America’s Critical Point in Time The decades-long communist assault on America ......


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.
Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

If that happens, Commies will be snuffed out like candles.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.
Drama queen.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.
Communism died 30 years ago. Jesus
The MO of the right-wing media is to keep it's viewership in a perpetual state of rage, keeping their eyeballs glued and driving ad dollars. And they do a very good job.

The article in the OP is a good example.
I don't know how a person gets through the day like this, let alone day after day.

Maybe this is why they're clinging to this "cheating" thing. They're terrified of the Chinese tanks rolling down Main Street on Biden's Inauguration Day.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

Yes, it is very concerning. We just had the first banana republic style election, where also the media and big tech interfered in Pravda style fashion. In fact, the Soviet propaganda organs weren't as bad in many ways. They never censored Soviet leaders.

I disagree that China is communist though. If we continue this development China will be far better off than we are. You can already say more truths publicly such as "there are two genders"... there than here.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.
Communism died 30 years ago. Jesus
Don't you mean commies started pretending to not be commies 50 years ago?
Holy crap. This just gets worse.

You people need to back away from the radio and get a fuckin' grip.
Yeah, we're done listening to you pretend to not be a Marxist shit. Give it up.
Yes, I have long since admitted being the world's only communist CFP/Investment Advisor.

This makes all the sense in the world.

You guys need long term sedation and some amount of down time in a forest with no contact with the fuckin' outside world.
Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.
That's too much the system. The kids are saddled with a home mortgage and no home, no decent job, and no marriage or stable relationship.
Communism is coming people.

Your masters keep you hysterical because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient.

It's classic fascism. Terrify the low-IQ masses with some fabricated bogeyman, and then tell them that only an authoritarian daddy-figure can save them.
I'm not the one who defends whatever his party masters tell him and meekly obeys all the shutdown mandates, dumb fuck
The MO of the right-wing media is to keep it's viewership in a perpetual state of rage, keeping their eyeballs glued and driving ad dollars. And they do a very good job.

The article in the OP is a good example.
Yet the only rage we see is antifa and BLM burning and looting across the country. How out of touch is the left?
Your masters keep you hysterical because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient.

It's classic fascism. Terrify the low-IQ masses with some fabricated bogeyman, and then tell them that only an authoritarian daddy-figure can save them.
Meanwhile, cruel and unusual punishments are inflicted beyond measure on "intellectuals" and other reasonably intelligent political dissidents.
The MO of the right-wing media is to keep it's viewership in a perpetual state of rage, keeping their eyeballs glued and driving ad dollars. And they do a very good job.

The article in the OP is a good example.
You’re describing the MSM and the multitudes that watch them.

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