America’s Critical Point in Time The decades-long communist assault on America ......

Communism died 30 years ago. Jesus


Yeah sure it did imbecile...

All those global collectivists agreed that after the USSR shit the bed and died that marxism was a failed ideology, kissed the ring of Free Markets and dumped any hopes of a utopian society that marx actually isn't responsible for dreaming up BTW. There wasn't a mother fucker left on the planet who continued to promote the politics of hate and envy in order to gain political power and agitate the unskilled lowest least motivated workers to demand the same pay as a company's fucking CEO.

Yeah, that concept died because the Bolsheviks got their asses kicked by some goat fucking rock farmers in Afghanistan 30 years ago.

How do "people" as stupid as you survive? You should have been aborted, but failing that I blame the child resistant lids on the fuckin Drano, because you should have found dead under a kitchen sink cabinet at a young age.


Depends what is meant by that.

The communists would never even dream to be crazy enough to invade their own country. They had some limits they would not cross.

After communism, Russia is decades behind the developed world... but at least they are still Russia and not Brazil.
I dont know of any religions in this country that teach children to hate our country.
Catholicism is coming close. It was the church my wife and I were raised in, but it looks worse than the institution Martin Luther undermined 100's of years ago.
Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.

Absolutely asinine statement.

Free shit moochers voting for other people's stuff is communism.

I would be fine with debt forgiveness if these people at least admitted they were scammed by the university system. But when they start blaming others for their mistakes (even if scammed), and do not even admit anything was done wrong - then it nets a big fat fuck you response. Moocher is a moocher...

Can you illuminate us, if the degree was worth it, and nothing was done wrong, why the HELL would you be entitled to a refund and thereby be entitled to confiscate the money of other people?
Because the student graduated and is doing public service work for less income. The govt. helps to draw people to fill the positions. Just like military members get help with college cost.
College for military members is one of their benefits. The VA paid me to go to college.
which makes you damn good commie.
They really think America is turning into a communist country. Now.

They really think this. There are no words for this. It's nuts.
Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.

Absolutely asinine statement.

Free shit moochers voting for other people's stuff is communism.

I would be fine with debt forgiveness if these people at least admitted they were scammed by the university system. But when they start blaming others for their mistakes (even if scammed), and do not even admit anything was done wrong - then it nets a big fat fuck you response. Moocher is a moocher...

Can you illuminate us, if the degree was worth it, and nothing was done wrong, why the HELL would you be entitled to a refund and thereby be entitled to confiscate the money of other people?
Because the student graduated and is doing public service work for less income. The govt. helps to draw people to fill the positions. Just like military members get help with college cost.
College for military members is one of their benefits. The VA paid me to go to college.
which makes you damn good commie.
They really think America is turning into a communist country. Now.

They really think this. There are no words for this. It's nuts.
Not communism. America is being turned into progressive socialism.
Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.

Absolutely asinine statement.

Free shit moochers voting for other people's stuff is communism.

I would be fine with debt forgiveness if these people at least admitted they were scammed by the university system. But when they start blaming others for their mistakes (even if scammed), and do not even admit anything was done wrong - then it nets a big fat fuck you response. Moocher is a moocher...

Can you illuminate us, if the degree was worth it, and nothing was done wrong, why the HELL would you be entitled to a refund and thereby be entitled to confiscate the money of other people?
Because the student graduated and is doing public service work for less income. The govt. helps to draw people to fill the positions. Just like military members get help with college cost.
College for military members is one of their benefits. The VA paid me to go to college.
which makes you damn good commie.
They really think America is turning into a communist country. Now.

They really think this. There are no words for this. It's nuts.
Not communism. America is being turned into progressive socialism.
Phew! That's much better!
Holy crap. This just gets worse.

You people need to back away from the radio and get a fuckin' grip.
Tell me about it.

It's not like they're actually going to come out of their single wides and put up a heroic fight, they're going to be dragged out by their hair if they have any and likely just shot right on the ground and left there for the vultures.
I'm not surprised to see Macturd likes this post, he is just as much of a leftist piece of shit as the poster is. He would eagerly dump the Zyklon-B down the chute because he is just as consumed with hate and envy as every other bed wetting piece of shit leftist sociopath.

Holy crap. This just gets worse.

You people need to back away from the radio and get a fuckin' grip.
Tell me about it.

It's not like they're actually going to come out of their single wides and put up a heroic fight, they're going to be dragged out by their hair if they have any and likely just shot right on the ground and left there for the vultures.
I'm not surprised to see Macturd likes this post, he is just as much of a leftist piece of shit as the poster is. He would eagerly dump the Zyklon-B down the chute because he is just as consumed with hate and envy as every other bed wetting piece of shit leftist sociopath.

That's so true!

Not communism. America is being turned into progressive socialism.

What's the difference? A lower body count? Oh BOY!! MIckey Mouse Marxism!!!

Communism is not giving people with debt from college a break by letting them work for low wages doing public work and paying on their loans for twenty years.

Absolutely asinine statement.

Free shit moochers voting for other people's stuff is communism.

I would be fine with debt forgiveness if these people at least admitted they were scammed by the university system. But when they start blaming others for their mistakes (even if scammed), and do not even admit anything was done wrong - then it nets a big fat fuck you response. Moocher is a moocher...

Can you illuminate us, if the degree was worth it, and nothing was done wrong, why the HELL would you be entitled to a refund and thereby be entitled to confiscate the money of other people?
Because the student graduated and is doing public service work for less income. The govt. helps to draw people to fill the positions. Just like military members get help with college cost.
College for military members is one of their benefits. The VA paid me to go to college.
which makes you damn good commie.
They really think America is turning into a communist country. Now.

They really think this. There are no words for this. It's nuts.
Not communism. America is being turned into progressive socialism.
Phew! That's much better!
They are just one hundred years late decrying Theodore Roosevelt
Communism died 30 years ago. Jesus


Yeah sure it did imbecile...

All those global collectivists agreed that after the USSR shit the bed and died that marxism was a failed ideology, kissed the ring of Free Markets and dumped any hopes of a utopian society that marx actually isn't responsible for dreaming up BTW. There wasn't a mother fucker left on the planet who continued to promote the politics of hate and envy in order to gain political power and agitate the unskilled lowest least motivated workers to demand the same pay as a company's fucking CEO.

Yeah, that concept died because the Bolsheviks got their asses kicked by some goat fucking rock farmers in Afghanistan 30 years ago.

How do "people" as stupid as you survive? You should have been aborted, but failing that I blame the child resistant lids on the fuckin Drano, because you should have found dead under a kitchen sink cabinet at a young age.

The same rock farmers that caused the US to withdraw with honor like Nam?
Depends what is meant by that.

The communists would never even dream to be crazy enough to invade their own country. They had some limits they would not cross.

After communism, Russia is decades behind the developed world... but at least they are still Russia and not Brazil.

You might want to read some of the history of the bolsheviks.... They didn't "invade", they metastasized like the cancer they are. In fact Lenin's older brother was part of the conspiracy that killed Czar Nicholas' father, and was captured and executed IIRC. Marxists were pretty much a disorganized cluster fuck like the bed wetters are now, but once there was a power vacuum, all the bolsheviks had to do was take over some subway stations, police dept's, and a few other government building plus block off city streets (Remember CHAZ?) and the next thing you knew, they had political power and started to purge their enemies. I don't see what limits they didn't cross, if you have some examples I'd love to read them.

Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

Communism has always been "here", always had its eye on the United States of America. Even before Karl Marx was born and before he devised his infamous "philosophical" political ideology, communism existed in various forms. Take the French Revolution for instance, a radical leftwing movement which exhibited many key traits of communism, from atheism to destruction of a long standing political establishment, and which threatened to bleed over into our then young republic. So, in effect, the rudimentary evils of communism have been attempting to breed here in America for well over two hundred years.

However, and for whatever reason, every time communism began to take hold here in America the systems put wisely into place by our Founding Fathers managed to stamp it out; to purge it from our internal cultural and governmental bloodstreams. This time is different. This time we live in is unprecedented in our history for the mass hatred so many Americans have developed for their own country. Above that, our time is also unprecedented for the mercenary tendencies of our elected leaders in their eagerness and prevalent behavior to cash in on booty offered them by both foreign corporations and governments. My point being . . . this time we lack the redundant backup systems or antibodies which have always in the past defeated communism before it really took hold here and long before it threatened to change our way of life. Not so any longer.
Communism is looking me Sasquatch. Ohhhh it's here but you just can't find it. Been hearing the same garbage forever.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

It's a collectivist group of international business entities which are assaulting America. It's mistaken for communism or socialism of the soviet nature because of it's collectivist nature. The difference is, the people involved in this are rich and they own things. Soviet leaders were GIVEN things by the state rather than earned things by their own enterprise....and were subjects of the same system the proletariat was, even though they were high on the chain. The people we call communists in this country are really quite capitalistic...although they are into collectivism and pyramidic forms of government, like most of the ancient empires known for their tyanny.
It's a collectivist group of international business entities which are assaulting America. It's mistaken for communism or socialism of the soviet nature because of it's collectivist nature. The difference is, the people involved in this are rich and they own things. Soviet leaders were GIVEN things by the state rather than earned things by their own enterprise....and were subjects of the same system the proletariat was, even though they were high on the chain. The people we call communists in this country are really quite capitalistic...although they are into collectivism and pyramidic forms of government, like most of the ancient empires known for their tyanny.

Holy crap. This just gets worse.

You people need to back away from the radio and get a fuckin' grip.
Every time Progs do something that moves us to the left further and further, Progs say the same thing. Well now it has become very noticeable.
Holy crap. This just gets worse.

You people need to back away from the radio and get a fuckin' grip.
Every time Progs do something that moves us to the left further and further, Progs say the same thing. Well now it has become very noticeable.


Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

If that happens, Commies will be snuffed out like candles.
You mean like the candles have been snuffed in Portland, Seattle and New York? Everywhere communist violence has been exercised it has been encouraged to flourish. Mayors have ordered the arrest of people visiting relatives and turned a blind eye to people being shoved onto train tracks. Those who defend the law abiding are arrested. Those who burn businesses and homes are praised.

It's happening. When will the snuffing start
It's a collectivist group of international business entities which are assaulting America. It's mistaken for communism or socialism of the soviet nature because of it's collectivist nature. The difference is, the people involved in this are rich and they own things. Soviet leaders were GIVEN things by the state rather than earned things by their own enterprise....and were subjects of the same system the proletariat was, even though they were high on the chain. The people we call communists in this country are really quite capitalistic...although they are into collectivism and pyramidic forms of government, like most of the ancient empires known for their tyanny.

It's a collectivist group of international business entities which are assaulting America.

The bolsheviks were actually funded by both western bankers and the dissenting members of the russian oligarchy that perceived the Czar to be weak..

It's mistaken for communism or socialism of the soviet nature because of it's collectivist nature. The difference is, the people involved in this are rich and they own things.

The people responsible for the bolshevik take over were rich, they assumed that by buying the bolsheviks they would be protected. They were fooled.

Soviet leaders were GIVEN things by the state rather than earned things by their own enterprise

Soviet "leaders" stole everything they could get their hands on, in order to meet quotas that were impossible to reach.

....and were subjects of the same system the proletariat was, even though they were high on the chain.

They actually went to the Gulags pretty frequently if their names made it into Stalin's mouth.

The people we call communists in this country are really quite capitalistic

No they're not. They're just stupid.

..although they are into collectivism and pyramidic forms of government, like most of the ancient empires known for their tyanny.

They're into collecting everyone else's shit. Just like the fuckin bolsheviks 100 years ago. There is no tangible difference between the two, or what the results would be if it wasn't for the Second Amendment.

Depends what is meant by that.

The communists would never even dream to be crazy enough to invade their own country. They had some limits they would not cross.

After communism, Russia is decades behind the developed world... but at least they are still Russia and not Brazil.

You might want to read some of the history of the bolsheviks.... They didn't "invade", they metastasized like the cancer they are. In fact Lenin's older brother was part of the conspiracy that killed Czar Nicholas' father, and was captured and executed IIRC. Marxists were pretty much a disorganized cluster fuck like the bed wetters are now, but once there was a power vacuum, all the bolsheviks had to do was take over some subway stations, police dept's, and a few other government building plus block off city streets (Remember CHAZ?) and the next thing you knew, they had political power and started to purge their enemies. I don't see what limits they didn't cross, if you have some examples I'd love to read them.


They did not invade their own country. As I stated Russia is still Russia.

America without Americans is the utopia of the new found promethean fucks.
Communism is coming people. Time to increase your stock of guns and ammo:

What many have failed to realize, however, is that over the past several decades, this great nation has slowly been infiltrated by the communist specter.
Amid credible allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, America is now on the brink of falling into the communist abyss.
The communist specter gave rise to the regimes in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China. Its ideology of totalitarianism seeks control over, rather than the flourishing of, mankind.
Its gradual takeover of the West has been carried out in broad daylight. As French poet Charles Baudelaire wrote back in 1864, the “greatest trick of the Devil” is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.
While communist regimes have continued with their rigid dictatorships, party politics in free societies have come to a point of crisis. Communism has exploited loopholes in the legal and political systems of democratic nations by manipulating major political parties.
The endgame of socialist movements implemented gradually and through “legal” means is no different from that of their violent counterparts.
Leftist and other pernicious agendas have been able to acquire so much mainstream influence in Western countries largely due to the help of mass media. In countries run by communist regimes, all outlets are subject to state censorship, if not directly controlled by the communist party. Elsewhere, the media has been brought under the sway of financial and partisan bias. Honest reporting and discourse are buried by an avalanche of sensationalism, political virtue-signaling, and outright fake news.

If that happens, Commies will be snuffed out like candles.
You mean like the candles have been snuffed in Portland, Seattle and New York? Everywhere communist violence has been exercised it has been encouraged to flourish. Mayors have ordered the arrest of people visiting relatives and turned a blind eye to people being shoved onto train tracks. Those who defend the law abiding are arrested. Those who burn businesses and homes are praised.

It's happening. When will the snuffing start
When I was in my mid teens, Communists were hunted down and prosecuted. I used to rush home every day to watch the McCarthy hearings. I wish they would bring back those days. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for being Commie spies.

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