America has grown soft, weak & sissified since 2006.

We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

What do you mean "since 2006?" It's been going down hill a lot longer than that!
[]The rich control China now?


The poor starving to death has no bearing on My life. Why should I send money to government to feed them?

See how you logic works?

If they try to KILL YOU to keep their children from starving, yeah, you m ight have a serious concern there.

Let's be honest, guy, our welfare system is designed to keep them out of the streets rioting. Which IS what they were doing in the 1960's.

BS, the rioters of the 1960's were spoiled college kids high on pot. poor people don't riot, they may steal and beg but not riot. rioting takes energy.

I'm guessing you are too young and ignorant to know any better.

But in the 1960's, we had race riots- lots of them. I remember my dad moving my mom and all the kids to Wisconsin one summer and teaching her how to shoot in case the rioters got to our nice middle class neighborhood.

List of ethnic riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[]The rich control China now?


The poor starving to death has no bearing on My life. Why should I send money to government to feed them?

See how you logic works?

If they try to KILL YOU to keep their children from starving, yeah, you m ight have a serious concern there.

Let's be honest, guy, our welfare system is designed to keep them out of the streets rioting. Which IS what they were doing in the 1960's.

BS, the rioters of the 1960's were spoiled college kids high on pot. poor people don't riot, they may steal and beg but not riot. rioting takes energy.

Poor folk don't riot?


How quickly people forget even recent history, eh?

Images of the urban riots of the late 60s

sadly, half of the country would rather vote for a living than work for a living. the last election proved that

That's utter bullshit. The last election proved that people couldn't stand Mitt Romney.

But they can stand braindead idiots like Obama and Biden?

LOL. They elected President Obama for a second term.

You fellows are a minority with your 19th century idiocy. Grow up and join the 21st century.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

I think we have gotten soft way before 2006.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

I think we have gotten soft way before 2006.

correct, it started with FDR and continued with every president since.
The problem with using our own version of the past as history is that historians also use the past for their history, and on occasion the two pasts differ. Were we feared, at time but the Barbary pirates exacted their tolls from us, we had citizens rising up to challenge government laws and so on. Some citizens were not as patriotic as we remember them. One third of the colonists were against the Revolutionary War another third could care less. The army talked of mutiny against Washington. Lincoln made an early living suing people, and the nation condoned slavery. The ambitious and daring built this country but they had a lot of aid from the very country they were trying to build, and there might be a few bucks involved for some of the those ambitious and daring.
At one time I collected old newspapers and as I read some of them I saw the same problems we think if as new to our generation all there and seemingly considered normal. America's greatness I believe has been its attempts, many successful, with some people, many times too few, facing our shortcomings and trying to correct them. Perhaps being feared is not always a sign of greatness?
How would the wealthy and corporations be able to pick winners and losers if the Government itself didn't have this kind of power to influence?

Because lobbyists, billionaires and mega corps flush with campaign cash are the only "voices" that our representatives listen to anymore. In other words, legalized bribery.
Because lobbyists, billionaires and mega corps flush with campaign cash are the only "voices" that our representatives listen to anymore. In other words, legalized bribery.

That's nice, but that does answer the question.

Lobby, billionaires and mega corporations want to influence Government, and government is willing to sell that influence.

How would the wealthy and corporations be able to pick winners and losers if the Government itself didn't have this kind of power to influence?
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

This post is embarrassingly stupid. The Iraqi Resistance wasn't afraid of us from 2003-2005, and humiliated the US in front of the whole world. It ended the GOP grip on power, and the GOP only has itself to blame. Conservatives with their stupid chest-thumping macho B.S killed thousands of US troops needlessly in Iraq.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

This post is embarrassingly stupid. The Iraqi Resistance wasn't afraid of us from 2003-2005, and humiliated the US in front of the whole world. It ended the GOP grip on power, and the GOP only has itself to blame. Conservatives with their stupid chest-thumping macho B.S killed thousands of US troops needlessly in Iraq.

What's suprisingly stupid is you seem to think American history started with Iraq in 2003.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

This post is embarrassingly stupid. The Iraqi Resistance wasn't afraid of us from 2003-2005, and humiliated the US in front of the whole world. It ended the GOP grip on power, and the GOP only has itself to blame. Conservatives with their stupid chest-thumping macho B.S killed thousands of US troops needlessly in Iraq.

What's suprisingly stupid is you seem to think American history started with Iraq in 2003.

Where did I say that, you dolt? Could you be any less intellectually intimidating? You said America starting getting "sissified" since 2006, which is stupid, because America started getting pushed around quite a bit from 2003-2005, and by a bunch of simpleton Iraqis too. The whole world saw the world's strongest military bogged down and out of its depth, and it's the fault of Conservatism for supporting that stupid war, and the stupid oaf of a President who thought it should be fought.

The Iraq Debacle and Bush Recession were the results of Conservatism, and Obama's election was in reaction to those two massive GOP flops & failures. You conservatives only have yourselves to blame for Obama's two election victories.
The Iraq Debacle and Bush Recession were the results of Conservatism, and Obama's election was in reaction to those two massive GOP flops & failures. You conservatives only have yourselves to blame for Obama's two election victories.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but the Housing Bubble and the NASDAQ bubble are the same bubble. Calling it a Bush Recession is not quite accurate...
His watch, his Recession. Live with it. His policies led to 9/11 at the beginning, the Iraq Debacle in the middle, and a massive job-shedding recession at the end.

His Presidency was a flop, and it's the fault of Conservatism.
His watch, his Recession. Live with it.

So any misfortune which happens while a President is presiding is automatically that President's fault? Can't argue with that logic...

His policies led to 9/11 at the beginning, the Iraq Debacle in the middle, and a massive job-shedding recession at the end.

Which version of stupid are we dealing with here? He wasn't even President for 7 months before that happened. Hardly enough time for any meaningful foreign policy legislation to take effect. Maybe you have forgotten but the President doesn't have the authority to go to war. That power is reserved for Congress only. As for the policies which lead to the job-shedding recession, those were also Clinton's policies, which is now also Obama's policies. The low Fed Funds Rate, expansion of the monetary base, sound familiar? Stock Market bubble and the Housing bubble are the same bubble.

I'm not really sure you understand the causes of the recession, but you'll learn tonight.

His Presidency was a flop, and it's the fault of Conservatism.

Yes, we get it. You're a partisan hack too.
His watch, his Recession. Live with it.

So any misfortune which happens while a President is presiding is automatically that President's fault? Can't argue with that logic...

His policies led to 9/11 at the beginning, the Iraq Debacle in the middle, and a massive job-shedding recession at the end.

Which version of stupid are we dealing with here? He wasn't even President for 7 months before that happened. Hardly enough time for any meaningful foreign policy legislation to take effect. Maybe you have forgotten but the President doesn't have the authority to go to war. That power is reserved for Congress only. As for the policies which lead to the job-shedding recession, those were also Clinton's policies, which is now also Obama's policies. The low Fed Funds Rate, expansion of the monetary base, sound familiar? Stock Market bubble and the Housing bubble are the same bubble.

I'm not really sure you understand the causes of the recession, but you'll learn tonight.

His Presidency was a flop, and it's the fault of Conservatism.

Yes, we get it. You're a partisan hack too.

Your CCCP-like history revisionism is amusing. The Conservative History of the Bushtard Years includes hilarious claims like "No attacks....after 9/11", "Iraq War big success.....after surge." and "Seven and a half years of economic growth!" . :lol:

Not enough voters bought into these laughable, Conservative, mountain-of-feces claims about how Bush is not to blame for anything...because most voters aren't oafish, low-info, simpleton, ill-spoken conservatives like you and El Bushtardo.
Your CCCP-like history revisionism is amusing.

Explain the revisionism. I'll wait...

The Conservative History of the Bushtard Years includes hilarious claims like "No attacks....after 9/11", "Iraq War big success.....after surge." and "Seven and a half years of economic growth!" . :lol:

When have I made any of these claims? Address what I am saying, not what you would like me to say.

Not enough voters bought into these laughable, Conservative, mountain-of-feces claims about how Bush is not to blame for anything...because most voters aren't oafish, low-info, simpleton, ill-spoken conservatives like you and El Bushtardo.

Your ability to change the subject does not convince me that you are knowledgeable...
Your CCCP-like history revisionism is amusing.

Explain the revisionism. I'll wait...

The Conservative History of the Bushtard Years includes hilarious claims like "No attacks....after 9/11", "Iraq War big success.....after surge." and "Seven and a half years of economic growth!" . :lol:

When have I made any of these claims? Address what I am saying, not what you would like me to say.

Not enough voters bought into these laughable, Conservative, mountain-of-feces claims about how Bush is not to blame for anything...because most voters aren't oafish, low-info, simpleton, ill-spoken conservatives like you and El Bushtardo.

Your ability to change the subject does not convince me that you are knowledgeable...

You're a joke. No wonder America doesn't want Conservatives back in the White House. The American people are too smart to want such stupid idiots back in power. They learned the hard way from the failed Presidency of George W. Bush and its foreign and domestic policy disasters.

Tell me, did the GOP-led Congress and Bush make any mistakes at all? Any? Can a hack like you bring yourself to admit to any error that they may have made? I'm betting against it.
You're a joke. No wonder America doesn't want Conservatives back in the White House.

They don't fancy Liberals either. The devil you know is just better than the devil you don't. As much as you disliked and hated Bush, even he got two terms.

The American people are too smart to want such stupid idiots back in power. They learned the hard way from the failed Presidency of George W. Bush and its foreign and domestic policy disasters.

Romney was a Conservative? Had me fooled. Could have sworn he spent most of his time convincing the electorate that he was exactly like Obama.

Tell me, did the GOP-led Congress and Bush make any mistakes at all? Any? Can a hack like you bring yourself to admit to any error that they may have made? I'm betting against it.

Congress made the wrong decision to go to war. Congress spent too much and were fiscally irresponsible. Bush should have acknowledge the phony prosperity under the Clinton administration and recognized it for what it was, an asset bubble. But instead decided to paper over the mistake (with his friend and political buddy, Alan Greenspan) and lower interest rates, setting the president for one of the worse financial collapse in history. He was a protectionist and didn't really understand the Free Market very much.

Bush had a ton of economic sins, which are Obama's sins. It's just sad you're playing into their two party pony game.

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