American Rescue Plan


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
I want to make sure I fully understand the details of this handout. If I understand it correctly, in addition on to “free” universal pre-school for 3 and 4 year olds, those making less than certain amounts will get monthly payments per child even if they don’t pay taxes since it is a refundable credit. $300/mth for each child under 6 and $250/mth for each child between the ages of 6-17. A single mom who is on full government assistance with 5 kids, 2 under the age of 6, will receive an additional $1350 tax free dolllars per month despite not having any real expenses. This is akin to paying your 30 year old son who is living in your basement rent and expense free a bonus so he can buy additional gaming accessories for his late night game-athons with his fellow non-working losers.

In addition to free housing and free healthcare, these single mom above also got a boost in SNAP payments under Biden as well as getting several large stimulus checks which are also determined by how many children you have living at home. Presumably, we will eventually stop the stimulus checks, but Biden is pushing for this American Rescue Plan to continue for another 4 years. In addition to completely destroying any motivation to work, this also encourages more irresponsible parents to have more children because they will get even more money for each one. If they already aren’t paying for them, this is simply a bonus, so why not have more?

This also assists those that are not on government assistance, but make less than 75k/yr single, 112,500/yr head of household or 150k/yr for married couples filing jointly. All the while, those of us who PAY for our children to go to private schools, thus creating ZERO burden on the public school system, can’t even get a federal tax credit or even a deduction for our children’s educational expenses. I guess despite all the rhetoric about 400k plus being “rich”, Biden actually considers a single mom with 2 kids, for example, making more than 75k “rich”. Quite a leap there, but Democrats are pretty naive an will likely not see the hypocrisy here.

The Democrats are essentially providing universal income under the table with these plans. They are creating a HUGE dependency class, which has always been their goal. In short, they are destroying our nation right under our noses by rewarding apathy. Lazy Democrats are either too stupid, too naive, a little of both or are too busy collecting on these freebies to notice.

Fact Sheet: The American Families Plan | The White House
I want to make sure I fully understand the details of this handout. If I understand it correctly, in addition on to “free” universal pre-school for 3 and 4 year olds, those making less than certain amounts will get monthly payments per child even if they don’t pay taxes since it is a refundable credit. $300/mth for each child under 6 and $250/mth for each child between the ages of 6-17. A single mom who is on full government assistance with 5 kids, 2 under the age of 6, will receive an additional $1350 tax free dolllars per month despite not having any real expenses. This is akin to paying your 30 year old son who is living in your basement rent and expense free a bonus so he can buy additional gaming accessories for his late night game-athons with his fellow non-working losers.

In addition to free housing and free healthcare, these single mom above also got a boost in SNAP payments under Biden as well as getting several large stimulus checks which are also determined by how many children you have living at home. Presumably, we will eventually stop the stimulus checks, but Biden is pushing for this American Rescue Plan to continue for another 4 years. In addition to completely destroying any motivation to work, this also encourages more irresponsible parents to have more children because they will get even more money for each one. If they already aren’t paying for them, this is simply a bonus, so why not have more?

This also assists those that are not on government assistance, but make less than 75k/yr single, 112,500/yr head of household or 150k/yr for married couples filing jointly. All the while, those of us who PAY for our children to go to private schools, thus creating ZERO burden on the public school system, can’t even get a federal tax credit or even a deduction for our children’s educational expenses. I guess despite all the rhetoric about 400k plus being “rich”, Biden actually considers a single mom with 2 kids, for example, making more than 75k “rich”. Quite a leap there, but Democrats are pretty naive an will likely not see the hypocrisy here.

The Democrats are essentially providing universal income under the table with these plans. They are creating a HUGE dependency class, which has always been their goal. In short, they are destroying our nation right under our noses by rewarding apathy. Lazy Democrats are either too stupid, too naive, a little of both or are too busy collecting on these freebies to notice.

Fact Sheet: The American Families Plan | The White House
What a waste of our tax dollars. Those women want to be single parents then they can get a job and pay their own way. What he's proposing lets them sit home, collect OUR tax dollars and not have to work at all.

Good for their lazy asses. Bad for our working asses.
The US taxpayer, by way of democrats, is about to become everyone's baby daddy. Isn't that special?
I agree whole heartedly with your analysis and sentiments- but, and there usually is a but, there is more than one thing at work/in play here- hegemony - that is the bottom line- for the fed reserve/US fed gov't to have the most economic clout world wide the fed reserve notes have to be in sufficient numbers so more can participate in the global (hegemony) economy- those receiving "free" money will spend it in our society which benefits workers in other societies who are working - so, the US stays at the top of the food chain, economically- the US is trying to appear as a benevolent benefactor-

IMO that is the reason the US keeps blaming other countries for it's problems- it is phony and superficial and materialistic-

Follow the money, see the agenda- it ain't just democrats-

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