America is not the greatest country...

Many of your stats are flawed and incomplete. For example, your criticisms of the American health care system don't take into account the responses that have been made to those criticisms.

Many of the countries that you include on your list of countries that are doing certain things better than we are happen to be in very bad shape. You repeatedly refer to France, England, Spain, and Italy, but those nations have severe economic problems. Spain and Italy are in terrible fiscal shape. England and France are not far behind them.

Your tar brushing against American education fails to take into account the areas where there are very good school systems and *why* those school systems are good. You also fail to consider private schools and home schools, which in most cases do an excellent job.

You pick a European country that you would rate as better than America, and I could point out all kinds of problems with your selection and/or with the country you choose.
Many of your stats are flawed and incomplete. For example, your criticisms of the American health care system don't take into account the responses that have been made to those criticisms.

Many of the countries that you include on your list of countries that are doing certain things better than we are happen to be in very bad shape. You repeatedly refer to France, England, Spain, and Italy, but those nations have severe economic problems. Spain and Italy are in terrible fiscal shape. England and France are not far behind them.

Your tar brushing against American education fails to take into account the areas where there are very good school systems and *why* those school systems are good. You also fail to consider private schools and home schools, which in most cases do an excellent job.

You pick a European country that you would rate as better than America, and I could point out all kinds of problems with your selection and/or with the country you choose.
I never referred to spain/italy, try again. You can ignore canada/germany/scandinavia/etc all you want, not my problem. Every country has problems, but america is trillions in debt with child poverty through the roof, millions without healthcare.. LOL. America doesn't have economic problems?
Many of your stats are flawed and incomplete. For example, your criticisms of the American health care system don't take into account the responses that have been made to those criticisms.

Many of the countries that you include on your list of countries that are doing certain things better than we are happen to be in very bad shape. You repeatedly refer to France, England, Spain, and Italy, but those nations have severe economic problems. Spain and Italy are in terrible fiscal shape. England and France are not far behind them.

Your tar brushing against American education fails to take into account the areas where there are very good school systems and *why* those school systems are good. You also fail to consider private schools and home schools, which in most cases do an excellent job.

You pick a European country that you would rate as better than America, and I could point out all kinds of problems with your selection and/or with the country you choose.
They're not flawed or incomplete by the way, please point to the ones that are flawed. The responses made to the criticisms? Yeah, I've heard them, it's meaningless when millions lack insurance and prices are through the roof. Yes, yes, good education for those who have lots of money, I understand.
Considering our amazing natural resources, it's not surprising our economy has recovered more quickly than the EU from the Bush World Depression (Great job!!), but after 30 years of Voodoo wrecking the non-rich and our infrastructure (and our mental health, hater dupe nutjobs), see sig, we're no longer a beacon. WAY too much suffering going on here (the poverty, homeless, number in prison, shytte min. wage, vacations). Now stfu, Reaganist tools lol....
Many of your stats are flawed and incomplete. For example, your criticisms of the American health care system don't take into account the responses that have been made to those criticisms.

Many of the countries that you include on your list of countries that are doing certain things better than we are happen to be in very bad shape. You repeatedly refer to France, England, Spain, and Italy, but those nations have severe economic problems. Spain and Italy are in terrible fiscal shape. England and France are not far behind them.

Your tar brushing against American education fails to take into account the areas where there are very good school systems and *why* those school systems are good. You also fail to consider private schools and home schools, which in most cases do an excellent job.

You pick a European country that you would rate as better than America, and I could point out all kinds of problems with your selection and/or with the country you choose.
I'll go with Denmark, France, and Holland. But I'll miss you a-holes and the wide open spaces after a while lol...
Socialist... I live in those countries that you are comparing with US. Those countries are very small and it's like comparing a bicycle to a 16 wheeler. U.S. is a very mixed and complex cultures, ethnicities, races, traditions etc.
From those countries that you think it's better than US. THEN...Why over 100k students each year comes to US and get educated? That includes Japan. Why thousands comes to US get medical treatments? If those countries get in trouble with natural disasters who helped them? If they get invaded by other countries..who do they call 911? If they are that good, what contributions has their done to help other countries? How many legal immigrants has those countries (all combined ) accepted? People will fight for their lives just to come to this country. Why is that Millions wants to migrate to this country more than any other countries.
Many of your stats are flawed and incomplete. For example, your criticisms of the American health care system don't take into account the responses that have been made to those criticisms.

Many of the countries that you include on your list of countries that are doing certain things better than we are happen to be in very bad shape. You repeatedly refer to France, England, Spain, and Italy, but those nations have severe economic problems. Spain and Italy are in terrible fiscal shape. England and France are not far behind them.

Your tar brushing against American education fails to take into account the areas where there are very good school systems and *why* those school systems are good. You also fail to consider private schools and home schools, which in most cases do an excellent job.

You pick a European country that you would rate as better than America, and I could point out all kinds of problems with your selection and/or with the country you choose.
They're not flawed or incomplete by the way, please point to the ones that are flawed. The responses made to the criticisms? Yeah, I've heard them, it's meaningless when millions lack insurance and prices are through the roof. Yes, yes, good education for those who have lots of money, I understand.
You are pointing the weakness of this country but you are ignoring what is best. We have over 300 millions living in U.S. How many of those has health insurance. Aside from that you can pack and leave this country.
People from France, Denmark, and Holland aren't coming here for college or care, and they're lots happier than here, only rich a-holes do for care.... Breaking: People are people, hater dupe. We're now a Reaganist mess. Another 20 years of this and we'll be a giant 3rd world oligarchy.
Delta is ready when you are, asshole.
It's clear you didn't bother to look into the facts I've presented, keep up your idiocy.
I didnt need to. The alleged "facts" are the same shit that gets posted on this board day in and day out. And as often as it gets refuted in the very next thread some ignorant asshole like you will repost all that crap.
So if you dont think America is the best country in the world, you are free to pack your Birkenstocks and your Che T-Shirt and hop on the next plane to whatever socialist shithole workers paradise you think is much better than living here.
Adios, squamous.
Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure the bls, the CIA, the WHO, etc, etc are not lieing, facts are facts, and your anecdotal horseshit means nothing to me, if personal attacks are all you have, good for you. Even your fellow conservatives are laughing at your idiocy, I've seen it happen.

You can count on the fact that the WHO is lying. I once investigated the criteria the used to make their ranking, and it was mostly composed of bullshit that gave extra points to socialized medicine.

ThinkProgress is also nothing but a Marxist propaganda mill. If we traced the source of your charts we'd find that some Marxist propaganda mill was the source for all of them.
Let's just say our Pub health system cost twice as much as other advanced countries, cost 45k deaths/year, and much lower average life spans were the result. Great job!

Only hater dupes were for it. Fox News Makes You Dumb And The GOP Is Worried

The healthcare system has nothing to do with the lower life spans of Americans. Being a bunch of fat pigs is the cause of that. Americans are the fattest people in the world.
We are still the greatest country in terms of freedom and potential, but last 7 years has made us go backwards a decade. However, we have an opportunity in 2016 to vote to take 2+ steps forward after 1 step back.

Obamas entire accomplishments in 8 years can 100% be reversed and GOP policies will take us a step forward in just 4 years.

Quicker than you all think.
Let's just say our Pub health system cost twice as much as other advanced countries, cost 45k deaths/year, and much lower average life spans were the result. Great job!

Only hater dupes were for it. Fox News Makes You Dumb And The GOP Is Worried

The healthcare system has nothing to do with the lower life spans of Americans. Being a bunch of fat pigs is the cause of that. Americans are the fattest people in the world.
ure it does...For example, the rate of deaths in childbirth here is a disgrace...
People from France, Denmark, and Holland aren't coming here for college or care, and they're lots happier than here, only rich a-holes do for care.... Breaking: People are people, hater dupe. We're now a Reaganist mess. Another 20 years of this and we'll be a giant 3rd world oligarchy.
Are you fucking kidding me? I have about 1,200 employees here with their families from Europe mostly from France, Holland and Germany that are trying to establish residency here in U.S. They may not come here for care but college and happier? Think again. I have a house in Montpellier, Fr.
And liberals are making this true.
Jesus matthew, you need to actually go through the facts, and realize america has had this disastrous track record for decades, and by the way, almost every other country is "liberal" fuck, extremely liberal and progressive, the ones that are ahead of us, our democratic party is centre right, our republican party is borderline fascist, and when it comes to other countries.. their right wing parties are our democrats, and their left wing parties are socialist/communist/very progressive.

Eugene V. Debs and Socialism were so popular in his day that he failed to win a single fucking county or parish in 1912.

In 2008 Eugene V. Debs socialism was so popular that it...fuck it won the presidency! Downfall of a nation begins.
You know nothing about my life or where I live, keep resorting to personal attacks.

Sock puppets are alive?
I've noticed most rwers on this site can't adequately address facts and immediately resort to personal attacks.

A great deal of your facts only matter
I advise you to back your statements, all of mine have a basis in reality.

Your own words crucify you.
No, they really don't, tell me what I need to back up ;)

I don't dispute some of your facts. I simply question just what they mean.

For example, I've seen arguments on the "outcome" of health care that fall apart once people start to look at how the data is generated.

I think more relevant question is why you would walk into someone's living room and insult their parents.

Even if they don't like their are probably going to have a fist fight on your hands.
Oh lord, you do realize america began to drastically fall beind around the 70's/80's? Yeah, the "evil" progressive mentality of germany, denmark, canada, the majority of industrialized countries... "Entitlements" Yeah, we know you hate universal healthcare, maternity leave for mothers, disability, etc, etc.. despite the fact almost every successful country guarantees these things. Destroying every country? Mind backing that up, if you want to discuss nations claiming to follow socialism and what they've achieved, along with actual examples of socialism during the early 1900's, I'm open to it. "Personal responsibility" I'm pretty sure the majority of the world follows this, unless you think healthcare is some great evil and everything should be privatized. Free markets? We had free markets in america, the "laissez faire" era, and it was a disaster for working people. So wealthy for a select few off of the backs of industrial workers/etc, yes, don't see how that matters. Oh come on, you're pathetic. "Crisis"Tell me more about what cause the 2008 collapse and the great depression. Tell me more about the costs of iraq/afghanistan...

All of this is piecemeal. And some of it is meaningless.

I am a middle class individual who ownes more than most of my counterparts in the Europe. I know because we compare notes.

That isn't to say we don't have issues....big issues.

But this is a pretty worthless argument.

Why don't we look at just one of your countries....say Denmark.

Lay it out. Let's see how it adds up.

I really don't know what the final analysis brings.

But let's get off the crapp.

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