America has grown soft, weak & sissified since 2006.

[Did you miss the point?

The entire fallacy of, "it doesn't affect Me" talking point? Because there are a lot of Americans who CAN support themselves so we have to ask....If gay marriage makes no difference on My life, or the lives of many Americans....why would people who cannot house or feed themselves matter? Because that too, won't affect My life. I can function in society without aid from anyone.

There are a butt load of issues just like this one that the left (and some of the GOP, I don't say the right because real conservatives don't give a shit what others think, including the GOP) that seem to be overlooked.

Hypocrisy is just a word anymore, without any real relevance

I'm sure you can. But frankly, if you were black and only had a HS education, I doubt you'd be so successful in this country.

The thing is, those people who can't feed themselves do matter, because if we don't address their issue, THEY WILL OVERTHROW the country.

That's why we have a welfare state, guy. to keep them pacified. Please don't pretend we do it for any decent reason.
Blowin up other people and their shit....
the cure for modern foreign policy issues.

Even if we find out that Syria used chemical weapons, I still don't think that we should send troops into Syria and topple the regime.

Nor do I, especially since the replacements are at best lukewarm Al Qaeda supporters.

Replacing one islamic theocracy with another islamic theocracy as we did in Afghanistan and Iraq doesn't seem like enough ROI to me. This is what I meant by learning....we saw what "winning" looks like in those two countries and some on this board want us to send troops into other ME hotspots and "win" there too. Lest we be condemned to being pussified.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

you're overcompensating
Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

I'm trying to understand if this is you showing us what weak and sissified looks like or if this is a real complaint
[]The rich control China now?


The poor starving to death has no bearing on My life. Why should I send money to government to feed them?

See how you logic works?

If they try to KILL YOU to keep their children from starving, yeah, you m ight have a serious concern there.

Let's be honest, guy, our welfare system is designed to keep them out of the streets rioting. Which IS what they were doing in the 1960's.

BS, the rioters of the 1960's were spoiled college kids high on pot. poor people don't riot, they may steal and beg but not riot. rioting takes energy.
We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

It's an odd thing about the so-called "good ol' days." People tend to look back nostalgically with a memory that's, at best, incomplete. Those wonderful 50s weren't wonderful for everyone. Back in those days, certain classes of people were treated pretty badly. Which naturally gave the privileged few an unrealistic view of how good and easy things were.

But there were other problems, of course. Drunk driving wasn't taken very seriously since the penalties were pretty modest. Child abductions and disappearances didn't get the press or the attention they do today. Infant deaths were almost always written off as SIDs. Spousal abuse wasn't considered to be much of a law enforcement issue except in the most extreme cases. Hell, even airplane crashes were far more common than today. But that interfering federal gov't decided to stick their nose into the matter and helped make flying (AND driving) safer than it was before.

Speaking of drunk driving, how about those days of prohibition? Some people talk about violent video games today as being an influence on crime, but what about all those gangster movies of the 30s when criminals actually had automatic weapons which they USED. Sure it was a reflection of real life, but did those movies truly influence people to become more violent? Did conservatives complain about THOSE movies? Maybe somebody could research that. But at the time, our gov't realized that having automatic weapons and drum clips floating around in the general population was not such a great idea, and they were restricted. Understandably so. It sure hasn't resulted in Americans being disarmed though, has it? I don't know if 2nd Amendment fans were up in arms at that time because of the restrictions, but it certainly hasn't resulted in Americans being unable to defend themselves with firearms if they feel the desire to own some.

But you go ahead and remember the good ol' days!
We have seen enormous increases in regulations and regulators. They strangle business at all levels and cost enormous amounts of money. We will never get back to full employment. Our GDP growth rate is atrocious, the worst of any recovery on record.

Honey, it isn't the government writing those regulations - that would be the mega corporations writing the rules IN THEIR FAVOR to eliminate competition from the little guy (and to protect themselves from us). Then you guys go out and champion shit legislation like Citizens United... yet you bitch about it??? The reason we're in the giant suck we are now is that we are now effectively a plutocracy. Regular Americans no longer have a real voice in our government. The wealthy and corporations pick and choose who we get to vote for, what legislation gets passed etc... and it sure won't be in our best interests. Put the blame squarely where it lies.
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Get over the fact that your ideology was not what the country felt was prevalent to the times.
End of story.

This country is finished. I never thought I would say that. But many events have come together to persuade me of that. Obama's re election is just one. There was no way he should have won. Instead there were about five cities that gave him the victory. In each city there was a large population of welfare class inner city people who turned out to vote, flipping the state and the election to Obama. When welfare class voters determine who the president is, we're done. We have seen enormous increases in regulations and regulators. They strangle business at all levels and cost enormous amounts of money. We will never get back to full employment. Our GDP growth rate is atrocious, the worst of any recovery on record. The combination of low growth and high structural unemployment is consistent with Euro-style sclerosis. In that environment we cannot maintain our military, thus we are weak throughout the world.
It is very sad and it will not change. It is not like the malaise of Carter's era. A Reagan could never get elected today.
Hell yes, since ronnie the saint reagan.

We have seen enormous increases in regulations and regulators. They strangle business at all levels and cost enormous amounts of money. We will never get back to full employment. Our GDP growth rate is atrocious, the worst of any recovery on record.

Honey, it isn't the government writing those regulations - that would be the mega corporations writing the rules IN THEIR FAVOR to eliminate competition from the little guy (and to protect themselves from us). Then you guys go out and champion shit legislation like Citizens United... yet you bitch about it??? The reason we're in the giant suck we are now is that we are now effectively a plutocracy. Regular Americans no longer have a real voice in our government. The wealthy and corporations pick and choose who we get to vote for, what legislation gets passed etc... and it sure won't be in our best interests. Put the blame squarely where it lies.
Honey, it isn't the government writing those regulations - that would be the mega corporations writing the rules IN THEIR FAVOR to eliminate competition from the little guy (and to protect themselves from us). Then you guys go out and champion shit legislation like Citizens United... yet you bitch about it??? The reason we're in the giant suck we are now is that we are now effectively a plutocracy. Regular Americans no longer have a real voice in our government. The wealthy and corporations pick and choose who we get to vote for, what legislation gets passed etc... and it sure won't be in our best interests. Put the blame squarely where it lies.

How would the wealthy and corporations be able to pick winners and losers if the Government itself didn't have this kind of power to influence?
America has grown soft, weak & sissified since 2006.



We were once a nation to be respected and feared. A nation that wasn't afraid to drop big ass bombs on cities to CREATE peace. Now we cower and bow down to all manner of other nations, both friendly and foe.

Worse than that we've grown weak internally. As now we are just as content to sue our neighbors rather than wait for or accept their apology.

Then we have gov't trying to manage our personal lives like Donald Fucking Trump on a real estate deal.

Our children watch vile cartoons on the cartoon network and comedy channel and think that it's ok to act out what they see. We have utter filth on tv EVERY SINGLE NIGHT during prime time. The time when families USED to gather around the tube together.

We have an entire generation of kids killing each other over a fucking pair of Nike's or a dime bag and NO ONE tries to intervene that has any clout. And when someone on the right tries to bring it up instead of praise for being brave and facing the issue they are labeled racist or intolerant.

Businesses are being sued for once trivial bullshit and losing because we have grown into a weak society that thinks all our problems are someone elses fault.

Now we lock down entire cities over terrorism and then coddle the fuckers when we catch them. What kind of god damn signal does that send our enemies? You can kill our citizens and we'll give you 3 hots and a cot?

We are so god damn affraid to offend each other that we walk on egg shellsand pretend that being sheltered rather than outgoing is normal. Wanna start a new business? Well here's 9 miles of red tape and regulations to make sure you don't offend anyone, including that damned endangered spider in your back yard.

I am not that old and I can remember when this nation was great. When it ment something to be successful. The ambitious and daring built this country and now the weak and sissified are tearing it down.

It's an odd thing about the so-called "good ol' days." People tend to look back nostalgically with a memory that's, at best, incomplete. Those wonderful 50s weren't wonderful for everyone. Back in those days, certain classes of people were treated pretty badly. Which naturally gave the privileged few an unrealistic view of how good and easy things were.

But there were other problems, of course. Drunk driving wasn't taken very seriously since the penalties were pretty modest. Child abductions and disappearances didn't get the press or the attention they do today. Infant deaths were almost always written off as SIDs. Spousal abuse wasn't considered to be much of a law enforcement issue except in the most extreme cases. Hell, even airplane crashes were far more common than today. But that interfering federal gov't decided to stick their nose into the matter and helped make flying (AND driving) safer than it was before.

Speaking of drunk driving, how about those days of prohibition? Some people talk about violent video games today as being an influence on crime, but what about all those gangster movies of the 30s when criminals actually had automatic weapons which they USED. Sure it was a reflection of real life, but did those movies truly influence people to become more violent? Did conservatives complain about THOSE movies? Maybe somebody could research that. But at the time, our gov't realized that having automatic weapons and drum clips floating around in the general population was not such a great idea, and they were restricted. Understandably so. It sure hasn't resulted in Americans being disarmed though, has it? I don't know if 2nd Amendment fans were up in arms at that time because of the restrictions, but it certainly hasn't resulted in Americans being unable to defend themselves with firearms if they feel the desire to own some.

But you go ahead and remember the good ol' days!

What always amuses me about the video game argument is that, from what I saw when I was pricing them for a gift last year or so, is that they re-enact real life conflicts. Navy SEALs seem to be popular in the genre.

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