would use violence to enforce compliance.

This could allow us to coexist (which is why the left wouldn't accept it) without having to uproot families to move to a state they align with.

If you love your freedom, low taxes & a govt that stays in its lane, you'd move to the country.
If you want handouts, infanticide, high crime rates, corruption & opera, move to a city.

It's not perfect but we've already broken what we had.

Unfortunately, the gulf between right & left has grown to Grand Canyon proportions & is just getting larger.
It's collectivists vs individualists & the lines are drawn mostly according to population density.

Rural areas in heavily Dem controlled states are still conservative & even California has more Republican voters than any other state.
Meanwhile, Texas is mostly deep red except for the large cities, like the capital of Austin. Almost every big city in every state is run by Dems or RINOs.

I would support the idea of 2 separate govts & elections based on population density, not by states.
Rural & less densely populated areas have 1 set of laws & the high population centers have theirs.
DC could control the cities & the rest of us have our own govt in the heartland, away from the influence of the coasts.

You would have to respect those laws when crossing into either jurisdiction but there would be no obligation to cross into an area if you don't like their rules. Ex: truck drivers can't be forced to deliver to cities.
The left could get the pure democracy they want while the right would get the liberty we demand.

Keep taxes separate & each side chooses the govt services provided, social or otherwise.

Both would contribute to a mutual national defense on a per capita basis, with manpower being a major part of the equation.
We would split the assets equally & maintain our own infrastructures.

The details would need to be ironed out but it's more feasible than a national reconciliation.
IMO, the gulf between us has grown too great & the totalitarian instincts of the left can only accept capitulation to their demands/agendas/narratives.
There is no reconciliation possible when 1 side insists on my way or the highway.

A red state/blue state national divorce would mean another civil war as the totalitarian collectivists wouldn't stand for individualist freedom lovers refusing to bend the knee & would use violence to enforce compliance.

This could allow us to coexist (which is why the left wouldn't accept it) without having to uproot families to move to a state they align with.

If you love your freedom, low taxes & a govt that stays in its lane, you'd move to the country.
If you want handouts, infanticide, high crime rates, corruption & opera, move to a city.

It's not perfect but we've already broken what we had.

There will be no national divorce or mob rule --- there will just be 82726362626 future posts full of morons like you whining about this shit over and over again......

When you can just leave instead and try out countries like Hungary.....they are about as fascist as you would like......down side is, they are kinda socialist....but the good side is, the only people who benefit from the socialist programs aren't you don't have to pretend to be against socialism and stuff...
From the people who say they're all about the Constitution and "American Exceptionalism."

The rest of us will keep trying. You guys run and hide.
I never said I was going anywhere.
If you see run & hide, that says a lot about your own feelings progponce.

Just because you dislike an idea doesn't negate it's validity or my right to endorse my own opinions.

Show me the part in the Constitution that says this is a mandatory & unbreakable union?
Just because a war was fought over this doesn't make it Constitutional.

As a matter of fact, the Declaration of Independence has already established the right to abolish or alter a govt.

  • We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).
Unfortunately, the gulf between right & left has grown to Grand Canyon proportions & is just getting larger.
It's collectivists vs individualists & the lines are drawn mostly according to population density.

Rural areas in heavily Dem controlled states are still conservative & even California has more Republican voters than any other state.
Meanwhile, Texas is mostly deep red except for the large cities, like the capital of Austin. Almost every big city in every state is run by Dems or RINOs.

I would support the idea of 2 separate govts & elections based on population density, not by states.
Rural & less densely populated areas have 1 set of laws & the high population centers have theirs.
DC could control the cities & the rest of us have our own govt in the heartland, away from the influence of the coasts.

You would have to respect those laws when crossing into either jurisdiction but there would be no obligation to cross into an area if you don't like their rules. Ex: truck drivers can't be forced to deliver to cities.
The left could get the pure democracy they want while the right would get the liberty we demand.

Keep taxes separate & each side chooses the govt services provided, social or otherwise.

Both would contribute to a mutual national defense on a per capita basis, with manpower being a major part of the equation.
We would split the assets equally & maintain our own infrastructures.

The details would need to be ironed out but it's more feasible than a national reconciliation.
IMO, the gulf between us has grown too great & the totalitarian instincts of the left can only accept capitulation to their demands/agendas/narratives.
There is no reconciliation possible when 1 side insists on my way or the highway.

A red state/blue state national divorce would mean another civil war as the totalitarian collectivists wouldn't stand for individualist freedom lovers refusing to bend the knee & would use violence to enforce compliance.

This could allow us to coexist (which is why the left wouldn't accept it) without having to uproot families to move to a state they align with.

If you love your freedom, low taxes & a govt that stays in its lane, you'd move to the country.
If you want handouts, infanticide, high crime rates, corruption & opera, move to a city.

It's not perfect but we've already broken what we had.

Its a completely idiotic idea
I never said I was going anywhere.
If you see run & hide, that says a lot about your own feelings progponce.

Just because you dislike an idea doesn't negate it's validity or my right to endorse my own opinions.

Show me the part in the Constitution that says this is a mandatory & unbreakable union?
Just because a war was fought over this doesn't make it Constitutional.

As a matter of fact, the Declaration of Independence has already established the right to abolish or alter a govt.

  • We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are … endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men…. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. … Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Declaration of Independence (1776).
trump Murdock conspiracy theory are going the way of the dodo as we watch, right now. Please nominate him one more time, we need a landslide and some way overdue progress again.
From the people who say they're all about the Constitution and "American Exceptionalism."

The rest of us will keep trying. You guys run and hide.
You’ll “try” by hating all things core America and by begging Mexico’s people to invade our nation?
You’ll “try” by hating all things core America and by begging Mexico’s people to invade our nation?
too bad you are totally missinformed. The people trying to get asylum now are from Cuba venezuela and Nicaragua,, whose economies we've destroyed the last 20 years or 40 years or forever with the GOP in the lead... great job!
too bad you are totally missinformed. The people trying to get asylum now are from Cuba venezuela and Nicaragua,, whose economies we've destroyed the last 20 years or 40 years or forever with the GOP in the lead... great job!
How did we ”destroy” their economy?
If/when we destroy a nations economy do we waive our right to sovereignty?
too bad you are totally missinformed. The people trying to get asylum now are from Cuba venezuela and Nicaragua,, whose economies we've destroyed the last 20 years or 40 years or forever with the GOP in the lead... great job!
Let China take them. Mexico. Any number of OTHER countries.
Our hatred of the left and everything they stand for grows daily, so divorce.
That's Trump's fault he does hatred so well. Last weekend he spazzed about retribution, serious! What a putrid piece of shit to say stuff like that. Get rid of the bastard.
Unfortunately, the gulf between right & left has grown to Grand Canyon proportions & is just getting larger.
It's collectivists vs individualists & the lines are drawn mostly according to population density.

Rural areas in heavily Dem controlled states are still conservative & even California has more Republican voters than any other state.
Meanwhile, Texas is mostly deep red except for the large cities, like the capital of Austin. Almost every big city in every state is run by Dems or RINOs.

Actually, I have better idea.

One year of NO federal spending in the rural areas. No new roads built or repaired, no farm subsidies, no Social Security Checks to the old people left behind when their children went to the cities.
That's Trump's fault he does hatred so well. Last weekend he spazzed about retribution, serious! What a putrid piece of shit to say stuff like that. Get rid of the bastard.
yeah, how dare someone be pissed they were impeached twice under bullshit allegations, and attacked daily for more bullshit allegations!!! If someone did the same to me that was done to him, they would be picking up their teeth.

I say DIVORCE. let the other half of the country (the idiotic half) figure out how to make it on their own with all their handouts, insane crime, open borders, high interest, and general retardation.
Actually, I have better idea.

One year of NO federal spending in the rural areas. No new roads built or repaired, no farm subsidies, no Social Security Checks to the old people left behind when their children went to the cities.
Sure, sounds like a deal.
You keep your handouts, we stop paying taxes, spending money in cities, delivering your food or anything else.

Let's see which side can last the longest?

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