All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The International Committee of the Red Cross, self-appointed guardian of the laws of war, has embarked on an exciting new online project: destroying the very laws it ostensibly seeks to protect. Of course, the ICRC would put it differently; it would say it’s teaching the laws of war. The problem is that the “laws” it teaches aren’t the actual laws of war, as codified in international treaties, but a made-up version that effectively denies countries any right of self-defense against enemies that fight from positions inside civilian populations. And it is thereby teaching anyone unwilling to concede the right of self-defense that the laws of war should simply be ignored.

(full article online)

The Red Cross Destroys the Laws of War
Israel believes that it is OK to level entire neighborhoods or villages to get a few fighters.

Islamic terrorists believe it is OK to commit acts of Islamic terrorism using “Pal’istanians” as human shields knowing that Israel is obligated to respond to acts of war.

Why should anyone expect that Islamic terrorists are entitled to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequence?
You played terrorist cards.

Good girl. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
The International Committee of the Red Cross, self-appointed guardian of the laws of war, has embarked on an exciting new online project: destroying the very laws it ostensibly seeks to protect. Of course, the ICRC would put it differently; it would say it’s teaching the laws of war. The problem is that the “laws” it teaches aren’t the actual laws of war, as codified in international treaties, but a made-up version that effectively denies countries any right of self-defense against enemies that fight from positions inside civilian populations. And it is thereby teaching anyone unwilling to concede the right of self-defense that the laws of war should simply be ignored.

(full article online)

The Red Cross Destroys the Laws of War
Israel believes that it is OK to level entire neighborhoods or villages to get a few fighters.

Islamic terrorists believe it is OK to commit acts of Islamic terrorism using “Pal’istanians” as human shields knowing that Israel is obligated to respond to acts of war.

Why should anyone expect that Islamic terrorists are entitled to acts of Islamic terrorism without consequence?
You played terrorist cards.

Good girl. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

You scurried off for your usual retreat to cartoons.

Of course some (and indeed many of the same) people would also like to see Britain in front of the International Criminal Court – particularly in relation to its military action in Iraq – but Mark Urban did not mention that.

Instead, after Maitlis had set the scene with a reference to the Nuremberg Trials and just seconds after viewers had heard two references to ethnic cleansing, he casually put an entire nation – “the Israelis” – in the same category as named heads of regimes infamous for their extreme acts of cruelty towards their own people.

(full article online)

BBC 2’s ‘Newsnight’ squeezes Israel into Bosnia report
The incident began when Breaking the Silence disseminated a video of Lt. (res.) Dean Issacharoff confessing to abusing a Palestinian who had resisted being handcuffed. For those wondering why Issacharoff would condemn himself in this fashion, it has emerged that when he doesn't serve in the IDF reserves, he serves as spokesperson for the anti-Israel nongovernmental organization. The organization is vilified for spreading anonymous "testimony," which makes it impossible to investigate and prosecute soldiers who transgressed or to disprove the charges. Indeed, the organization opens the video by saying it contains "chilling testimony of an IDF officer who served in Hebron, who attests to viciously assaulting a Palestinian for no reason and without being asked to do so."
How strange. When police investigators concluded, based on the gathered testimonies, that Issacharoff did not commit the alleged crime, the prosecution should have put him on trial anyway just so the court could "prove his claims?" And how would such a trial go? Would the prosecution argue that Issacharoff is innocent while his defense attorneys try proving his guilt?

Lasky is too experienced an attorney to pursue such a trial. Anyone studying for the bar exam, not to mention any first-year law student, knows it is a terrible idea. She knows she cannot bring the matter before the court.

Issacharoff's subordinates and commanders released a video in which they denied his allegations and called him a liar. Issacharoff will sue them for defamation of character and let the court discuss the matter "openly and publicly," and determine if he indeed transgressed. Perhaps Issacharoff should also sue the Palestinian he allegedly abused for essentially calling him a liar as well.

(full article online)
Pali's & their supporters sure don't seem to want to discuss any of Israel's endless contributions for better lives throughout the world. Gosh I wonder why that is?
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