America is not the greatest country...

We are still the greatest country in terms of freedom and potential, but last 7 years has made us go backwards a decade. However, we have an opportunity in 2016 to vote to take 2+ steps forward after 1 step back.

Obamas entire accomplishments in 8 years can 100% be reversed and GOP policies will take us a step forward in just 4 years.

Quicker than you all think.

No you don't. You will have two choices for president in Nov 2016, both of which will not change anything much.

Education is still education and still substandard for the US having one of the strongest economies in the world. Healthcare is still based on how much money you earn. People are still be sent off to die for rich people in hot desert countries. The economy still goes into massive recession because they can't control things properly.

You'll vote for some guy who is charismatic and claims a lot of stuff he won't do. You'll vote for some guy who has been bought by big multinational companies and has to give then something back in return.

In 2016 the US will vote for another person to step up and screw over the American people, just like the last I don't know how many presidents. Doesn't matter what party they stand for, they stand for a system which is so corrupt the corruption is perfectly legal, and they even tell you they're being corrupt, but they have so much money they pretend it's okay

The Money Behind the Elections OpenSecrets
All major countries have fallen. Every one of them. The British Empire, the Roman Empire, the Chinese Dynasties, the Spanish Empire, the Egyptian Pharaohs, the Inca Empire, every one of them.

The US was the first in what we call Superpowers, they didn't have the Empire with the expansion of land, but expansion of power and influence. Getting other countries on their side. The US will fall for the same reasons as many of the others fell.

Arrogance, living the good life and no reason to fight to be better, self interest taking over.

China is the up and coming country. It doesn't have a govt which impedes the development of the country in the manner which is needed. It has a larger and more expendable population, though the US population is generally expendable as shown in Iraq and Afghanistan. But China has way too many people, cities on a larger scale.

The US is falling. Self interest is becoming the major force now. When Emperors became corrupt and thought only of themselves and their own needs, that's when Empires began to fall. Cracks appear.

Presidents aren't the ones in charge, govt isn't in charge, it's money, and when a country is driven by money, it loses what it really needs to remain up there.

The problem is this has been happening for a long time. Even in Reagan's time and before.

What makes a country "great". Most people believe it's military power and wealth. The problem is that this doesn't make a country better to live in than other countries, it just means it bullies its way through life.

Countries which treat all its citizens properly, and aims to do the best for all, these are countries where people want to live. Scandinavian and Germanic countries are generally at the top because they actually care about their people. The US cares about the rich because the rich are the ones paying for the govt to be "elected.
America used to be the greatest country.

But Hussein Obama the Communist in Chief, took care that it is not anymore.
You're obviously trolling, since we can track the rapid downfall of many things since the 70's, "communist in chief" jesus, you're an idiot.

you say Jesus a lot when you swear!

I thought that you were a socialist.... do you believe in Jesus? or are you an atheist?

or just a clown :laugh:

If Jesus was anything politically, he was a socialist. Cons are too dumb to understand this.
I always hear people praising America for being "the best country in the world" and lots of other bullshit, time to look at some facts:

The United states is, essentially, the only industrialized country without universal healthcare..
The US "spends" about this much on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results (It's approaching 10k now..)

Millions lack insurance, drugs are expensive as hell, people's lives are ruined if they get cancer, and don't have fancy for profit insurance.
The united states lacks in many areas regarding healthcare:


Let's look at life expectancy:
We rank 34: Global Health Observatory Data Repository
(Cuba is above us) yet, we still spend a MASSIVE amount on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results, as said above.

The united states education system is underfunded, teachers are underpaid, and a host of other problems are present... especially when it comes to the rising cost of higher education and the lack of access to cheap, affordable higher education. The united states government needs to directly support higher education like many other countries, not simply hand out loans and grants... Obama's community college idea is a great start.
College tuition in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We are, by no measure, #1 at education results, but we are #1 in student debt..

If there's one thing the united states is #1 at, it's the military. I fail to see how this an achievement when millions lack healthcare, when the infrastructure is falling apart, when child poverty is on the rise, when veterans are homeless by the thousands, but yeah, let's look at the reality:
This is all that needs to be said.. if a nation wants to focus more on funding new weapon research projects and imperialist ventures then giving healthcare to its own citizens, there is a problem.

Corporate profits:
It's no surprise that corporate profits are at an all time high in the united states, and they are rising, I fail to see how this is a good thing when wages are stagnant, with a shrinking middle class, with millions being thrown into poverty.. Then again, the corporations love the government and the government loves the corporations..
Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed


Wages in the united states have been stagnant for decades, and compared to the rising cost of living and productivity, are not rising like they should..

Now, we come to a horrifying fact to relate to this.. affording a two bedroom rental unit..


Overworked America 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil Mother Jones - Must see.

Global Homelessness Statistics - Homeless World Cup
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Time to piss some people off:
"Well, there is one more way in which Cuba differs from most other poor countries in the world—the tiny island nation has virtually no homeless people. There are many reasons for that accomplishment. First, although housing is not free in Cuba, the government does take steps to keep the cost of housing low. That leads to a high rate of homeownership—around 85%. By way of comparison, the Census Bureau says the rate of homeownership in the United States was 66.9% in 2010."

Paid vacation:
Surprise! America is one of a few countries that does not guarantee paid vacation to workers...

"Nearly a quarter of the American private-sector workforce, some 26 million workers, doesn’t get paid time off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — compared with less than one-fifth in the 1990s.The United States is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee paid vacation and one of only 13 countries in the world not to do so, according to the World Policy Analysis Center at the University of California Los Angeles."
"In this regard, the United States falls in line with India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and a handful of island nations that don’t require employers to offer workers paid time off. France, on the other hand, mandates 30 paid vacation days a year for all workers; Scandinavian countries offer 25. US citizens in Puerto Rico get three weeks off a year.

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and Sweden even require employers to pay vacationing workers extra to help with expenses."

Maternity leave:
Many on the right wing consistently talk about "family values" I'd call letting a mother spend time with her child for long periods of time while not having to worry about not getting her wages a family value, not trying to restrict gay marriage or end abortion...

Prison/income inequality/well being/etc..

I have so much more to add, but I think this is enough.. Time to realize america needs to become more "progressive" :coffee::dance:

Yo, Socialist, if you love another Country more, why don`t you pack your crap up and haul ass?
Look at the POPULATION in all of those Countries?
I rest my case!!!


Yo Shithead. People do not have to hold your views to be American and love this country. Fuck off.
There is this one funny thing about America that socialists refuse to understand.

There is NO exit visa requirement.

So unlike many of their dreamed-of "workers paradise" spots where people have to be forced to remain.
Communist In Chief is pretty accurate considering he used every Political trick in the book to usher in Socialized medicine. That during the worst economic crisis in 80 years. How many times did we hear the phrase "Obama is now doing a hard pivot to jobs" during that time? What moron would be doing anything BUT focusing on jobs during a Depression?
"Communist in chief" You clearly don't know anything about communism or actual communists who have lead countries...

Your heroes?
We are still the greatest country in terms of freedom and potential, but last 7 years has made us go backwards a decade. However, we have an opportunity in 2016 to vote to take 2+ steps forward after 1 step back.

Obamas entire accomplishments in 8 years can 100% be reversed and GOP policies will take us a step forward in just 4 years.

Quicker than you all think.

No you don't. You will have two choices for president in Nov 2016, both of which will not change anything much.

Education is still education and still substandard for the US having one of the strongest economies in the world. Healthcare is still based on how much money you earn. People are still be sent off to die for rich people in hot desert countries. The economy still goes into massive recession because they can't control things properly.

You'll vote for some guy who is charismatic and claims a lot of stuff he won't do. You'll vote for some guy who has been bought by big multinational companies and has to give then something back in return.

In 2016 the US will vote for another person to step up and screw over the American people, just like the last I don't know how many presidents. Doesn't matter what party they stand for, they stand for a system which is so corrupt the corruption is perfectly legal, and they even tell you they're being corrupt, but they have so much money they pretend it's okay

The Money Behind the Elections OpenSecrets

One name and candidate - John Kasich.
We are still the greatest country in terms of freedom and potential, but last 7 years has made us go backwards a decade. However, we have an opportunity in 2016 to vote to take 2+ steps forward after 1 step back.

Obamas entire accomplishments in 8 years can 100% be reversed and GOP policies will take us a step forward in just 4 years.

Quicker than you all think.

No you don't. You will have two choices for president in Nov 2016, both of which will not change anything much.

Education is still education and still substandard for the US having one of the strongest economies in the world. Healthcare is still based on how much money you earn. People are still be sent off to die for rich people in hot desert countries. The economy still goes into massive recession because they can't control things properly.

You'll vote for some guy who is charismatic and claims a lot of stuff he won't do. You'll vote for some guy who has been bought by big multinational companies and has to give then something back in return.

In 2016 the US will vote for another person to step up and screw over the American people, just like the last I don't know how many presidents. Doesn't matter what party they stand for, they stand for a system which is so corrupt the corruption is perfectly legal, and they even tell you they're being corrupt, but they have so much money they pretend it's okay

The Money Behind the Elections OpenSecrets

One name and candidate - John Kasich.

Who not many people will vote for, unless he sticks Republican or Democrat next to his name.
We are still the greatest country in terms of freedom and potential, but last 7 years has made us go backwards a decade. However, we have an opportunity in 2016 to vote to take 2+ steps forward after 1 step back.

Obamas entire accomplishments in 8 years can 100% be reversed and GOP policies will take us a step forward in just 4 years.

Quicker than you all think.

No you don't. You will have two choices for president in Nov 2016, both of which will not change anything much.

Education is still education and still substandard for the US having one of the strongest economies in the world. Healthcare is still based on how much money you earn. People are still be sent off to die for rich people in hot desert countries. The economy still goes into massive recession because they can't control things properly.

You'll vote for some guy who is charismatic and claims a lot of stuff he won't do. You'll vote for some guy who has been bought by big multinational companies and has to give then something back in return.

In 2016 the US will vote for another person to step up and screw over the American people, just like the last I don't know how many presidents. Doesn't matter what party they stand for, they stand for a system which is so corrupt the corruption is perfectly legal, and they even tell you they're being corrupt, but they have so much money they pretend it's okay

The Money Behind the Elections OpenSecrets

One name and candidate - John Kasich.

Who not many people will vote for, unless he sticks Republican or Democrat next to his name.

Go ahead and call him a republican. He's already running as one. He was one for all of his fed legislative years.
I always hear people praising America for being "the best country in the world" and lots of other bullshit, time to look at some facts:

The United states is, essentially, the only industrialized country without universal healthcare..
The US "spends" about this much on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results (It's approaching 10k now..)

Millions lack insurance, drugs are expensive as hell, people's lives are ruined if they get cancer, and don't have fancy for profit insurance.
The united states lacks in many areas regarding healthcare:


Let's look at life expectancy:
We rank 34: Global Health Observatory Data Repository
(Cuba is above us) yet, we still spend a MASSIVE amount on healthcare per citizen, with laughable results, as said above.

The united states education system is underfunded, teachers are underpaid, and a host of other problems are present... especially when it comes to the rising cost of higher education and the lack of access to cheap, affordable higher education. The united states government needs to directly support higher education like many other countries, not simply hand out loans and grants... Obama's community college idea is a great start.
College tuition in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We are, by no measure, #1 at education results, but we are #1 in student debt..

If there's one thing the united states is #1 at, it's the military. I fail to see how this an achievement when millions lack healthcare, when the infrastructure is falling apart, when child poverty is on the rise, when veterans are homeless by the thousands, but yeah, let's look at the reality:
This is all that needs to be said.. if a nation wants to focus more on funding new weapon research projects and imperialist ventures then giving healthcare to its own citizens, there is a problem.

Corporate profits:
It's no surprise that corporate profits are at an all time high in the united states, and they are rising, I fail to see how this is a good thing when wages are stagnant, with a shrinking middle class, with millions being thrown into poverty.. Then again, the corporations love the government and the government loves the corporations..
Corporate Profits After Tax without IVA and CCAdj - FRED - St. Louis Fed


Wages in the united states have been stagnant for decades, and compared to the rising cost of living and productivity, are not rising like they should..

Now, we come to a horrifying fact to relate to this.. affording a two bedroom rental unit..


Overworked America 12 Charts That Will Make Your Blood Boil Mother Jones - Must see.

Global Homelessness Statistics - Homeless World Cup
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Time to piss some people off:
"Well, there is one more way in which Cuba differs from most other poor countries in the world—the tiny island nation has virtually no homeless people. There are many reasons for that accomplishment. First, although housing is not free in Cuba, the government does take steps to keep the cost of housing low. That leads to a high rate of homeownership—around 85%. By way of comparison, the Census Bureau says the rate of homeownership in the United States was 66.9% in 2010."

Paid vacation:
Surprise! America is one of a few countries that does not guarantee paid vacation to workers...

"Nearly a quarter of the American private-sector workforce, some 26 million workers, doesn’t get paid time off, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — compared with less than one-fifth in the 1990s.The United States is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee paid vacation and one of only 13 countries in the world not to do so, according to the World Policy Analysis Center at the University of California Los Angeles."
"In this regard, the United States falls in line with India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and a handful of island nations that don’t require employers to offer workers paid time off. France, on the other hand, mandates 30 paid vacation days a year for all workers; Scandinavian countries offer 25. US citizens in Puerto Rico get three weeks off a year.

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, and Sweden even require employers to pay vacationing workers extra to help with expenses."

Maternity leave:
Many on the right wing consistently talk about "family values" I'd call letting a mother spend time with her child for long periods of time while not having to worry about not getting her wages a family value, not trying to restrict gay marriage or end abortion...

Prison/income inequality/well being/etc..

I have so much more to add, but I think this is enough.. Time to realize america needs to become more "progressive" :coffee::dance:
Get the FUCK out.....
Communist In Chief is pretty accurate considering he used every Political trick in the book to usher in Socialized medicine. That during the worst economic crisis in 80 years. How many times did we hear the phrase "Obama is now doing a hard pivot to jobs" during that time? What moron would be doing anything BUT focusing on jobs during a Depression?
"Communist in chief" You clearly don't know anything about communism or actual communists who have lead countries...

Your heroes?
I appreciate the contributions many communist leaders have made to their respective countries, and heavily criticize the bad..
The real question of this thread is why the OP is such a shameless hypocrite.
How exactly am I a hypocrite? Oh wait, if you live in a country and don't think it's the best in the world, you're somehow a hypocrite. How brainwashed are you?
All major countries have fallen. Every one of them. The British Empire, the Roman Empire, the Chinese Dynasties, the Spanish Empire, the Egyptian Pharaohs, the Inca Empire, every one of them.

The US was the first in what we call Superpowers, they didn't have the Empire with the expansion of land, but expansion of power and influence. Getting other countries on their side. The US will fall for the same reasons as many of the others fell.

Arrogance, living the good life and no reason to fight to be better, self interest taking over.

China is the up and coming country. It doesn't have a govt which impedes the development of the country in the manner which is needed. It has a larger and more expendable population, though the US population is generally expendable as shown in Iraq and Afghanistan. But China has way too many people, cities on a larger scale.

The US is falling. Self interest is becoming the major force now. When Emperors became corrupt and thought only of themselves and their own needs, that's when Empires began to fall. Cracks appear.

Presidents aren't the ones in charge, govt isn't in charge, it's money, and when a country is driven by money, it loses what it really needs to remain up there.

The problem is this has been happening for a long time. Even in Reagan's time and before.

What makes a country "great". Most people believe it's military power and wealth. The problem is that this doesn't make a country better to live in than other countries, it just means it bullies its way through life.

Countries which treat all its citizens properly, and aims to do the best for all, these are countries where people want to live. Scandinavian and Germanic countries are generally at the top because they actually care about their people. The US cares about the rich because the rich are the ones paying for the govt to be "elected.
Thanks for giving a reasonable, well thought out response instead of screaming "hurr durr hypocrite"

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