Alt-Right Defined

I knew Lucy was an alt-right scumbag from our very first interaction. She's an anti-American POS.
This is a Zone2 area. Keep your insults and trolling out of here, TIA...

Those aren't insults, just stating facts.
How does that post contribute to the topic?
It is trolling and hurling insults. Why? Could it be that you lack anything intelligent to add to the conversation?

You were voted hall monitor of the year, weren't you?
It has everything to do with intelligence.
You need to know what place you go to take a crap. We use restrooms. You use your living room. That's the difference.
Yes it's why none of them have been able to respond, all their responses have been like the Kool-Aid Pre-Programmed Robot type.

Yes. It's more than stupid for droids who are still running around regurgitating old Soviet Cold War anti-western propaganda, promoting assassinations of police, violent hate crimes against whites, Maoist style 're-education' and 'cultural revolutions', importing millions of hard core racists and morons from South America, etc., etc., to be sniveling about self-defense movements, most of which wouldn't exist in the first place if it weren't for their avid pursuit of their own degenerate violent racist agenda, They are frauds and hypocrites of the most vile and evil sorts.
I knew Lucy was an alt-right scumbag from our very first interaction. She's an anti-American POS.
This is a Zone2 area. Keep your insults and trolling out of here, TIA...

Those aren't insults, just stating facts.
How does that post contribute to the topic?
It is trolling and hurling insults. Why? Could it be that you lack anything intelligent to add to the conversation?

You were voted hall monitor of the year, weren't you?
It has everything to do with intelligence.
You need to know what place you go to take a crap. We use restrooms. You use your living room. That's the difference.

Horseshit. I've seen nothing but conservatives hurling trollish insult after insult in "zone 2." The mods here don't enforce it. If they do, they cherry pick.
Wikipedia provides the best definition of the alt-right that I've seen:

The alt-right is a segment of far-right ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1]The alt-right has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[2][3][4] as well as opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[5][6]

The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have described it as a loosely defined conservative movement associated with white nationalism,[6][7][8] white supremacism,[2][6][9][10] antisemitism,[2][6][11][8] right-wing populism,[12][13] nativism,[14] and the neoreactionary movement.[1][15][16]

The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan.[2][9][11][17][18]

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia provides the best definition of the alt-right that I've seen:

The alt-right is a segment of far-right ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1]The alt-right has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[2][3][4] as well as opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[5][6]

The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have described it as a loosely defined conservative movement associated with white nationalism,[6][7][8] white supremacism,[2][6][9][10] antisemitism,[2][6][11][8] right-wing populism,[12][13] nativism,[14] and theneoreactionary movement.[1][15][16]

The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan.[2][9][11][17][18]

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They're basically tech savvy white nationalists that repel women, so they all get together to whine and cry and masturbate with each others tears.

I think my definition is better.
Wikipedia provides the best definition of the alt-right that I've seen:

The alt-right is a segment of far-right ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1]The alt-right has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[2][3][4] as well as opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[5][6]

The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have described it as a loosely defined conservative movement associated with white nationalism,[6][7][8] white supremacism,[2][6][9][10] antisemitism,[2][6][11][8] right-wing populism,[12][13] nativism,[14] and theneoreactionary movement.[1][15][16]

The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan.[2][9][11][17][18]

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you link to a source where anybody can write and edit...

Sorry, but you need to find a credible source, since you could have easily inserted your bullshit into the one you posted....
Burley High School boosters are having a golf scramble tomorrow. And to think I'll miss all this excitement for 4 hours tomorrow. dayum.

They've learned a new meme, and it only has 7 letters, which means it appeals to first graders and stoners, so now we'll be hearing about it for several months.
Wikipedia provides the best definition of the alt-right that I've seen:

The alt-right is a segment of far-right ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1]The alt-right has been described as a movement unified by support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,[2][3][4] as well as opposition to multiculturalism and immigration.[5][6]

The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have described it as a loosely defined conservative movement associated with white nationalism,[6][7][8] white supremacism,[2][6][9][10] antisemitism,[2][6][11][8] right-wing populism,[12][13] nativism,[14] and theneoreactionary movement.[1][15][16]

The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with Internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs, often on websites such as 4chan.[2][9][11][17][18]

Alt-right - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So you link to a source where anybody can write and edit...

Sorry, but you need to find a credible source, since you could have easily inserted your bullshit into the one you posted....

That's not really how wikipedia works. I realize this is a right wing talking point, because you guys HATE wikipedia, but you can't just go in there and edit whatever you want. They're very strict and everything must come with accurate citations.

If you don't like wiki, click through to the sources. Educate yourself.
Horseshit. I've seen nothing but conservatives hurling trollish insult after insult in "zone 2." The mods here don't enforce it. If they do, they cherry pick.
Again, it comes back to intelligence. The "he did it too" doesn't make it to be anything but making excuses. I don't know about cherry picking, I see posts disappearing sometimes.
They're basically tech savvy white nationalists that repel women, so they all get together to whine and cry and masturbate with each others tears.

I think my definition is better.
Baseless speculation designed to attack without being specific. These attacks are designed to discredit the messenger and ignore the message.
I knew Lucy was an alt-right scumbag from our very first interaction. She's an anti-American POS.
This is a Zone2 area. Keep your insults and trolling out of here, TIA...

Those aren't insults, just stating facts.
How does that post contribute to the topic?
It is trolling and hurling insults. Why? Could it be that you lack anything intelligent to add to the conversation?

You were voted hall monitor of the year, weren't you?
It has everything to do with intelligence.
You need to know what place you go to take a crap. We use restrooms. You use your living room. That's the difference.
Took me a while to figure it out. He's a freak'n eskimo.

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