Rational and proud of it.
I realized the other day that I have been debating with conservatives on the USMB and else where, and yet, I only think I know what conservatives want, but I have never had it actually laid out for me. I'll list what I think Conservatism stands for and why, and you conservatives correct me and add anything I might've left out. Please be prepared to answer questions and defend your points.
And I would welcome if a conservative did this for liberals. It could be a great way to have an open dialogue and gain a greater understanding of the other side's perspective and motives.
Please refrain from angry posts, name-calling, and other unhelpful communication techniques (or lack thereof).
Fiscal Conservatism:
1. Lower taxes, because you should keep what you earn and there are many lazy people who simply want or live off of government hand-outs; and, to keep the economy strong.
2. Less government intrusion in our personal lives, because you know how to live your life and the government should have nothing to do with it.
3. Less governmental regulations on business practices, because that's the foundation of free market capitalism.
4. Abolishment of Welfare and Medicaid, see #1.
5. Privatized Social Security or its abolishment, because you know better how to spend and save your money.
6. Broadened opportunity to attain wealth, see #3.
7. The Federal government should have nothing to do with education, it requires more taxes, see #1.
Social Conservatism
1. Abortion criminalized, because its murder (per the Bible).
2. A government based on Christian Values, because the founding fathers were Christians and that's the morality on which they founded the nation.
3. Homosexuality banned, because the Bible says so.
4. Affirmative action discontinued, because black people are playing the race card and not really suffering as badly as they project. And, ultimately, affirmative action hurts all of the races.
5. Stricter legal sentences for criminals and drug users, to deter and lower the crime rate.
1. Strong Defense, because otherwise we would be invaded or destroyed, or our allies would.
2. To Maintain the US's role as the world economic and military superpower, see Fiscal Conservatism #6 and Other #1.
3. Right to bear arms, to defend yourself against criminals and to have the opportunity to revolt against the government if you thought it was necessary.
4. Conservatives would mostly agree that: The way things are in American government are mostly good, except for over-spending, activist judges, over taxation of the wealthy and of business, and lenient jail terms.
5. Conservatives would mostly agree that: The way things are in American society are mostly wrong, because of teaching wrong things about Christianity in public schools, liberal media bias, liberal immorality, and widespread crime and drug use.
I know there's more but I can't think of'em. Alright, have at!
And I would welcome if a conservative did this for liberals. It could be a great way to have an open dialogue and gain a greater understanding of the other side's perspective and motives.
Please refrain from angry posts, name-calling, and other unhelpful communication techniques (or lack thereof).
Fiscal Conservatism:
1. Lower taxes, because you should keep what you earn and there are many lazy people who simply want or live off of government hand-outs; and, to keep the economy strong.
2. Less government intrusion in our personal lives, because you know how to live your life and the government should have nothing to do with it.
3. Less governmental regulations on business practices, because that's the foundation of free market capitalism.
4. Abolishment of Welfare and Medicaid, see #1.
5. Privatized Social Security or its abolishment, because you know better how to spend and save your money.
6. Broadened opportunity to attain wealth, see #3.
7. The Federal government should have nothing to do with education, it requires more taxes, see #1.
Social Conservatism
1. Abortion criminalized, because its murder (per the Bible).
2. A government based on Christian Values, because the founding fathers were Christians and that's the morality on which they founded the nation.
3. Homosexuality banned, because the Bible says so.
4. Affirmative action discontinued, because black people are playing the race card and not really suffering as badly as they project. And, ultimately, affirmative action hurts all of the races.
5. Stricter legal sentences for criminals and drug users, to deter and lower the crime rate.
1. Strong Defense, because otherwise we would be invaded or destroyed, or our allies would.
2. To Maintain the US's role as the world economic and military superpower, see Fiscal Conservatism #6 and Other #1.
3. Right to bear arms, to defend yourself against criminals and to have the opportunity to revolt against the government if you thought it was necessary.
4. Conservatives would mostly agree that: The way things are in American government are mostly good, except for over-spending, activist judges, over taxation of the wealthy and of business, and lenient jail terms.
5. Conservatives would mostly agree that: The way things are in American society are mostly wrong, because of teaching wrong things about Christianity in public schools, liberal media bias, liberal immorality, and widespread crime and drug use.
I know there's more but I can't think of'em. Alright, have at!