America: Home of the Ignorant


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...
Ive been thinking lately about how we've come from a nation of hardworking, courageous men and women who risked their very lives to choose a life of freedom for their decedents, to a land of fat, spoiled, over medicated, under-parented, lazy fools. Take this with a grain of salt. I know that their are still alot of good hardworking souls left in this country, but as a whole, their is a growing number of individuals that are truly ignorant to what this country stands for.

I won't get into the details of my thinking but heres a tidbit.

We as a people have passed many rediculous laws over the last 100 years. Everything from Prohibition to anti-drug laws to speeding violations. Some we have seen the error of our ways only through massive outcry such as prohibition. Others we have yet to see the mistakes these laws are through the unforseen tolls that they cause.

My thought is on why these laws get passed. It takes only 1 person or a group of people to be against something. Take prohibition. Religious fanatics spoke of the evils of alcohol. Despite the fact that many americans drank alcohol daily, they didnt want to be thought of as evil and went along with the mob. Alcohol was then banned. People then began to speak of how evil alcoholics are and that they are breaking the law. When the day before they were your local butcher or mailman or milkman. Now they were outlaws? Why? Because a law created by a man said they were? Luckily the error of prohibition was seen. You cant legislate how people can live their lives. Yet years later history has not be learned.

The war on drugs. The war on porn. The war on hitting your kids. The war on hurting the environment. Everday actions were now outlawed making ordinary citizens criminals. What makes them criminals? A law created by a man.

People never think about themselves when they say "Hey thats a good idea" and many are quick to label those that perform these everyday acts that are now outlawed as criminals. The ones that speak out against the slope that it leads to are thought of as just as bad as those that commit these now offensive crimes.

The bottomline is that people need to think before they follow. Too many people in this country have become a mob of ignorants looking to quickly blame others flaws while forgetting that their own might be deemed criminal tommorrow if they continue allowing other people to run their lives.

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