america is a white nation

"America" is not a nation. The United States is a nation.

And you need to replace that "is" in your header with "was."

The only thing 'lieberalism" needs to do is give his ears a good tug and pop his head outta his ass. But as full of shit as he (she/it) is you'd need a hazmat team to clean up the aftermath.
This underscores the limitations of "we were here first" as justification for geopolitical positioning. I think we can lean on it for a while, but not all the way. Whites HAVE been the holding power of the U.S. for 400 years. We got it by killing those who were here, and pioneering the rest. That is, boys and girls, a legitimate form of takeover. Very few human groups can claim to have been "native" to anywhere for all of eternity. If Mexicans want us to "go back to Europe, gringo", they'll have to go back ASIA, which is where their Indian/Native forbears came from originally.

Actually, you'd have to cut Mexicans in half and send half to Spain and half to Asia.:lol:

I don't buy the apologist, "let's give it all back,: reparation BS. The way of Mankind since the beginning was for a stronger group to push the weaker out. The "weak" group only last so long as it can defend itself.

Our culture has let intellectualism rob it of any sense of self-preservation, while we are facing a ruthless enemy that obviously could care less about intellectualism and/or the moral high ground in favor of religious extremism.

They are fighting a war of extermination against us, while we keep a blindfold on and one hand tied behind our backs. By the time enough people wake up, it will be too late.
Breaking News: Mexicans demand clocks in Times Square be converted to sundials to "show respect to their intellectual contributions to society."

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