American politics, racism & political correctness

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Is this song racist?
Am I a racist for enjoying it?
Is there any redemption for our nation at this point?
A classic and beloved song from my youth that I NEVER thought about skin color as a youth now makes me wonder.
So who is canceling this great song the left asks! They want links & PROOF that my feelings are legitimate....

Thing is the culture you DUMBFUCKS have bread has made me question everything I once took forgranted. It doesn't matter that there are no racial overtones in the song now right? All that matters is you succeeded in making me feel guilty for NO REASON right?

Fuck you for bringing us to this place.

PS. I know it's not exactly a "clean start" in politics. I also know I fucking sick of walking on eggshells just to appease political correctness.

Have at it
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Oh look I found a sexist song. They portray a beautiful female as a sex object.....

Far be it for me to see a beautiful woman and hear a great song. I should have heard white privilege and male toxicity right?

Fucking sick of where we are
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Holy shit, I just found the SUPER DUPER WHITE VERSION. Only 2 blacks that I saw. Time to cancel this classic despite the celebrities in the video!
Grampa Murked U
If the song Africa is racist for making references to the continent by white people who never visited it, does that mean all these white people need to visit Africa before singing the coolest cover ever made of the song:

And does that make me racist liking this without visiting Africa either?

I must be pretty darn racist because
I really like this version. Better than the original.
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Grampa Murked U
If the song Africa is racist for making references to the continent by white people who never visited it, does that mean all these white people need to visit Africa before singing the coolest cover ever made of the song:

And does that make me racist liking this without visiting Africa either?

I must be pretty darn racist because
I really like this version. Better than the original.

Off topic a bit but my MOST DESIRED vacation is Africa. The history is incredible but we must return to our regularly scheduled leftist recreational outrage program
When you have a entire populace that is afraid to say what they're thinking, that is intimidated at the threat of their lives being ruined for saying the wrong thing, that feels it has to offer blanket future apologies in case they have offended someone before they even fucking say it; when you have a portion of the populace eager to play judge, jury and executioner by randomly applying life-changing "consequences" to those who step out of line....

....then you don't have an open, liberal society that enjoys freedom of expression and its profound benefits. You simply don't.
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The fact that YOU KNEW what I was talking about says it all

But the question is WHY are you talking about it?

Trump killed half a million people, millions lost their jobs, we had riots in the streets and racists running around killing people and you were fine with it.



The model of the Republican Party is to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.
When you have a entire populace that is afraid to say what they're thinking, that is intimidated at the threat of their lives being ruined for saying the wrong thing, that feels it has to offer blanket future apologies in case they have offended someone before they even fucking say it; when you have a portion of the populace eager to play judge, jury and executioner by randomly applying life-changing "consequences" to those who step out of line....

....then you don't have an open, liberal society that enjoys freedom of expression and its profound benefits. You simply don't.

Wow. Really, Vichy Mac?

Hey, do you tell your coworker that she really looks fat in that dress? Oh, wait, you don't. Because that would be fucking rude. You thought it, though, didn't you? But then you self-censored before you opened your mouth. Good thing you did, because she's have probably complained to HR about you and most of your coworkers would be giving you the stink-eye.

We have freedom of expression. We also have consequences.

If anything, our modern world of social media has made us more likely to say shit that we shouldn't if we were looking someone in the eye.
The fact that YOU KNEW what I was talking about says it all

But the question is WHY are you talking about it?

Trump killed half a million people, millions lost their jobs, we had riots in the streets and racists running around killing people and you were fine with it.


View attachment 466766

The model of the Republican Party is to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears.
The virus that originated in China has killed people worldwide.
Trump issued the travel restrictions and it is up to the States to manage their own States. Biden even recognizes the States have their own jurisdiction so each Governor or each City has to make their own decisions to respect the demands and consent of the public under that regional jurisdiction.

Cuomo killed more people than Trump did.

Doctors finally got the FDA to allow them to use HCQ with proper discretion, instead of the Liberal media banning this lifesaving information from being distributed which would have prevented hospitalizations and deaths by early treatment.

I can't believe you of all people would buy into the politicized narrative and media spin blaming Trump instead of China as the source of the viral pandemic, deaths and economic crisis that China seeks to exploit to invade and attack other countries.

Shame on you for falling for the dangerous misinformation that is worse than the botched mask denial by the CDC which is also blamed on Trump when it was the CDC spreading false reports denying masks and HCQ to prevent supplies from running out. That is what cost lives, and so much distrust and confusion that people quit trusting the media even more.

These policies were changed later, and so was the coverup of Cuomo and NY botched response that killed tens of thousands more people unreported in NY and NJ as well.

JoeB131 I know you are smarter than this. Look up Dr. Joseph Varron who was one of the most consistent doctors in the ER and ICU defending the use of both HCQ and masks to reduce hospitalizations, escalations and death. The problem was the media. And China withheld information and the media censored Doctors in France, NY, Texas and elsewhere all urging early treatment instead of waiting for hospitalization. Trump advocated for early treatment with HCQ but was also censored by the media.

Many people not just Trump don't want to wear masks, that's why we need to democratize districts for equal access to health care so this limits the shutdowns and mandates to just the local areas that agree democratically to the same policies.

Texas, NY and each State is like its own country, so each should be like Singapore and manage their own resources and population demands, not rely on one central authority to decide for 300 million people across all 50 states.

If NY and CA and other liberal states all rely on a central national authority to make their decisions, this can be done through a state and national medical cooperative network run by Party. That way all the prochoice promask people can fund and run their own mandates for taxpayers and businesses that agree to bail each other out.

Same with the prolife and antimandate people who can fund and hire their own medical providers if they prefer HCQ or other means of response.

Both Trump and Biden recognize people and states have their own choice of policies that federal govt cannot mandate for them locally. The difference @JoeB131il is Trump and Conservatives are willing to hold China responsible for damages but Liberals and Biden have no leverage to compel China to correct or compensate for the devastation but instead exploit the pandemic for politics which further endangers American security and protections.
The virus that originated in China has killed people worldwide.
Trump issued the travel restrictions and it is up to the States to manage their own States. Biden even recognizes the States have their own jurisdiction so each Governor or each City has to make their own decisions to respect the demands and consent of the public under that regional jurisdiction.

I really don't read your verbal diarrhea because it slops all over the place.

Trump fucked up the response to Covid. Period. Full stop. the very fact governors like Newsom, Cuomo and Prtizker had to take the lead is a large part of the problem, there wasn't leadership from the top. Fauci would say one thing and Trump would say another.

China didn't make us fuck up, they didn't make Cleetus the redneck refuse to wear a mask because "Freedom".
When you have a entire populace that is afraid to say what they're thinking, that is intimidated at the threat of their lives being ruined for saying the wrong thing, that feels it has to offer blanket future apologies in case they have offended someone before they even fucking say it; when you have a portion of the populace eager to play judge, jury and executioner by randomly applying life-changing "consequences" to those who step out of line....

....then you don't have an open, liberal society that enjoys freedom of expression and its profound benefits. You simply don't.

Wow. Really, Vichy Mac?

Hey, do you tell your coworker that she really looks fat in that dress? Oh, wait, you don't. Because that would be fucking rude. You thought it, though, didn't you? But then you self-censored before you opened your mouth. Good thing you did, because she's have probably complained to HR about you and most of your coworkers would be giving you the stink-eye.

We have freedom of expression. We also have consequences.

If anything, our modern world of social media has made us more likely to say shit that we shouldn't if we were looking someone in the eye.
I would really like to know what it is these people want to say but don't because of "Political Correctness". And if the eschew "PC" why are they afraid to say whatever the fuck the perceive they cannot?
The virus that originated in China has killed people worldwide.

Your point? The next virus could originate in Alabama. What does it matter?

Trump issued the travel restrictions and it is up to the States to manage their own States. Biden even recognizes the States have their own jurisdiction so each Governor or each City has to make their own decisions to respect the demands and consent of the public under that regional jurisdiction.

The fact that Trump "left it to the states" is a huge part of the problem. There was no federal coordination or assistance. Imagine if after Pearl Harbor the president said "hey states you're on your own, man! "
The virus that originated in China has killed people worldwide.
Trump issued the travel restrictions and it is up to the States to manage their own States. Biden even recognizes the States have their own jurisdiction so each Governor or each City has to make their own decisions to respect the demands and consent of the public under that regional jurisdiction.

I really don't read your verbal diarrhea because it slops all over the place.

Trump fucked up the response to Covid. Period. Full stop. the very fact governors like Newsom, Cuomo and Prtizker had to take the lead is a large part of the problem, there wasn't leadership from the top. Fauci would say one thing and Trump would say another.

China didn't make us fuck up, they didn't make Cleetus the redneck refuse to wear a mask because "Freedom".
I don't think you and I are using the same information so this explains why our perceptions are different.

I guess my bias comes mostly living in Texas in a conservative culture where we expect our workers, businesses, schools and nonprofits to contribute to the economy and we aren't supposed to rely on federal govt, any more than adult children should rely on parents anymore.

We are supposed to operate independently and Contribute to the economy and govt.

Not the other way.

We are not supposed to rely on third party govt to manage our resources or economy.

We are supposed to be self reliant, and only us federal govt for national security and other national policies that only govt has authority to enforce.

Sorry, but my whole view of the people being our own govt means I frame this whole situation, and relationship and role of govt differently.

I believe all of us have equal responsibility in democratizing health care and doing the work of govt.

Sorry JoeB131
By your system, you and Liberals blame Conservative limits on Govt for obstructing or denying help. But from my understanding of citizens sharing equal power and responsibilities of govt, we all need to invest in reforming and democratizing our states and districts to be self reliant. That way, if some areas lockdown to contain an outbreak or crisis, it doesn't shut down the whole economy and make us dependent on federal bailouts.

That independence is what I see as the end goal

Not this business of relying on federal govt to manage internal policies through a central national authority. It's the other way around, where people and states manage sustainably and delegate agreed duties to federal govt. We would not be in this mess if all states and districts were self sustaining, so that is how I see the goal of teaching democratic govt. Independent self reliance and equal responsibility. Not dependence on centralized govt to dictate policy, where corporate and party interests compete to abuse office and govt to mandate their agenda.
I would really like to know what it is these people want to say but don't because of "Political Correctness". And if the eschew "PC" why are they afraid to say whatever the fuck the perceive they cannot?
Well, I've tried to explain this stuff many times, and I always fail. So I'm done with that, just as I'm done trying to discuss economics with Trumpsters.

Below is something I wrote in May, 2013 here. I talked a lot about "pushback" against PC, and as it turned out, I was proven right in 2016. The mistake the Left made (and somehow continues to make) was dismissing and mocking people when they pointed PC out. The result of the frustration and increasing resentment? Donald Trump.
Well, it will never disappear. There will always be people who want to leverage strategic hypersensitivity to control the language, and therefore the argument. What's nice to see, though, is the pushback. Being called a "racist" because you disagree with someone whose skin is a different color no longer has the effect that it used to. Over time, hopefully, the people who are trying to shut down a person with a different opinion will actually have to defend their opinion with reason, not with some contrived, diversionary "offense".

So my opposition to PC is not about me. It's about what it causes. And 2016, and its current aftermath, is the example.
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