All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss 2

The Report:


On Jan. 17, 2024, the internationally designated terror organization the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Fatah’s military wing, published this poster honoring 5 killed terrorists. One of them is defined as follows:

“Captain Abdallah Abu Shalal, member of the PA General Intelligence,” “Commander Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades”
[Fatah-run Awdah TV journalist Anas Hoshia, Telegram, Jan. 17, 2024]
The Israeli army announced that Abu Shalal was a senior terrorist:

“The Israeli army announced that… a cell of terrorists was on its way to committing an attack, which was led by Abdallah Abu Shalal, head of the terror infrastructure in the [Balata refugee] camp – who was considered one of the central terror leaders in Judea and Samaria (i.e., the West Bank).”
[ynet, Israeli news website, Jan. 17, 2024]
A second terrorist pictured in the poster was listed as “Captain Saif Al-Najmi, also a member of the Palestinian [Authority] National Security Forces.”

To read or download in PDF the full report documenting the PA Security Forces' involvement in terror, click here.

Police at the scene of a terror shooting attack outside of Ma'ale Adumim in the West Bank, February 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean); Inset: Matan Elmaliah, 26, from Ma'ale Adumim, who was killed in the attack. (X, used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)
Police at the scene of a terror shooting attack outside of Ma'ale Adumim in the West Bank, February 22, 2024. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean); Inset: Matan Elmaliah, 26, from Ma'ale Adumim, who was killed in the attack. (X, used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

"The Big Lie" is normally defined as "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

Surprisingly, Joseph Goebbels did not make up the concept of "the Big Lie." Adolf Hitler did, in Mein Kampf, claiming that this was a propaganda method of the Jews:

All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true in itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

Hitler, of course, used this method against the Jews. In the very next paragraph, he wrote:
From time immemorial. however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race?
The Holocaust was based on this Big Lie, that Jews are an inferior race.

Israel haters have used The Big Lie method liberally. we are seeing it today with their applying the terms "genocide" and "apartheid" to Israel. They don't even pretend to defend these absurd accusations anymore - they believe that by just repeating them, and "thinking past the sale," they can plant the association between Israel and these crimes against humanity in people's minds, so the lies become accepted as self-evidently true. No one can believe that they are being lied to so brazenly.

But before these libels, there was another lie I have documented previously - the lie that Israel is on "occupied" or ("stolen") "Palestinian Territory." That lie is so entrenched that the very title of the of the current International Court of Justice case against Israel is "Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem."

Many have discussed Israel's official (and correct) position that the territories aren't "occupied" but "disputed." But not as many have discussed whether the territories are "Palestinian."

Practically no one called them "Palestinian territories" in 1967. Even though Jordan's annexation of the West Bank in 1949 was almost universally not recognized, suddenly in 1967 the West Bank became "Israeli-occupied Jordan."

The UN didn't start using the term "occupied Palestinian territories" in its own reports until 1983. Before then they were "occupied Arab territories."

We know that the land was Ottoman before 1917. We know that the British controlled it but didn't annex it before 1948. We know Jordan controlled it and illegally annexed the west bank before 1967, and maintained it had a legal claim on the territory until 1988.

So when did it become "Palestinian" in the juridical sense?

Under international law, territory can be legally acquired in alimited number of ways, and Palestinians never acquired any land using any of those methods except by agreement with Israel for Area A in the Oslo Accords and Gaza when Israel withdrew from the sector. Outside of those areas, the Palestinians never had any legal title to any land. They certainly never had title over Area C or "east" Jerusalem, indeed not over any areas that Israel has controlled since 1967.

When Jordan gave up its claim to the West Bank in 1988, it had no right to do so since it never had legal sovereignty over the territory. If you look at their actions in July 1988 closely, you can see that Jordan severed all ties with the West Bank but I do not see any formal, legal transfer of the territory to the PLO. King Hussein's speech on July 31 is not a legal treaty. If anything, the official decision by Jordan to stop its fiction of control over the West Bank made Israel the only legal entity that had any claim on the West Bank before Oslo.

Which means that the very basis of the ICJ discussion is based on a Big Lie - the lie that these territories are Palestinian to begin with. There was never any title or transfer of the title of the land to the Palestinians.

I am afraid that the same method that was used to normalize the Big Lie that there exists "Occupied Palestinian Territory" is fast being used to normalize the "apartheid" and "genocide" lies.

As a result of these sanctions, the seven Israelis' bank accounts were frozen, their assets in the US and Britain were frozen, and they were banned from entering those countries. It should be noted that France also announced the imposition of sanctions against 28 Israelis, but did not publish their names.

An investigation by Israel Hayom shows that with the exception of one of the seven, who was previously linked to violent incidents against Arabs, the other six were not known to the Shin Bet and Israel Police as having engaged in such conduct.

Moreover, Israel Hayom learned that the Americans and British did not conduct any preliminary checks or consultations with the police and Shin Bet before imposing the sanctions. This, even though they have extensive ties with Israel's security agencies in a very wide range of areas.

Meanwhile, data received by Israel Hayom shows that in the fourth month of the Gaza war, there was a nearly 50% drop in incidents defined as "extreme violence" in Judea and Samaria, a downward trend that has continued since the start of the war on Oct. 7. These figures essentially debunk claims by the US on a supposed surge of settler violence.

According to the data, which has been accepted as authoritative by the Israel Police, IDF, and Shin Bet, there were 244 incidents defined as popular terrorism, violent friction, attacks, and agricultural sabotage since the start of the war, compared to 475 such incidents in the corresponding period a year earlier.

In addition, during the months of the war, there has not been a single incident in Judea and Samaria defined as a "severe attack" carried out by an Israeli, in contrast to four such incidents in the equivalent period.

The data also shows that the authorities in Judea and Samaria are carrying out significant enforcement operations in order to curb any such incidents. Since the outbreak of the war, 315 cases related to friction incidents between anarchists and Arab residents and Jewish settlers have been opened,17 suspects were arrested, four of whom have been held pending the outcome of their prosecution, and 15 indictments were filed.

A senior police official told Israel Hayom: "Our actions are based on facts and data, not stories. Anyone who breaks the law is dealt with. Period. There is excellent cooperation on the ground between the IDF, Shin Bet, and the police, and there is no dispute over the data. We do know that many incidents actually start with provocations by Leftists and anarchists, so these data do not necessarily tell the whole story and do not mean the blame lies specifically on the settler side."

(full article online)

Peaceful Ramadan through US eyes:

“The Biden administration has also raised concern over fighting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.” [The New York Times]

“The Biden administration believes there is an urgent need to get a deal… because Ramadan is three weeks away.” [Axios]

“The Biden administration is racing against the clock… [for a ceasefire] before Ramadan.” [CNN]

Terror Ramadan through Palestinian Authority eyes:
“The Prophet [Muhammad] entered the great Battle of Badr during Ramadan... In the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra, the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca... The Prophet did not say… ‘now it’s Ramadan, people are fasting, let’s delay it to after Ramadan’… Ramadan is [now]… as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.”

[Abbas’ advisor Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash]

Observing American statements about the Biden administration’s desire for Israel to stop the war against Hamas before the Muslim month of Ramadan, starting March 10, it is clear that the US is applying liberal Western values where they do not fit. America’s push for a ceasefire assumes the holy Muslim month is a time of peace, in an apparent projection of the Christian teachings of “peace on earth” associated with the holiday of Christmas. Accordingly, the US is pressuring Israel to stop its war against Palestinian terror in the Gaza Strip before Ramadan:

“The Biden administration is racing against the clock to secure a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war before Ramadan.” [CNN, Feb. 21, 2024]
“The Biden administration has also raised concern over fighting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan… could be viewed as particularly provocative to Muslims.” [The New York Times, Feb. 11, 2024]
“President Biden's top Middle East adviser Brett McGurk… told Israeli officials that the Biden administration believes there is an urgent need to get a deal… because Ramadan is three weeks away.” [Axios, Feb. 22, 2024]
The US is applying Western cultural and religious values to the Palestinians which are totally out of place. The top Palestinian Authority religious official, Mahmoud Abbas’ personal advisor on Islam, encouraged Palestinian terror specifically during the month of Ramadan in a religious lesson during Ramadan two years ago. He explained that specifically, this month is not a time for “laziness,” but rather is a time to follow the precedent set by Islam’s prophet Muhammad who fought wars during Ramadan. Ramadan, Abbas’ advisor said, is a time for “Jihad, conquest, and victory.”

PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge Mahmoud Al-Habbash:

“Did the Prophet spend Ramadan in calmness, serenity, laziness, and sleepiness? Far be it from him… The Prophet entered the great Battle of Badr (i.e., in 624 CE) during Ramadan... Martyrs fell from among the companions of the Prophet – 14 Martyrs… The companions did not say: ‘O Prophet of Allah, now is a time of fasting and it is hot’... On the 17th of Ramadan he set out to Badr, and the great Battle of Badr took place… Also in the month of Ramadan, in the 8th year of the Hijra (i.e., 629-630 CE), the Prophet and the Muslims conquered Mecca... The Prophet did not say and did not think when he decided to set out to liberate Mecca and to conquer Mecca that ‘Now it’s Ramadan, people are fasting, let’s delay it to after Ramadan’… How can we build [our] lives and lay foundations for Islam if we are lazy, Heaven forbid? Ramadan is not a month of laziness but rather a month of activity, of effort, and of hard work, and as it also was in the life of the Prophet, a month of Jihad, conquest, and victory.”
[Official PA TV, Allah’s Messenger Muhammad, April 3, 2022]​

Another indicator of the way the PA associates Ramadan with terror and murdering Israelis was seen last year when Mahmoud Abbas held a special Ramadan dinner for dignitaries, including “ambassadors and consuls in the State of Palestine, [PA] government members, [PA] Security Forces commanders, families of Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded, judges, academics, publicists, journalists, and businessmen.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2023]


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